by manami 21 Apr 2009

Passion fruit!!! It's so easy to grow - in Australia :) I have tried to grow it in Japan, but with no success. Glad I have it in my garden now. It's so delightful to see it growing everyday, and I wanted to share the pictures with you.


by kezza2sew 25 Apr 2009

Fantastic, I have 2 vines I get the fruit on then the frost comes and kills them all, that is a shame for me..We also love the fruit and buy them often just to cut up and eat..I think we are spoilt here in Australia with so much wonderful fruit. The flower always amazes me it is so very pretty, our Creator is extremely creative....

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manami by manami 25 Apr 2009

So true, our Creator is amazingly creative! Thank you, Kerry!

by sherylac 25 Apr 2009

Wow!!! Yoriko, hasn't your passionfruit grown. and yes, the flowers are just beautiful, I used to eat them straight from the vine when I was young. And have you seen the yellow one, not as nice to eat I don't think, Thanks for the lovely photo, Also if you have too many you can freeze the pulp in ice cube trays and then use the frozen pulp in your drinks

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manami by manami 25 Apr 2009

I plan on freezing the pulp to make juice. :) Thank you, Sheryl!

by clawton 24 Apr 2009

Looks like you have the ideal spot to grow it. Beautiful.

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manami by manami 25 Apr 2009

It's interesting that the soil in my place is mixed with sand, so I think it's fenomenal that it is growing beautifully! Thank you, Carolyn!

by castelyn 22 Apr 2009

It does look very pretty Yoriko- thanks for sharing. Hugs Yvonne

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manami by manami 23 Apr 2009

Thank you,Yvonne!

by kharriman 21 Apr 2009

Very nice. *4U

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manami by manami 22 Apr 2009

Thank you, Kharriman!

by shirlener88 21 Apr 2009

Very lovely.

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manami by manami 21 Apr 2009

Thank you, Shirlene!

by pennifold 21 Apr 2009

Yoriko, did you know that the Passionfruit flower got its name from its similarity to the crown of thorns?
t resembles the crown of thorns on Christ's head when he died.

The fruit is absolutely delicious very pulpy and semi sweet/tarty. Great on pavlovas, on top of cheesecakes and also with icecream! Delicious, one of my favourites. I am green with envy that you have such a beautiful vine!

Love and blessings Chris

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manami by manami 21 Apr 2009

That is very interesting, Chris, I didn't know that. I love the taste of the fruit, delicious, like you said. I think it is a beautiful vine too, glad it is growing so strong. Love&blessings,Yoriko

by blhamblen 21 Apr 2009

The blooms are Beautiful...I've never tasted that fruit...they look like an apple??!!..How long to get a plant to mature to fruit bearing size???

manami by manami 21 Apr 2009

Yes, they are beautiful, and I love juice and mousse made with passion fruit. They dont look like an apple, it has seeds inside. Sorry, I'm not an expert in that plant :(

pennifold by pennifold 21 Apr 2009

Barbara, check out this website about passionfruits.

Love and blessings Chris

manami by manami 21 Apr 2009

Very nice information in that site, Chris, thank you!

blhamblen by blhamblen 22 Apr 2009

THANX Chris that is VERY interesting...I'm going to look in our local fruit market to see IF they have any here!!!

by manami 21 Apr 2009

I think the flower is so pretty too. Love,Yoriko

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mops by mops 21 Apr 2009

I've had it as a pot plant, but never gor fruit, let alone so many and so big!!