by camylow 01 May 2009

th grass needs mowed before the rain starts tomorrow, the bathroom needs to be scrubbed, and I have only 2 1/5 before work. So I must leave all of you with the wish you have a beautiful day...May your sorrows be next to none. May your gardens overflow with beauty and may each and everyone of you have a sparkle of some sorts in your life....LOL AND PRAISE



by blhamblen 01 May 2009

Here's hoping YOU had a wonderful day...When can we expect MORE baby pics???

by dlmds 01 May 2009

Wow, Camylow, With all you do in such a short time, quilting, cleaning, and yard work, you make me feel very lazy. I think you have more hours in your day then I do. You need to give us all some advice. Haha!! H&*.