Please keep us posted.
At least it might not be someone poisoning the fur babbies. If these dogs are that vicious, they should not be allowed to roam.
Keep us posted, It's a shame when people & pets cannot b safe n their own neighborhood. I cannot abide animals that r terrorists & killers. *4U
This may sound harsh but i believe that anyone that will let their animals run loose without supervision or abuses their pets or anyone else Pets should have to serve time. Alot of responsibility goes with having pets no matter what kind or how little or how large! I have had alot of rescue dogs over the years and it is just terrible what an abused animal has to go through.. even to be able to trust again. We are humans and should not be the ones acting like animals! I am a true believer that any human should be made to pay for the pain and suffering they cause any pet, be it their's or their neighbors! My 2 Pekingese girls are as much family as any human relative. They even behave alot better than some of mine! If they do not like someone when they come in the door, it alerts me to a problem. My adopted 4 yr old does not follow my son around like the older baby. He plays too rough for her. She will play with him but she usually stayes under my feet or out of his way. The oldest adores him. They grew up together & she is calm and loving. My adopted girl is fiesty. Linda
Are you sure they weren't coyote? They can be honey colored and look rather like a large fox. My dh & I saw one that didn't have the usual dark coloring you see in photos. They are easily mistaken for dogs, are very adaptive, and moving into suburbia. Cats would be much more frightned of them than dogs that are someone's pets. Do a web search and see if that's what your dh saw. Here's a link to start with.
I am a dog lover, and for that very reason I would NEVER let my dog run! So many people think they want a pet, then don't realize just how much work they are! I hope animal control can catch the dogs that run loose & be GLAD your cats don't want to go outside anymore! At least they are safe at home. I think ALL pets should be just that...a pet that belongs & stays with the family! Dogs kill cats, cats kill birds, etc...that is the way of nature BUT no excuse for ignorant owners! AND you are right, a small child is very much like a small animal to a dog! Love on your babies & I hope they are back to their normal selfs soon!
it should not be any stray dog they are too dangerous. These are the dog's owners should be punished !!! *
Dogs (much like children) are lovely creatures when trained & in their proper place. I live in the middle of the country, and would never ever let my Shelties out to do as they please all night, or all day for that matter, and they are the gentlest of dogs. By all means call animal control, I don't know of too many cities where dogs don't need a license and rabies tag, which would identify the owner. I understand why your DH feels like he does, believe me, but my hands would be around the throat of the owner, not the dog. The animal knows no right or wrong, only what it is taught. Owners should be held responsible and liable. Just look for somebody who lets their kids run loose & do whatever they want, you'll probably find the dogs, too. I'm with RelaxSew, they should be head-slapped and have the dogs removed from their idiotic custody. Please keep your babies in if they'll stay, they're much safer that way. You could always get them a hamster and put it in one of those hamster-balls for entertainment for them....(joke!) I know, that's mean, hee hee hee. I sincerely hope you catch these fools before something the same or worse happens. Hugs, Marji
I agree bikermom, they should not be allowed out loose, they could kill or maim a human being as well...hope you can get things under control...
this is awful, I like dogs(have a smal dog myself) but if they cannot be trusted they for certain cannot walk around free!! They should be on a leash and perhaps even wear a muzzle !!I hope something can be done to this and to the ownwers!!I think the others Pogo and Don Diego are better kept inside. Hugs, Gerry
Some pet owners need to be slapped upside the head! They need to have their pets taken away from them! I hope you catch them!