by manami 06 May 2009

the letters T and U are still up until tomorrow. Hope you enjoy them. Love&blessings, Yoriko


by cricket17 07 May 2009

Hi there Yoriko...I love this alphabet you are kind and so talented... in all the confusion of looking and looking and looking and getting that error message in Japanese......I somehow missed the Q and the R...I am very disappointed as my son is a Guitarist and the alphabet is perfect... I did get the P today thank you so much Cricket

by colonies1 07 May 2009

thank you

1 comment
manami by manami 07 May 2009

Thank you colonies!

by lflanders 06 May 2009

Thanks Yoriko! Just wondering if you are still fighting the new keyboard? It won't take You long to get used to it. The more you use it the better you will get! I know you are going to enjoy the new computer! The old one was giving you a fit so it was time to upgrade. I just wish I had a laptop to carry to bed with me until my legs get better. My son has one like mine and 2 laptops but he refuses to share. We will not get into that or I just might just show my a- - ! I do not know what gets into him sometimes but I did not raise him to be that way. He is just too full of himself at times. There is no way he can work full time, take care of a new wife and use 3 computers at the same time. He had more T.V.'s than he had rooms(big ones) when mine quit on me. He refused to let me use one of them. When he moved out of the house at 37 he took 90% of my stuff with him. We are talking about Bedroom suite, several T.V.'s, Sheets, Towels, dishtowels, dishes, 2 sets of cookware, My Ron Poppel cooker, a prussure cooker, silverware, and 5 to 6 big boxes of groceries and cleaning supplies. He had every gadget that has ever been made and left me to buy mine all over again. He took my calculator and I told him I wanted it back. Now he swears that he bought it! He got my huge electric cooker that we always used for the Turkey at the holidays and since I moved to the Atlanta he has walked off with a stand mixer and my kettle that stayed on the stovetop all the time AND one of my sergers. He has all my garden tools and all my electric saws and sanders and I have no idea where they are. He has my wonderful carpet shampoo machine and I had to go buy another one(cheaper). BUT... I can not use 1 of his laptops. I really wonder what is wrong with him sometimes! Boy, did I get strung out! I am just pissed off and finally got to vent! Sorry. Have a great night/day not sure what time it is where you are. It is 10:40 P.M. in the Atlanta area and I am fixing to call it quits for tonight. Linda in Ga

1 comment
manami by manami 07 May 2009

Dear Linda, I'm so sorry he treats you that way. Someday he will realize how great his mother is. Anytime, you can vent, I'm a good listener. Love you, Yoriko

by ewroland 06 May 2009

Thank you so much for these designs

1 comment
manami by manami 07 May 2009

Thankyou Ewroland!

by jacquipaul 06 May 2009

Thanks for providing this wonderful alphabet! I love it!

1 comment
manami by manami 07 May 2009

Thank you Jacquipaul!

by shadoe 06 May 2009

Thank you so much/Shadoe

1 comment
manami by manami 07 May 2009

Thank you Shadoe!

by tinfriend 06 May 2009

Thanx a million Yoriko! These are so adorable! *4U!

1 comment
manami by manami 06 May 2009

Thank you, Sandie!

by lavonda211 06 May 2009

Thank you so much.

1 comment
manami by manami 06 May 2009

Thank you Lavonda!

by jrob Moderator 06 May 2009

Yoriko, you are so kind! Thank you and love and blessings to you, too!

1 comment
manami by manami 06 May 2009

Thank you Jerrilyn!

by lindaavolio 06 May 2009

Thank you Yoriko!

1 comment
manami by manami 06 May 2009

Thank you Linda!

by caydebug 06 May 2009

Thank you Yoriko for the designs. I simply love this one. Your the best!!! Prayers and Blessings, Libbie

1 comment
manami by manami 06 May 2009

Libbie, thank you my friend!

by jacquipaul 06 May 2009

The website is asking for a name and password, which is new to me. Can someone help, please? I have been downloading these free designs before the site had problems.

1 comment
manami by manami 06 May 2009

I just sent you a Private Message. hugs,Yoriko

by blhamblen 06 May 2009

THANX So Much for sharing these...I'm all caught up NOW!!!

1 comment
manami by manami 06 May 2009

Barb, thank you!!!

by damaris 06 May 2009


1 comment
manami by manami 06 May 2009

Damaris, thank you!

by gerryvb 06 May 2009

thank you Yoriko, my son's letter is there now too, I think I'm gonna surprise him soon with his letter embroidered on something.He's a fanatic guitar player.

1 comment
manami by manami 06 May 2009

:) My son loves guitar too. I'm making, at least trying, to make a quilt for him. Never have done one, and never seen one in real life! wish me luck, I will need it :) Love,Yoriko

by kathyjt 06 May 2009

thanks *4u

1 comment
manami by manami 06 May 2009

Thank you Kathy!

by raels011 06 May 2009

Thank you so much

1 comment
manami by manami 06 May 2009

Thank you Raelene!

by giddygoat 06 May 2009

I am having lots of trouble trying to download from the site. It asks for a name & passwork but I cannot find out where to register and I cannot contact you through the site e-mail. Please help as I really don't want to miss these letters. Thank you.

gerryvb by gerryvb 06 May 2009

you can send a PM. and get password and code.

manami by manami 06 May 2009

Giddy, I just sent you a PM. Hugs,Yoriko

giddygoat by giddygoat 06 May 2009

Thank you.

giddygoat by giddygoat 06 May 2009

Have had success!!! Maybe if I had read the instructions in the first place it would have worked then. Thank you again for all your Help. OXOXOX

by shirlener88 06 May 2009


1 comment
manami by manami 06 May 2009

Shirlene, thank you!

by sissibrode 06 May 2009

thanks Yoriko *

1 comment
manami by manami 06 May 2009

Sissi, thank you!

by sqdancer 06 May 2009

Thanks so much Yoriko, so glad you are back in business...take care hugs G x0x0x0x

1 comment
manami by manami 06 May 2009

Thank you, my friend!

by iris2006 06 May 2009

Thanks Yoriko, so glad that everything works again for you.

1 comment
manami by manami 06 May 2009

Thank you, Carla!

by mops Moderator 06 May 2009

Thank you, Yoriko!

1 comment
manami by manami 06 May 2009

Thank you, Martine!

by modo 06 May 2009

thank you for your generosity Yoriko

1 comment
manami by manami 06 May 2009

Thank you, Michele!

by manami 06 May 2009

the link:

1 comment
janelle by janelle 06 May 2009
