by manami 16 May 2009

I'm a little late, sorry!!! I hope you enjoy it. Love&hugs, Yoriko


by shadoe 17 May 2009

The site won't let me down load either.I love the font.And for the life of me I can't see a thing you were doing wrong.Crazy people out their/Shadoe

by bikermomfl 17 May 2009

I can't log on it won't take the password, any suggestions?

by rstinson 16 May 2009

Thanks Yoriko and I don't see anything wrong with you posting your own website.
Thanks becky

by manami 16 May 2009

Dear Cuties, I just read one post and I will not post my website again, I didnt know that I was breaking the rules posting my own website. I'm so sorry, I feel terribly guilty...

by jjames525 16 May 2009

Hey Yoriko,
I love your alphabets, but I have not been able to download the dolphin alphabet. It just says 'preview' instead of download. It doesn't let me do anything. Is anyone else having this problem?

by jerrib 16 May 2009

Thank you for another wonderful alpha. Bless you.

by sissibrode 16 May 2009

Thanks Yoriko ! good week end to you *

by gerryvb 16 May 2009

thanks again !!!they are lovely!

by jacquipaul 16 May 2009

Merci; *4u!

1 comment
manami by manami 16 May 2009

Merci, Jaqueline!

by iris2006 16 May 2009

Thank you Yoriko, I love this alpha very much.

1 comment
manami by manami 16 May 2009

Thank you Carla!

by claudenicolas 16 May 2009

Thanh you yoriko *4U

1 comment
manami by manami 16 May 2009

Thank you Claudenicolas!

by dkjack 16 May 2009

Thanks Yoriko! Beautiful

1 comment
manami by manami 16 May 2009

Thank you, Deborah!

by gg2009 16 May 2009

Thanks you.

1 comment
manami by manami 16 May 2009

thanks GG2009!

by blhamblen 16 May 2009

Hasn't reached the states (15 min later)BooHoo:( I'll check later!

1 comment
manami by manami 16 May 2009

Okay :)

by manami 16 May 2009

Here's the link: