by maryclampitt 23 Apr 2009

No question, just want to say Thanks to all that responded to my thread question. Ordered Metro thread 116 spools and Verg. for under $100 incl. shpg. Again THANK U. Why do I have orange flower


by lindaavolio 24 Apr 2009

Hi Mary...isn't Metro GREAT...I've been using their thread for awhile now, without any it. ALSO CAN'T BEAT THE PRICES.

by pennifold 23 Apr 2009

Hi Mary and welcome to Cute. You'll find a great bunch of like men and women with interests in sewing. Great companionship, laughter, great ideas on embroidery etc. etc. etc.

As Barb has said just click on each question and you can read what is going on.

So get a cuppa sit back and relax and enjoy the best site in the world.

Love and blessings Chris

by blhamblen 23 Apr 2009

Because YOU get a flower each time someone clicks on the green flower to give you one...This is a "CUTE" way of saying we read what you are sayiing...and we LIKE you and WANT you to stay, have a cuppa and enjoy the banter!!!to the left is a popular topics...If you click on flowers you can read what others have asked and said about this subject!!!