Wow, I am not American, but this has made me think real hard, as our South African Rand will be at least a Billion x 10 or more to the dollar. Do not even want to mention politicians, and taxes as it only makes you sick. Hugs and * Marietta
Thanks Eric! It is amazing how politics has affected our country and our lives. *4U
Boy, when you find an answer or a committed (to the tax payer!) politician, please let us all know and we will vote for him/her!!
It sure seems funny (not) that politicians make so much money from our ever increasing taxes yet seem too far in left field to know how hard things are. Maybe they should try to live on less than $20,000 a year and explain to me how it all works. I can't seem to find anymore money for their taxes.....
AMEN, Brother, AMEN!! And those of us who have worked since we were 14 years old in the local movie house, bought homes, contributed to the economy and paid all these taxes, are now left on Medicare, with no way to get new glasses or our teeth fixed. But if you never did anything or owned anything, you can have it all for free. You also seem to get a bailout if you were irresponsible and have huge credit card debts, and bought a house you could never afford. But I don't have credit card debt, and can't get help to lower mortgage payments on my mobile home since apparently I was stupid enough to marry a man who was destined to die at 63. Hmmm. Well, guess I should have consulted my crystal ball better, must have been my fault. And my parents & grandparents couldn't press 2 for Polish & Russian, either. Wow, they survived, what a concept, learn the language of the country you live in. Sorry for the rant, you started it, hee hee hee. But the problem is, we keep voting these idiots back into office! Oh, phooey, love you all, Marji
We vote them in because that is all we have to vote for! You have to have to get! Power supports power! Those without do without. I worked hard all my life and now that I am on disability I can not afford my medical expences. I have no idea where I am going to get enough money to pay my bills each month. I can't get any help other than my disability check. I have a neighbor that lives off 1,000. a month S.S. Her house pmt is $500 plus and the lot rent is $455. a month. She went to get food stamps and they alloted her $14.00 a month food stamps. Her daughter has to pay her utility bills. My double-wide is paid for but my meds and Dr bills eat me up. I can't get anything. My lot rent and my utilities take my whole check and I don't have enough to pay my insurance and can only buy groceries but once a month. My son promised to pay the lot rent when he forced me to move up here. He has not helped me since he got engaged to his now wife. NOW... she is making a living for both of them since he had his Heart Attack. He is now learning what it is to be without for the first time in his life. It won't make any difference to him (about me) when he can go back to work. All he cares about is his wife and himself now. I am going to have to move back home and find a way to make it. It does cost less to live there than in the Atlanta area. He does not care if I have to move again even if he did force me to move up here so he could help look after me. That was a joke! That was my moment of insanity! I should never have believed that crock to start with! He just thought he was going to sell our house down there and make a fortune off of it. He got fooled. The bottom fell out of the market for homes and he gave it away to get rid of it. Actually, it cost him money because he spent money on it fixing it up. All we got out of it was this double-wide9in both our names) and he will not let me sell it to get out of this horrible lot rent. There is no way to win if you aren't rich to start with! I worked hard and made decent money all my life but I was raising a son alone and it took all of it to live. Now it is hand to mouth. I am sure the Lord will see me through all of this but it ain't gonna be easy! Billions, What is that other than just a figure on paper? Linda in Ga