by bunnylane 01 May 2009

Meganne,I answer your post about your friends.It was way over a few pages back.I pray you and your friends will be healed,GOD has the to heal.If you are saved and believe.


by colonies1 02 May 2009

I so agree with Meganne you have to forgive............

by meganne 02 May 2009

Thank you for your caring thoughts. It is tough as we get older and so many people around us start to pass, but it is tougher still when they are taken before their time. I guess I am even more prone to feeling much deeper compassion now because of my own health battles, it makes you so much more aware of other people's suffering and helps you value how precious and short our lives really are.

Live every moment, love like there is no tomorrow, and forgive those who do you harm, for life is just too short for pettiness.
Hugs n roses, n much love, Meganne