by manami 24 Apr 2009

finally I got my spouse visa to stay in Australia: that means, I can work now!!! Few of you knew that I was in tourist visa, waiting for the spouse visa. It took so long and too long, 10 months! I wish it would came earlier, maybe if I and my son was working, we could avoid all the problems we faced having nothing to offer, treated as useless, and he would be here with me now. My tears are for this long and difficult waiting, knowing that is too late to bring my son back with me. But I feel strong to do my best to have my life back, and be with my son again. Thank you all for being there for me, and remind me all this time that I'm...something... Love&blessings,Yoriko


by grandmamek 18 May 2009

Dear Yoriko, What wonderful news to know that now you can get on with your life in a positive way. You are such a wonderful, loving, giving person and have done so many good things for all the cute family. You deserve only the best in the future. May the lord bless you with happiness.
Love and hugs for you. Mary

by gerryvb 18 May 2009

something? I think you're not something but somebody: a wonderful loving person who wants to share so many things with us of you life. Thanks for being You!!!

by uscmom 16 May 2009

I'm glad things are finally working out for you.

1 comment
manami by manami 16 May 2009

Uscmom, thank you so much!!!

by bokkieborduur 16 May 2009

Yoriko, Always remember that God did not put a stone on your shoulders IF he knew that you could'nt carry it. Congrats with your visa and thank you for everything that you do Love Marie.

1 comment
manami by manami 16 May 2009

Marie, thank you so much for your lovely comment. Love, Yoriko

by shirlener88 16 May 2009

Yoriko, I am happy that you now have your VISA and you can work - so sorry that you have endured the pain and suffering doing this time - but now - hold your head up and work toward getting your son back with you or allow him to grow into a man on his own and he most certainly will find a way to be with you soon, too. I will be praying for you, dear one. *4U

1 comment
manami by manami 16 May 2009

Shirlene, unfortunatelly, it's too late to my son come back to Australia, the visa came too late...Thank you for your prayers, I still need them. Love, Yoriko

by lbrow 16 May 2009

Dearest Yoriko, I am so glad u have your visa now. I have found n my 70+yrs, life is hard. You have now a new beginning. God has a reason for everything, we do not understand but I know to make pure gold it must b put through fire, u have been through the fire & u r pure gold. Have faith my dear, things will get better & better for u. Much love!!! Lillian

1 comment
manami by manami 16 May 2009

Lillian, thank you so much for being there for me too. Yes, life is very hard, many times I just put all my troubles in Gods hands, as I can't find a solution. Love, Yoriko.

by nonna57 10 May 2009

At last. Almost an Aussie. So glad now that life has turned around and hopefully for the better. You are an inspiration to all . All the best in your New life.:) One day soon hopefully we will meet. Take care my friend Hugs x x x

1 comment
manami by manami 12 May 2009

Dear Pauline, thank you so much, you were there all the time for me, I'll never forget that. Your friend always, Yoriko.

by angelmakes3 28 Apr 2009

Oh Yoriko, I didn't know anything was wrong. Everything everyone has said to you goes for me too. Having lived a long life & a large family, we go thru a lot of trials in our life, but a separation of child & parent (by either death or distance) is the worst. To let you know, you are a hero to my kids & grandkids, for all the great digitizing you did for me. They think you are the greatest. Now on a more selfish note, I hope you keep doing this. I have been embroidering for a lot of years & bought a lot of designs, but yours are one of the BEST! There are so many digitizers & so many places to get them out there now, it can't be easy trying to make any money doing this, but I hope you stay with this. Not for me (well maybe a little) but because you are GOOD! (also my grandsons boat seat turned out great) Still sorry for the problems I gave you. I would send you pictures of what I did with kanchi names, racing flag, mermaid & now the boat seats, but I don't know how to do that. I am still very comp. challenged! In my prayers Pat

1 comment
manami by manami 08 May 2009

Dear Pat, thank you so much for writting this. I'm so happy to hear that your kids&grandkids like my designs,this is the real reward from my work. And you havent given any problem to me. I enjoyed working with your designs. Thank you again, for being there for me too. Love,Yoriko

by jrob Moderator 27 Apr 2009

Yoriko, I am so happy for you to have the visa you have waited so long for. Things happen for a reason. We just have to wait sometimes to see it. It is never too late for hope. You are still his mother and no one will ever move you from that place in his heart. love to you, dear friend. To new beginnings, I toast you!

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manami by manami 08 May 2009

Thank you so much for being there for me too, Jerrilyn!

by abeille78 26 Apr 2009

Champagne for you....
I hope that now all the things will take place in your life as you would like to. Hope you will be abble to have your son back with you...

1 comment
manami by manami 27 Apr 2009

Thank you so much, Monique!

by castelyn 26 Apr 2009

Yoriko I am so glad for you. You are a wonderful friend to all of us. Hugs and love Yvonne

1 comment
manami by manami 27 Apr 2009

Yvonne, thank you so much. You are also a wonderful friend to me!

by blhamblen 26 Apr 2009

You have always been "SOMETHING" but now you are "SOMEBODY" and "SPECIAL" will always come to my mind when I see your name!!! Congrats on your Visa!! Celebrate with a smile:)

1 comment
manami by manami 27 Apr 2009

Thank you, my friend!!!

by michelej 26 Apr 2009

Congratulations Yoriko, I know you have been waiting forever for your visa. Now you can get on with your life........

1 comment
manami by manami 26 Apr 2009

Thank you, Michele! Thank you for being there for me! Love,Yoriko

by pennifold 26 Apr 2009

Hi Yoriko,

Just read the great news about your visa. How wonderful. Our daughter's boyfriend got his earlier this year too - also after a long wait. But all good things come to those who wait! Right!

I am so pleased to read that you feel like your life is getting back in order, but I was sad to read that you felt as though you were treated as useless and had nothing to offer. Don't let anyone make you feel that way, you are a fantastic woman and can do anything. Nothing to offer, my hat! First of all you are a wonderful loving mother, a fantastic wife and an amazing digitiser. Don't let anyone tell you any different. And as all the other Cuties have said God loves you as you are - so you just be YOU!

My prayers and thoughts are with you - God bless you and all that you do on this site!

Love and blessings Chris

1 comment
manami by manami 26 Apr 2009

Dear Chris, thank you so much for your caring words! I'm glad your daughter's boyfriend got his visa too. Love and blessings, Yoriko.

by raels011 26 Apr 2009

congratulations on the visa Yoriko. Would love to meet up with all from QLD and other parts of Aust

1 comment
manami by manami 26 Apr 2009

Thank you Raelene! I would love to meet you someday too!

by kezza2sew 25 Apr 2009

I am happy for you Yoriko. I would love to meet you one day...Hugs Kerry

1 comment
manami by manami 25 Apr 2009

Kerry, thank you! I would love to meet you one day too! Where you are from in Australia? Love,Yoriko

by sherylac 25 Apr 2009

Congratulations Yoriko, I know how very much you have been waiting for this day...good things come to those who wait, *****4u

1 comment
manami by manami 25 Apr 2009

Yes, Sheryl, it took a long time and I don't feel like celebrating it now...Love,Yoriko

by marjialexa Moderator 25 Apr 2009

Oh, finally!!! I do hope you can find work you enjoy, but do keep up with your wonderful digitizing. You will have your life back, dear Yoriko, it will just take some time, as the visa did. Be strong, and lean on us when you're not feeling so strong. I think you are a remarkable woman for doing all you have done, despite the difficulty you have encountered. Be well, my dear friend!! Marji

1 comment
manami by manami 25 Apr 2009

Dear Marji, thank you so much for being there for me! Love,Yoriko

by caydebug 25 Apr 2009

Yoriko, Congratulations on your visa. Now we work on prayers for your son and getting him back with you. We all know that God is capeable of doing anything and keeping families together has to rank high on his list of thing near to his heart. You and your family are in my prayers for a speedy reunion. You, My Friend, deserve it. Soon the wait will be over. The tears you shed now will be tears of joy. Have Faith.
Prayers and Blessings, Libbie

1 comment
manami by manami 25 Apr 2009

Libbie, dear friend, thank you so much! I know things will be different from now. Love, Yoriko

by memasanders 25 Apr 2009

Never ever forget you are worth a million no matter what. Count yourself as number one. If you don't darlin no one else will Put yourself on top God does He loves you and I do too.

1 comment
manami by manami 25 Apr 2009

Thank you so much, Ronny!

by clawton 24 Apr 2009

Congratulations! I know you have waited a long time. We have a friend that has a daughter who's future husband had been waiting for a visa to come to the US from Irland. He finally got it and now has 3 months to get married to change his status. It was really difficult to plan a wedding not knowing when he would get it. It took almost a year and had to change the original date for the wedding.

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manami by manami 25 Apr 2009

Clawton, thank you! It actually took more than a year, including the time I got here, got married and applied for the visa. I hope everything works out well to your friends daughter. Love,Yoriko

by marietta 24 Apr 2009

Hello Yoriko, I am so glad you got your spouse visa, and sad with you, because your son had to leave, but I am sure God will make things better for you in the end. I am also a mother of son's, whom I miss very much when they are away, so I know how you must be feeling (or mabe I do not, because at least my youngest is in S.A. although a 1000 kilometers away) Keep your chin up my friend, and know that we all think you are a lovely, caring, sharing person. God bless you. Huggs, Marietta.

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manami by manami 25 Apr 2009

Marietta, thank you so much!

by asterixsew Moderator 24 Apr 2009

Yoriko my thoughts are with you at this bittersweet time a flower is not much but it is what there is

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manami by manami 25 Apr 2009

Caroline, my dear friend, thank you!

by shirlener88 24 Apr 2009

Yoriko, all things work out in God's timeframe - I know that it doesn't always feel that way - but there has to be something in this difficult time for you to learn from and to grow with - I am happy to hear that you can now work. *4u

1 comment
manami by manami 25 Apr 2009

Dear Shirlene, thank you so much!

by mops Moderator 24 Apr 2009

Yoriko, you are something, a very kind, very generous and loving person, no matter what your circumstances are. I'm glad you got your spouse visa, I hope you can get work you want, I hope all works out as far as your son is concerned! Love & blessings to you!

1 comment
manami by manami 25 Apr 2009

Martine, thank you so much!