by lv2sew 09 Apr 2009

Every morning I have a ritual..Coffee in one hand the mouse in the other...clicking away to find the "ultimate" alpha hunt etc..I have started so many that I had to make a list of the sites in my "favorites" I finally got around to catagorizing them by times to" daily, periodically, weekly etc..Am I addicted or what..I actually bought subscriptions to some sites thinking this would cure my addiction...LOL...All that did was add more sites to many sets are in progress with you??


by mad14kt 09 Apr 2009

I am not really an alpha collector but if I keep hanging around the "CUTIES" I may get into trouble with collecting...LOL LOL LOL ;D *2U

by darmoola 09 Apr 2009

I'm addicted...I just can't help myself. I joined Cute thinking OH MY!!! Look at all those fonts...I was in my heaven is getting bigger and bigger...I can't possibly use all the fonts -- but I need more....I just want to thank everyone who is supporting my to all cuties and flowers too!

by gerryvb 09 Apr 2009

well I think to many to embroider them all :)

by sqdancer 09 Apr 2009

Don't think I will count, right now I am working in Excel and listing the ones that have to be checked as they are still on going and then the ones that are completed...I am listing them by name and the web site they came from also upper, lower and a few each day or so, but never seem to get done as new ones keep starting...sure haven't sewn many of them that's for sure...

1 comment
asterixsew by asterixsew 09 Apr 2009

Oh this is organisation * for the idea

by anna25775 09 Apr 2009

I have no idea how many I have cos I save them according to the website they came from not altogether. I have all from cute and many from amazign designs and many many others probably over hundred. I don't do most hunts for alphas though unless they are special, was wasting too much time hunting. I do love however the anti hunt at Britt designs and her alphas at the yahoo group....... hmmm I definitely have over hundred!

anna25775 by anna25775 09 Apr 2009

by the way so far I have only made use of 3 of them. I just collect them in case one day I get a brilliant idea of what to do with them!

lv2sew by lv2sew 09 Apr 2009

I think I have to used a few of them myself but I can't help myself..just feel I may miss the Ultimate one by not hunting..

by sissibrode 09 Apr 2009

I have just ... 160 alpha !!! :o)*