Hey, everyone. If you use the FireFox browser, you can get an add-on called "Morning Coffee". Then, you put in all the sites that you want to visit, whether daily, weekly (by which day you want) or even weekdays/weekends. It is even simple to put in the sites to visit. When you are on the correct page, you click the arrow to "add to My Daily Coffee". When an alphabet is giving away one letter each day, I put it in to visit daily. If a website is updated weekly, I put it in to visit each Friday (or Wednesday, or whichever day it is updated).
All you need to do when you start up your browser is click on the little coffee cup and it opens up each site scheduled for that day in a new tab. It is great, and SO EASY.
I have mine bookmarked so it wasn't too hard. But copying and pasting them made me realize how many I am following. WOW! I was using sticky notes to keep track of where I was in each alpha but it got to be too many notes. I typed up a document where I can hand write the site, alpha and design I'm following. Then below that I typed the whole alphabet. I cross them off when I get them and check them with a different color each day so I know I've already checked it for the day.
Wonderful idea and thanks for posting the list of the different "hunts".
This should keep me busy and "out of trouble".
Thanks to all the girls who helped I have found the form( a paper copy of a list of alphas I am currently collecting) I had moved it by mistake to a different file. I thanks sewmom for all her hard work I did manage to find a few more alphas to collect (thanks alot)lol. Will try to post the form here but if you want one please pm me. Thanks again Lisa
I have recently created a folder in favourites (browser bookmarks) which I named daily, and I bookmark all my 'currently collecting' links in there, then each day I 'open all' in that folder. When an alpha has completed I just delete it from the folder. It is working really well for me. Before I could never remember what I was collecting! I have the 'daily' folder on the toolbar in my browser, but I'm not sure if all browsers allow this, they should let you create folders for your bookmarks though.
I like that. I didn't think of organizing my bookmarks better. Less likely that someone in the family will mess with them too.
Looks like Sewmom to the rescue (of me too BTW) but mine is chemo brain memory loss. LOL!!!!
Thanks for posting Quiltgrama and Thanks SEWMUCH Sewmom for being so caring to post all the current links.
hugs n roses to all, Meganne
There is nothing wrong with your brain, thinking, or your capacity to help all of us and keep us straight. You are more on the ball than 99% of most people I know. I think you are doing just terrific during all of this and I pray that all of this makes you 100% healthy again! You are such a delightful person to have around and I know you are loved by all! Since the wound care Specialist started Chemical Debreedment of both my legs 2 months ago instead of doing surgery, I have been is conastant pain that My oral meds do not touch. I find myself screaming outloud in my sleep and scaring my little Pekingese girls. They think someone is in the house or after us. My oldest,13 is in her last stages of cancer and I have had to move her to an area at night that does not have carpet on the floors. She can not control herself like she always has. My life is in a complete turmoil right now. I feel like I am losing a child and I feel so guilty because I moved her out of my bedroomand bathroom at night. I am just not able to get up and spend an hour or more cleaning the carpet every morning.I can not stand for that long at the time. Everything in my world seems to be turned upside down right now. I made a trip with my son and his wife last evening/night to a business meeting and I did not know if I was going to make it home. I cried in pain all the way from Macon to Atlanta going home then had to carry them home and drive back to my house. That was another 40 miles at midnight. We had to go in my car because his truck needs some work done on it and he has not been able to do it since he had his Heart Attack in March. The Dr.'s did turn him lose yesterday and he can go back to work in 2 weeks but he will have to go to Physical therapy for his first 2 weeks backs 3 times a week. His boss has bee just great. He told him to come on back next week and start stocking his truck and getting it ready, if he was able. They gave his new truck to a former employee that wanted to come back while he was out of work. He was promised a the next new Van. He has been their #1 Service Tech for several years, working 6 days a week most weeks. He is in the Heating and A/C business. They have always just turned him loose and let him do his thing. They have some that they have to stand over and check on every few minutes. I taught him how to do a days work many years ago and he did not get by with anything just because he was the boss' son. I really pushed him harder than the rest! He worked for me from the 16 to 37 along with 20 to 25 employees all the time. Believe me no one was ever jealous of him. I was a work a holic and so is he! We had fun when the work was done but the work came first. I had to leave the company 5 years ago and there are some that I hired years ago still there. I can assure you that they would not be if I had not taught them how to work first! I got them while they were still in high school. You do remind me of myself yrs ago! You go and go like the energizer bunny. Nothing can stop you. Just don't over-do and please take care of yourself. You do have to help the Lord in his plans for you! He just shows you the way and you have to be strong enough to follow his plans. You have the personality to lead thousands. Everyone listens when you talk. If you walk the walk, just think how many will follow! Linda in Ga
Good Luck
Now, this would be the way to share them on a more regular basis - rather than all the postings. *4U
Yes, this would be a wonderful way to do the alpha reminders, not separately, totally agree with Shirlene!!!
Is this a form you developed for yourself, or did you download the form someplace?
I have tried to keep on-going alphas on index cards but there are so many going on now that system isn't working too well.
Do you mean the name of the alpha and the site it is on???
Like Floralframefont --@ Cute???
how did they get lost, and do you need links for free alpha's? tell us how we can help you.sorry for the second time.
Gerry my alphas are fine, its the form i use to monitor all my free alphas i am collecting. It lists the Web site and alpha mane so I know what i have already got or need. Thanks for being concerned.
how did they get lost, and do you need links for free alpha's? tell us how we can help you.