by manami 13 May 2009

From tomorrow, a new Alpha will start. I hope you don't miss and enjoy them. Love&hugs, Yoriko


by reddish 13 May 2009

Thank you, also: for the guitar alph. Beautiful work; and , always flowers for you...Diane

by debrar 13 May 2009

As I have said many times, your generousity just amazes me. Thank you for sharing you time and talent with all of us.

by gg2009 13 May 2009

Thank you, Thanks, Thx. Many more ways to say THANK U. Just a bit THANK YOU.

by blhamblen 13 May 2009

THANX so much for this WONDERFUL Alpha...I for 1 will be using it b-4 the years end on a quilt that my Mom & I are making as a wedding gift for a nephew. We have designed the quilt to use as many of these letters as possible!!! Again THANX for Sharing YOUR Time and Talent!!!Barb

1 comment
manami by manami 13 May 2009

Thank you, Barb!!! I'm so happy you are using my designs!!! Hugs,Yoriko

by modo 13 May 2009

Thank you Yoriko, that was a really nice alpha

1 comment
manami by manami 13 May 2009

Michele, thank you!!!

by dlmds 13 May 2009

Thank you for all the wonderful gifts that you share with us. What I do not know, if we miss a letter what is the cost to recieve it from you?? Thanks again, H&*

1 comment
manami by manami 13 May 2009

Thank you Dlmds!!! The prices are in the site, and the set is on special now. Love,Yoriko

by manami 13 May 2009

Thank you so much for your nice comments! It was a big relief finishing this alpha I thought I wasn't be able to finish it due to the hacker problems I had in my website. So glad it is all gone now! Many, many thanks for your support and understanding in these hard times!!! Love&blessings, Yoriko

by sqdancer 13 May 2009

Thank you so very much for this alphabet Yoriko... Hugs x0x0x0x

by tinfriend 13 May 2009

Thank you so much for this lovely Alpha - I enjoyed collecting it Yoriko and I look forward to your next Alpha too!

by castelyn 13 May 2009

Thanks so much Yoriko * 4U from Yvonne

by mad14kt 13 May 2009

TU ;D *2U

by lavonda211 13 May 2009

Thanks Yoriko...Love your designs!!!

by sissibrode 13 May 2009

thank you Yoriko !!! you do a very good job :o)*

by jacquipaul 13 May 2009

Merci; *4u! The alphabet is darling. Thank you so much for designing it for us and sharing it with us.

by lflanders 13 May 2009

Yoriko, thank you so much for sharing your wonderful talent with all of us! Your work is somthing I look forward to! You are truely a very gifted person. My son's Church has a band that plays on Sunday and they are great at drawing in the younger crowd. They play gospel music but it's kinda upbeat. I thought I would print the church's name on several T-shirts in the guitar letters and send them to the church. They 3 different services on Sunday and it is a hugh Church and every service the seats are full. I was raised an Episcopalian so it is alot different than what I am used to but I really enjoy the Pastor's services. I felt a little uneasy the first time I went but everyone was so down to earth and sincere it changed my mind. Most everyone dresses casual, even to jeans and T's but the Sermon is always great and the Church is always full. It is getting the point across to alot of young people also and in these times it is important to reach the younger crowd! Yoriko, your Guitar Alpha is going to church! Thanks so much! Linda

1 comment
manami by manami 13 May 2009

Linda, I'm so happy the designs will be used in such a beautiful place! Thank you so much for giving me this honour!!! Love,Yoriko

by moonz328 13 May 2009

Thank you*

by 2createit 13 May 2009

Dear Yoriko, I'm hpoeless at collecting free designs on time, but your packs are so reasonably priced there is no need for anyone to miss out :)
I always go and have a look how your garden is growing though. It is getting very large well done on all your hard work.
Your friend

1 comment
manami by manami 13 May 2009

Dear Louise, I sent you an email. Love,Yoriko

by claudenicolas 13 May 2009

thank you very much

by caydebug 13 May 2009

Yoriko, Thank you for sharing your designs with us. The dolphin design is fantastic and can't wait to get it. Prayers and blessings, Libbie

by shirlener88 13 May 2009

Yoriko, thank you.

by dkjack 13 May 2009

Thank you for this lovely alphabet

by jrob Moderator 13 May 2009

Thank you for your generosity, Yoriko.

by mops Moderator 13 May 2009

Yoriko, thank you for the last letters to complete this beautiful alpha. The next one promises to be equally lovely. Thanks for your generosity and your daily reminders.

by giddygoat 13 May 2009

Thank you Yoriko. I managed to get the full alphabet with your help. I really appreciate your generosity.

1 comment
manami by manami 13 May 2009

Giddygoat, thank you! I'm glad you got all of them, thanks for visiting the site daily!!! Love,Yoriko

getEdited - SELECT
by gerryvb 13 May 2009

thank you very much for this lovely guitar Alpha!!!the next alpha will be gorgeous too, as far as I can see, glad the problems on your site are history.thanks and hugs, gerry

1 comment
manami by manami 13 May 2009

Thank you, Gerry. I'm so relieved the problems with the site are fixed. Love,Yoriko

by raels011 13 May 2009

thank you Yoriko I really appreciate your generousity during these hard times
Hugs Raelene

1 comment
manami by manami 13 May 2009

Raelene, thank you!!! I hope these hard times finish soon, it's not being easy for anyone. Love,Yoriko

by ewroland 13 May 2009

Thanks ever so much for this completed alpha.
The dolphins look so cute.
You're very generous with your free designs.
They are greatly appreciated.

1 comment
manami by manami 13 May 2009

Thank you so much, Ewroland!

by manami 13 May 2009

Here's the link