by lv2sew 25 Apr 2009

Tonight I came home from work for my dinner break and of course came to the computer to see what was going on in the cute family...I replied to sissibrode's post to thank her for an update on skeldale chopin font (in which I am a member of) and saw such horrible thrashing from what seemed to be new members..

I for one have made purchases from sites thanks to the cuties posting about a new hunt..I don't believe there were to many that directly gave the link to the "treasure" but sometimes it has happened inadvertantly I admit..I could have been one myself...My goodness gracious I would think one would like the free advertising...I for one will limit my purchases to certain sites from now on..I mean if its free it's free isn't it..and some sites want you to create an account if they are worried about leaching..or, become a member, so I don't understand..could someone please explain? After all aren't the freebies put there to see the quality of the product before you know try b4 you buy. I do understand the theory of a hunt is to see the designer's collection...


by caydebug 25 Apr 2009

I agree with you. I have bought from her also and love her designs, but for God's sake every one of us are guilty of making mistakes. Missi, as good as she is, had no right to post her name everywhere with out going to her first. That was cheap and only made her and the people she sent out to "Punish" look trashy. I too, will be careful of sites that seem to be "high and mighty". I try with everything in me to be respectful of other people and to follow their rules to the "T". But sometimes we all get lax and forget or get in to big of a hurry.
I will not partonize a site that will not find out what happened first or does as ugly a deed as has went on tonight. I have left two yahoo groups due to the owners or moderators "chewing" out people over to many e-mails. If you can't treat your followers and customers with respect, even if they screw up, then I will not be a part of that.
Prayers and Blessings, Libbie

by celticlady1031 25 Apr 2009

The issue with Skeldale House is long standing. Missi had no problem with giving free designs just asked that you became a member (free) in order to get the link to them. She has had problems with design theft in the past and I think that is why this is such a big issue for her now. As for the other sites.... A hunt is a hunt. If we post where the design is then it isn't a hunt anymore. The digitizers don't mind you posting a link to their site just not to the hunt design. Hope this explains it some.

lv2sew by lv2sew 25 Apr 2009

I understand and absolutely agree..I love a good hunt and I love seeing all the designs on their site and have made purchases because of seeing something while I was hunting...And being a member of Missi's group I never posted her urls because I do respect and agreed to the rules of her group...I admire and applaud all whom donate their expertise and talents to bring us such wonderful things..I also know there are reasons for some restrictions just like you theft but what I am not understanding is if a website has a hunt why can't we tell one another about the hunt? To me that is word of mouth advertising? Flowers to you all...God Bless all Cuties...

meganne by meganne 25 Apr 2009

Ah, there is where the difference lies.
It is quite permissable, in fact desirable, to let others know about the hunt.
It is just not acceptable to give links to where each of the designs, within the hunt, can be found.

You're supposed to HUNT for them, by following the clues or just browsing through the website, to give links to each design is just not fair play.
hugs n roses, Meganne

meganne by meganne 25 Apr 2009

Ah, there is where the difference lies.
It is quite permissable, in fact desirable, to let others know about the hunt.
It is just not acceptable to give links to where each of the designs, within the hunt, can be found.

You're supposed to HUNT for them, by following the clues or just browsing through the website, to give links to each design is just not fair play.
hugs n roses, Meganne

by meganne 25 Apr 2009

You may have missed the post where members have given links directly to the "GIFTED" design, but believe, it has happened many, many, times here in the past where people think they are being helpful, or are just showing off how smart they are, or perhaps they do it to win popularity, but for whatever reason it is not fairplay, it is not in the spirit of the game, and as we Aussies and Britt's say: "It's just not cricket!"

Perhaps if you read my reply to Tinfriend's post (link below) you may gain further understanding as to why it upsets many of us who prefer to play by the rules.
Hugs n roses, Meganne

oldandgrey by oldandgrey 25 Apr 2009

I think every one needs to watch theAussie movie "The Castle'

lv2sew by lv2sew 25 Apr 2009

Thanks Meganne....I love your term..Mind if I use it here.. I may just start a new fad here in my little town with it! Thanks to all you wonderful people!!! you're all the greatest!!! P.S. I did read that about the true cost of a "free" design...I for one truly understand what time and effort and cost go into a a "free" design although I do not digitize I do know nothing is free...But I certainly appreciate and respect the talents of those who do...kudos to you