I seem to have missed the P also. What happened didn't they post it? If anybody has it please send it to me maryann_bosley@yahoo.ca. Thank you
Je n'ai pas pu avoir les lettres P et Q en PES, quelqu'un pourrait il m'aider. Merci.
J'ai les autres lettres, donc si je peux aider quelqu'un pas de problème mais j'ai besoin de votre adresse email.
I missed the Q and need it in .art or .pes could someone please e-mail to me. My address is in profile. Thank you in advance!!
can someone send me the letter Q as it was not on my computer yesterday jef
je n'ai pas eu la possibilité d'enregistrer, la lettre "O" ainsi que le motif en dessous. Pourrais-je le recevoir svp. Merci
I missed the "L" and never did see the "P" - the day it was supposed to be up they had the "K" up.
I have them all and just love them. They stich out so nice. I've been making a quilt for a friends new grand daughter one square a day. Thanks.
I was not able to get the letter L because of computer problems can someone plase send it to me in pes format. shurst@gt.rr.com Thanks in advance
I just found your site...love it. Will the previous Alphabet be available after 6 months?