by manami 18 May 2009

Thank you in advance!!! Love, Yoriko


by ewroland 20 May 2009

It's good to hear from you, so glad you had a safe trip. Enjoy your stay.

by manami 20 May 2009

From Japan! Arrived safe, and couldnt resist to talk to my Cute Family. About the mask, I asked to Japanese lady at the airport and she gave me one, I was so lucky!!! Here at the school I have boxes of those that the government has sent, now that I don't need anymore.It's strange being surrounded by books and papers again, instead machines and threads...I miss you all
PS I'll write more tonight and post in Personal.

1 comment
sissibrode by sissibrode 20 May 2009

Hugs to you Yoriko xoxo !!!

by lbrow 18 May 2009

No mask from me Yoriko but God Speed try to enjoy yourself & above all b safe, *4U

by caydebug 18 May 2009

Be safe My friend and have a good time with the family. No spoiling the granddaughters (yeah, right!!!) Prayers and God's Blessings, Libbie

by clawton 18 May 2009

I really late in seeing your posting. Hope you have safe travels and have fun!

by shirlener88 18 May 2009

Be safe in your travels and keep in touch!

by modo 18 May 2009

Enjoy your trip

by maryclampitt 18 May 2009

Godspeed, stay safe and enjoy your trip

by sqdancer 18 May 2009

Me again Yoriko, know that you have logged off but you may want to check this out once you are back on line...;productId=161 - Enjoy Hugs. x00x0x

1 comment
shirlener88 by shirlener88 18 May 2009

This is the one I was going to suggest.

by manami 18 May 2009

Well, I am logging off. I will leave tomorrow morning at 7am. and getting in Osaka at night time, but staying in Kyoto for the night, then leave to Nagoya next day. See you from Japan!!! Love and blessings, Yoriko.

1 comment
castelyn by castelyn 18 May 2009

Will be thinking of you, enjoy been with the family _hugs Yvonne

by mandor64 18 May 2009

Enjoy your trip! May you always be safe! Mary

by meganne 18 May 2009

Chemists are always open at the airport, please don't risk catching anything contagious by using fabric mask.
You should also buy some antiseptic instant hand wash as Swine flu is a contact disease, not airborne.

Have a safe and worthwhile trip dear friend and come back soon. Hugs n roses, blessings, Meganne

1 comment
manami by manami 18 May 2009

I will look for it tomorrow mornig at the airport. Thank you for the tip for antiseptic! Take care of yourself, I'll be thinking of you! Love,Yoriko

by jrob Moderator 18 May 2009

no, but they are not very expensive to purchase if you have to and I believe that purchased ones block more germs than a fabric mask would. Take care and be safe! Hugs!

1 comment
manami by manami 18 May 2009

Hi Jerrilyn, its 10pm...nothing opened.
I'm making one now, with fabric, better than nothing...

by sqdancer 18 May 2009

Can't help with the mask Yoriko my friend, but want to wish you a safe and very enjoyable trip. Love & Hugs Glenda x0x0x0x

1 comment
manami by manami 18 May 2009

Glenda, thank you!!!

by michelej 18 May 2009

Oh Yoriko, I thought you were off next week not tomorrow......Please have a safe trip....will miss you....Ps:: Put a hankie aound your face.......

1 comment
manami by manami 18 May 2009

Thank you, Michele!

by sissibrode 18 May 2009

Sorry, don't have... But good flight to you and come back fast !!! *

1 comment
manami by manami 18 May 2009

Thank you, Sissi!

by asterixsew Moderator 18 May 2009

No sorry. Take care friend will be thinking about you. Cx

1 comment
manami by manami 18 May 2009

Thank you, Caroline!

by gerryvb 18 May 2009

sorry, I haven't.But I do wish you a good flight, a safe trip and a nice reunion with the family.Hope they help you in the sad time of closing the school.and please come back to us safe, we will miss you here!! hugs gerry

1 comment
manami by manami 18 May 2009

Thank you, Gerry!

by blhamblen 18 May 2009

Sorry I haven't seen a mask...just the eye ones!! Have a SAFE Trip:) You will be missed!!!!

1 comment
manami by manami 18 May 2009

Thank you, Barb!