by manami 16 May 2009

close down my school and deal with the debts. I own this private school for years and this economy crisis affected my business really bad for the last 12 months, now I only got debts that are increasing every day.

I'll be able to see my sons and granddaughters, that is the only good part of this trip.
Also, I'll be able to come online in my night time there GMT+9, but somewhat, I'm going to miss you all. Love&blessings, Yoriko


by gerryb 19 May 2009

Hope you are there safe & sound by now. Love those grand daughters!! They grow too fast! Be safe & hurry home.

by debleerl 18 May 2009

Good luck, and enjoy your family. Remember, when live gives you lemons, make lemonaid.

by lbrow 18 May 2009

I hope u have a safe trip Yoriko. I know it will b sad but remember there is a new day dawning. God Bless *

by celticlady1031 18 May 2009

Yoriko, I know this is a trying time for you. It's a shame financial help isn't available for you. On the up side you will have a wonderful visit with your sons and granddaughters. I will miss you and look forward to your occasional posts here. Just remember... When God closes a door he opens a window. Look for that open window, it will lighten your heart.

by grandmamek 18 May 2009

May you have a safe journey and may God give you the strength you need to complete your tasks. Hugs

by reddish 18 May 2009

Yoriko; I wish you a safe trip on your journey for whatever reasons. I do know you have given much to this site, and I for one, enjoy everyday reading your comments and visiting your site. You are a very hospitable & talented, woman, mother & grandmother...
So, please join all of us,when you are back home again.
Take care..Diane

1 comment
manami by manami 18 May 2009

Dear Diane, thank you so much! It will be hard not being able to login at cute all the time...but I'll at night time. Love, Yoriko.

by mad14kt 17 May 2009

Have traveling mercy and enjoy your visit ;D *2U

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manami by manami 18 May 2009

Dear Monica, thank you so much!

by pennifold 17 May 2009

Hello dear friend Yoriko,

I will be thinking of you as you venture to Japan. As all the other cuties have said there is always a reason for everything - Just believe - in yourself and in those around you. I wish the Japanese Government could assist you with your financial problems or even some individual financiers. If that is not to be then - this will be a new beginning in your life. How exciting that will be.

I am thrilled that you will see your sons. I know you have missed them. Keep your spirits up and know that all of use here on Cute will be upholding you in our prayers for a safe arrival and a good outcome.

Thank you for all of your generosity on here.

Love and blessings always Yoriko, love Chris

1 comment
manami by manami 18 May 2009

Chris,thank you so much for your caring and support. I am also so excited about seeing my sons, specially my youngest, always so worried about him...and of course hug&spoil my granddaughters! I'll keep in touch..Love, Yoriko

by kezza2sew 17 May 2009

Yoriko, please take good care of you, and return safe. Enjoy your family, they will give you strength for sure.
A new chapter in your life will begin. Life is full of changes and we usually deal with what we are given at any one particular time as it happens. Nothing is for ever. Each day is a new day, so embrace each day as it comes.
All my love and many hugs and kisses, Kerry here in Oz.

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manami by manami 18 May 2009

Dear Kerry, thank you so much for your wise words! I'll keep in touch. Love, from Oz now, Yoriko

by nini 17 May 2009

Querida Yoriko, estamos todos a atravessar tempos difíceis, uns mais do que os outros, mas nestes momentos é que o amor da família e o apoio dos amigos nos dão força para encerrar alguns capítulos da nossa vida e enfrentar os novos tempos com renovado ânimo. É por isso que te envio um abraço muito apertado, com os meus votos de que tudo corra pelo melhor. Tu mereces ser feliz....tens dado tanto aos outros!... Sinto-me honrada por te ter conhecido e espero poder em breve ler novamente as tuas mensagens e sentir nelas que, apesar de tudo, o teu sorriso continua aí, no teu rosto.

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manami by manami 18 May 2009

Querida Nini, e dificil de acreditar que a economia chegou numa situacao em que todos sofrem, no mundo inteiro. E verdade, nesses momentos contamos com o amor da familia e amigos. Muito obrigada, eu tambem sinto-me muito honrada por ter te conhecido. Um grande abraco, Yoriko.

by jrob Moderator 17 May 2009

Yoriko, we always say when one door closes, another opens. I just know that this is going to be a new adventure for you, because you deserve the best. It is wonderful that you will be able to see and spend time with your sons and granddaughters! Be safe......I'll be praying for you.;)

jrob by jrob 17 May 2009

I read the other answers after submitting and am smiling as apparently we all felt that "one door is closing, but another will open." Maybe that is a message to you.

manami by manami 18 May 2009

That is what I thought, this is a message to me!!! Thank you so much, dear Jerrilyn!!!

by tinfriend 17 May 2009

Yoriko, I too am so sorry to hear about your situation and will pray that everything will turn out well for you!! I also wish you a safe trip and that you will have a special time with your sons & grandaughters!

I know things always happen for a reason because BETTER things are waiting for you - it may not seem like that at the time though but please try and stay positive! I believe in the Power of Prayer! You will be in mine and in my thoughts!
Take care!

1 comment
manami by manami 18 May 2009

Dear Sandie, thank you so much! I too, believe in the power of prayer. Love, Yoriko

by gg2009 17 May 2009

Yoriko, I'm sorry to here about your situation. One thought though, have your family read these letters from your CUTE Family, so they know how much you are loved and appreciated. People don't need to see each other, live near each other, or personally know each other, to feel like they have friends ALL OVER THE WORLD. Hurry back.

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manami by manami 18 May 2009

GG2009, so true! We are family here!!! I'll keep in touch. Love, Yoriko

by castelyn 17 May 2009

Dearest Yoriko, It is so sad to have to close a school, and I am sorry for the debts that you have incurred. But it is no good to carry on, if it is only giving you debt. God bless you, and enjoy the stay with your sons and granddaughters. Hugs and Love Yvonne

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manami by manami 18 May 2009

Dear Yvonne, thank you so much! I still dont have a plan of what to do to pay for all the debts...God might send me a light at the end of the tunnel. Love, Yoriko

by emily16838 17 May 2009

My heart goes with you. Lots of sadness these days and you have brighten my days ...thank you and please hurry back.

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manami by manami 18 May 2009

Dear Emily, I feel so happy when I can help people, even giving just a single brighten day. Thank you so much!!! I'll keep in touch. Love, Yoriko

by bokkieborduur 17 May 2009

Yoriko, I feel so sorry for you, this is reasad news, enjoy your trip and the visit to family to. I will pray for you Love Marie.

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manami by manami 18 May 2009

Dear Marie, thank you so much. You take care of yourself, you will be in my thoughts and prayers as well. Love, Yoriko

by claudenicolas 17 May 2009

dear yoriko, i am sorry for you for that is so sad to close a school.However you will have your family near of you, and help you to take the good decisions.
Hugs, Claude

1 comment
manami by manami 18 May 2009

Claudenicolas, thank you so much! Love, Yoriko

by lindaavolio 17 May 2009

Oh Yoriko...I am so sorry to hear that you have to close your there any kind of assistance that you could apply for? Such as a grant or Government money available...or maybe private financing through an organization? I don't know what type of rules or regulations you are under or what might be available thru your community. I wish you the best and I know God will give you the answer.
Hugs, Linda

1 comment
manami by manami 18 May 2009

Dear Linda, yes there is a government assistance, but it takes time to get help, and I cant wait anymore. Again, the visa came too late, I couldnt leave the country until I get that, otherwise, I could be working in something there to save the school. Too late now. Thank you so much for your caring. Love, Yoriko

by jerrib 17 May 2009

God always has his ways of rewarding warm and generous souls, just be patient, I am sure he has bigger and better plans for you.
Enjoy your time with your family. Have a safe trip, we all will keep you in our prayers.

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manami by manami 18 May 2009

Dear Jerri, thank you so much!!! I'll keep in touch. Love, Yoriko

by meganne 17 May 2009

I am so sad for you to have to do this, but at least you will have your family there to support you and your family here (Cute) praying for all to go well for you and wishing you a safe return to Australia, if that is what you want.
When God close one door, he opens another" I hope this will be so for you dear Yoriko, for you deserve to be happy.
Hugs n much love, Meganne

1 comment
manami by manami 18 May 2009

Dear Meganne, thank you so much, I am blessed have this beautiful family here. You take care of yourself, you will be in my thoughts and prayers as well. Love, Yoriko

by sissibrode 17 May 2009

Oh Yoriko !!! i'm so sorry for you :o( LOVE AND HUGS TO YOU

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manami by manami 18 May 2009

Dear Sissi, thank you so much!

by caydebug 17 May 2009

Yoriko, Always remember " When God closes a door, he opens a window". What he must have in store for you has be greater than you can dream. I know that a family visit will be your hearts desire. Hug the girls for me and let them know that someone across the oceans thinks of them and that they are in my prayers. I know that closing the school is a heartbreaker, but remember that you are God's gift and he will take care of it. Prayers and God's Blessings, Libbie

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manami by manami 18 May 2009

Dear friend, Libbie, I'll remember that. I will hugs the girls, and tell them about you all. Love&blessings, Yoriko

by jacquipaul 17 May 2009

Dear Yoriko,
It is so sad to have to close a school, and I am sorry for the debts that you have incurred. How nice to have sons and granddaughters to visit, with whom to share your love. The economy has hit most of us very hard, and we can only hope and pray that things will improve. You have been a breath of fresh air to this Cute family, offering your time and talents so generously.
You and your family are in my prayers,

1 comment
manami by manami 18 May 2009

Jacqueline, thank you so much! I've been praying economy would improve, but it seems its far away to happens. Love, Yoriko

by gerryvb 17 May 2009

sorry to read this message to close the school. but try to enjoy the meeting of your sons and gr.daughters, hope you'll have a safe trip, and please come back to us again!!
love/hugs gerry

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manami by manami 18 May 2009

Gerry, thank you so much! I'll keep in touch. Love, Yoriko

by blhamblen 17 May 2009

You will be greatly missed... I am sorry for the closing of the school...we all know how important education is!!! BUT you will be with your OTHER Family...just don't forget us!!!
We will be waiting for your return..Be Safe...Have Fun..Hug the Girls LOTS!! Love, Hugs and *'s

1 comment
manami by manami 18 May 2009

Education with quality was my moto, well, still is. Unfortunatelly, the economy crisis didn't make an exception for that area. I'll keep in touch. Yeah, I will hug the girls lots, although they dont like hugs too much :) Love, Yoriko

by marjialexa Moderator 17 May 2009

Oh, Yoriko, how sad for you!! This economy is just so bad for so many people! I hope you can get it done with a minimum of upset to yourself. It must be hard to see something you have developed over the years ba closed like that. I hope you will have a good time with your family, anyway. Spend some time with Yukio, I know how much you miss him! And perhaps, when it's all over, and the debts settled, at least that chapter will be closed, and you won't have to worry about it any more, you can move on to other things that may be more rewarding for you. Please travel safely, and check in with us when you can. My love, Marji

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manami by manami 18 May 2009

Dear Marji, I tried to have the school opened as much as I could. Again, the visa came too late (couldnt leave the country), I could be there and work something to dont get this far. Anyway, I'll have good times with my family there, hug my granddaughters, can you imagine that? Yukio is in another city with my oldest son, but I'll see him on weekends, I miss him so much. I'll login in my night time, and keep in touch with you all. Love, Yoriko

by blessinge 17 May 2009

I am sorry to hear that you have to close your school. Economy seems to be bad everywhere. Shirlene is right, this may be God's way of opening new doors for you.
Have a safe trip and enjoy the time with your sons and granddaughters.

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manami by manami 18 May 2009

Dear Blessinge, thank you! It's very sad to see my "baby" closing down, years of hard work...

by shirlener88 17 May 2009

Yoirko, I had no idea that you owned a private school. That is amazing, but do understand with the economy crisis why you might have to shut it down. With you now living in Aus., this might be the way to close the door on the old life and open up - something in the new. Enjoy your family while you can. Travel safe and keep in touch. We will miss you while you are gone, but will keep you in our prayers. *4U Shirlene

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manami by manami 17 May 2009

Thank you so much, Shirlene! You are always there for me, I wont forget that! Love,Yoriko