Karen, dear - I sure feel for you - nothing worse than being bored in bed. Hehehe!
I am up & about now. But still am not able to do any heavy lifting or climbing stairs. Thank you Shirlene!!! *4U
Weaping may endure for a night but JOY comes in the morning ;D *2U
Hope you are better soon its no fun to be so sick,sorry that your hospital is so far away ,it does not sound that it a very good one at that. Keep your chin up..[be happpy]..and try to look after yourself. Big hugs Heather.
I'm not really sick. I'm just sick of having to stay in bed. Because I can't do much. but here's a * for thinking of me.
I can't help but be v ery glad that my husband is making it very easy to stay in bed.
Hi there. I feel so sorry for you, as I know how it feels, but keep the sunny side up, and it will be over faster than you think. God bless. Marietta
hi karen, take good care and take your time to rest even as you are sick of being in bed.don't overdo it. hugs gerry!
K, I hope you do as told. Nothing like haveing to do it all over again. My prayers are with you. As hard as it is, give it time. Prayers and blessings, Libbie
Yes I am following dr's orders. My husband is waiting on me when he's not at work. He's doing the housework too. :)
Take advantage of that! It may never happen again. heehee You are lucky to have a hubby that will help. You try not to gat in too much of a hurry. It will only cause problems later. It is not fun not being able to get around but mine is a forever thing. I do not have to stay in bed all the time but I can not do very much and not any of the things I have always enjoyed doing. Crippling Arthritis will take its toll on your body and make you stir crazy at times! If I get out and try to do anything , I pay for it for days! Take good care of yourself now so you won't get old before your time! Linda in Ga
Well girls heres a chin up for you....I lost 9 lbs last time I was in bed for awhile..*4u 2
is that a consolation for you to look towards
woohoo, I can keep hoping but worse luck i haven't lost my appetite. LOL!!!
hugs n roses, M
When I came home from the hospital, I didn't feel hungry either. I've been eating salads & smaller portions than what I am used to.
You and me both kiddo!!!!
My butt is so sore i can't get comfortable!
The upside for me is my cat loves it as he has hardly left my side and he has finally stopped 'screaming' for me, from all over the house. (something he started doing while i was in hospital)
keep your chin up, we all get better sooner or later and man is it fun making up for lost time then. LOL!
hugs n roses, Meganne
Yea I had a bladder sling put in. What was supposede to take 1 hr took 3 hrs. The doctor told my husband after I got out into the recovery room that he accidentally interupted a surgery from "97"(hysterectomy)& I ended up loswing about a pint of blood. My bladder surgery took place in a hospital that is on the verge of closing down because of compliance issues. So far there is 13 open court cases against the hospital.
Good Heavens girl, why on earth would you go to such a place????
I won't even use our public hospitals here and yet they're supposed to be ranked in top 3 in the world!
I ALWAYS go private to have my own doctor and be treated like a queen instead of one of the herd.
I really feel sorry for Americans, from what i read about your medical care system it is dire need of a shake up. Ours is having monetary problems since our government committed to the Iraq war, not enough money left over.
I'm hoping to have that surgery done, after I get through the chemo in 18 months, but I will have three surgeons including a plastic surgeon who will give me a tummy tuck at the same time.
I do hope you follow your doctor's orders and stay put. I know it's difficult but that particular procedure fails more than it succeeds because it is so difficult staying stationary until the internal work knits.
hnr, M
That is where my family dr referred me to. There are only 2 hospitals in our county. The closest one is 36 miles away & no urologist. The one that he referred me to is 75 miles away.