by manami 29 Apr 2009

I hope you enjoy it. Love&blessings, Yoriko


by cricket17 01 May 2009

Yoriko I did not realize until just now that you are a member of Cute...your designs are devastatingly beautiful...I love the Fan alpha as my home is all Japanese and Chinese in decor.. I am now collecting the guitar alphabet thank you so much is everything okay with the web site now..?? and the Fans alphabet will it ever be free or purchase only? it is very very lovely many many thanks for your talent. cricket

by oldandgrey 30 Apr 2009

Just letting you all know that she has shut the web site down until the problem can be rectified, this may take a while as the web host is on holidays. Suggest that you all check your antivirus, Norton is not stopping this trojan.

by peggy 29 Apr 2009

Yoriko, I love the alphabet, but someone is messing with your website or attaching something to it that my firewall does not like.
Hope this stops happening to you. You do such beautiful work.

by maleah 29 Apr 2009

I still couldn't get inton you site but can hardly wait until the computer gods will let us all in. You do such great work. Thanks

by gg2009 29 Apr 2009

I couldn't access your site either, BUT we all know that IT IS ... NOT ... YOUR FAULT. We all know things like this happen, so hang in there.

by modo 29 Apr 2009

Yoriko,I am so sorry for you*

by sissibrode 29 Apr 2009

thanks Yoriko *

by mops Moderator 29 Apr 2009

Yoriko, I hope your problems will soon be solved. I'm so sorry for you - so much time and effort going into it, so many lovely designs and now server problems, horrible!

by mad14kt 29 Apr 2009

TU...I see it has an error. I will try later *2U

by iris2006 29 Apr 2009

Sorry to hear that your site is down again, you have worked soo hard to get it running. Hope the best for you and your business

by manami 29 Apr 2009

This is a nightmare! I'm terribly sad...
I've deleted the entire web site from the server(a company called lolipop), and I'll try to contact them. It's holiday in Japan, from today 29 until May 6, so I guess I will not have an answer too soon. Also I will try to cancel the contract I have with them and find another reliable server. I'm so sorry for the trouble. Thank you all, for the information, hopefully I'll have this sorted out soon. Love, Yoriko

caydebug by caydebug 29 Apr 2009

Hang in there Sweetie. Saying a prayer for a better server with a lesser price. I know you have worked hard on your site and you deserve better. Prayers and blessings, Libbie

claudenicolas by claudenicolas 29 Apr 2009

Good holidays for you

sandralochran by sandralochran 01 May 2009

I do hope all will be ok soon for you You aare doing some lovely designs

by castelyn 29 Apr 2009

Yoriko I also can't get on to your web-site. IT comes up 403 FORBIDDEN

by gerryvb 29 Apr 2009

I think there are some problems again, so sorry couldn't get on your site.

getEdited - SELECT
by lindaavolio 29 Apr 2009

Yoriko...I got a website called 'Lolliepop'...I closed the page down????
Not your Garden website??

I just checked my security program and it says...
'Unauthorized access blocked'

by oldandgrey 29 Apr 2009

Looks like she is aware of problem,& has killed site

by edithfarminer 29 Apr 2009

sorry same trouble, either get Lolliepop or error on site.

by claudenicolas 29 Apr 2009

Oh yoriko, I have just open your site with the link down this page, an d my anivirus has advertieze of a virus ATTENTION

by oldandgrey 29 Apr 2009

virus back again, I tried sending her an e-mail but hot mail kills her e-mail address all the time, does anyone know any other means of contacting her, besides private mail as she may not come back until tomorrow

by bikermomfl 29 Apr 2009

got mine just fine, no problems, thanks so very much for your generosity.....

by ewroland 29 Apr 2009

UH OH, I get a virus detected again - a trojan.
This same sort of thing happened to A Design in Stitches. I belonged to her download club. She would say there was no virus on her site but it still kept coming up as having a virus. She finally had to go to another server with a different address. Hope you get this resolved very soon. It must be a nightmare for you.

by kathyjt 29 Apr 2009

Yoriko I get a virus has been detected again when I went to your site today.

1 comment
edenandandrea by edenandandrea 29 Apr 2009

Me too - Hope this will stop happening to you. Sorry.

by lv2sew 29 Apr 2009

thank you for not only the design but also to post that it is available...hugsnflowers 2U! **

by blhamblen 29 Apr 2009

THANX Yo...I just got it! You are so kind to SHARE your talent:)

by manami 29 Apr 2009

Here's the link:

dcordell by dcordell 29 Apr 2009

I do have 3 of the Guitar Alphabets >>> Thank you for all you do

dcordell by dcordell 29 Apr 2009

I also got the alert of the virus but I just dont Install that part of it >>>>