by manami 21 May 2009

gets along with her new friends.

At the school, trowing things or giving away all the schools furniture, including trowing some of my cars away too. Here, we have to pay a recicle fee for trowing things away :(
It's a shame people in Japan don't like used stuffs, only new ones, and I've seen so many junks in Tender Center(recicle shop), it would be great if I could take everything with me to Australia :(

I haven't had time to go shopping yet, but shop for fabrics is in my agenda :)

Unfortunatelly, I think it's not possible to take pictures of maikos(atual gueishas), as they walk along the Kyoto's roads, and I'm not going there.

I miss you all! Love&blessings,


by iris2006 26 May 2009

Thanks for posting the pictures of the school Yoriko, sad to see that the place have to close. Enjoy visiting Yukio and your GD and have a save trip back.

by sherylac 26 May 2009

Oh Yoriko, just enjoy yourself, thanks for the photos, and you never know what tomorrow may bring, look forward, have fun with your family and say hello to Yukio for me

1 comment
manami by manami 26 May 2009

Yukio said hello to you. He misses you and Michele, your were so wonderful to him! We will have lots to talk when I come back :) Love,Yoriko

by jrob Moderator 25 May 2009

Yoriko, I had to giggle thinking about you getting a photo of a geisha! I have heard from business folks who travel there what that would entail.....Maybe you can talk someone into taking your well-loved things that can't afford new ones. Have fun and enjoy your family.;)

1 comment
manami by manami 26 May 2009

Thank you so much, Jerrilyn! I spent my weekend with Yukio and my youngest granddaughter. It's was so wonderful! Yukio played guitar for me, and I recorded so I can watch later. Love, Yoriko

by blessinge 25 May 2009

Thanks for sharing the pictures of your school, it looked like a wonderful place. It is a shame that the people of Japan do not like to recycle and that things are just thrown away. Happy to hear you are enjoying time with your family, can't wait to see the pictures.

1 comment
manami by manami 26 May 2009

Thank you Blessinge! Today I threw 4 tvs away, I had to pay 6,000 yen each one for the recycle fee, about USD 60,00. That really hurts! On the other hand, enjoying my family as much as I can. Love, Yoriko

by nini 24 May 2009

Querida Yoriko, ainda bem que a tua neta te enche o coração de alegria! Como vês, nem tudo é mau e a família é o nosso melhor tesouro! Um abraço amigo! Que tudo te corra o melhor possível!

1 comment
manami by manami 25 May 2009

Querida Nini, muito obrigada!!! E verdade, a familia e o nosso melhor tesouro! Outro abraco, Yoriko

by asterixsew Moderator 24 May 2009

Enjoy Yukio's company

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manami by manami 25 May 2009

I did enjoy Yukio's company...I'm going to visit him next weekend again. Thank you, Caroline! Love,Yoriko

by meganne 24 May 2009

The end of an era is always a very sad time. "As God closes one door He opens another."
I pray that will be true for you.
Hugs n roses, M

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manami by manami 24 May 2009

Dear Meganne, thank you so much!!! No place for sadness today:I got to see my precious son Yukio!!! love, Yoriko

by pennifold 24 May 2009

Hi Yoriko, thanks for the great shots of the school and the children. I am so sorry to see all this disappearing.

Yes, indeed it is a shame that Japanese people don't like re-using things. I believe in recycling a lot of stuff and am always taking things to my church op-shop. You just never know who might need something.

Glad you got to see your grand-daughter going to school. Isn't it a lovely time watching them gain their independence. I can still remember Ben's first day! I was devastated, and he was absolutely wonderful and didn't have a care in the world. Oh! how life goes round in full circle.

Anyway have a great trip and I'm looking forward to seeing what you purchase and bring back to Australia.

Love and blessings Chris

manami by manami 24 May 2009

Dear Chris, thank you so much! I'm very happy today, I got to see my son Yukio and my youngest granddaughter! I took some pictures, I'll upload them as soon as I can. I went shopping for clothes today, oh my, so many things I want to take with me!!! Love Yoriko

manami by manami 24 May 2009

Dear Chris, thank you so much! I'm very happy today, I got to see my son Yukio and my youngest granddaughter! I took some pictures, I'll upload them as soon as I can. I went shopping for clothes today, oh my, so many things I want to take with me!!! Love Yoriko

by kezza2sew 23 May 2009

Yoriko, thanks for the update, and the photos of your school.

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manami by manami 24 May 2009

Thank you, Kezza!!!

by castelyn 22 May 2009

Hi Yoriko, it is a pity that they don't like used things, it would make so many people happy to get things even if they are 2nd hand, I collect things and then take them to the charity shop at the home were my Dad was, and they sell it, from there little shop and the funds go to the home. They were so pleased when I took 5 big boxes there again yesterday.

Well I can't wait to see what fabric you going to buy on your shopping trip????

Thanks for sharing the photo's with us

Love and Hugs Yvonne

1 comment
manami by manami 22 May 2009

Dear Yvonne, thank you so much for replying. It's sad to see things that we take ages to build turning like garbage. I'm trying to give all the things away, and the rest going to the city's recicle center. It's sad to see this. Love,Yoriko

by shirlener88 21 May 2009

Oh Yoriko, thank you for sharing your pictures of the school - what a shame to be closing it. It is a shame - that more do not like used stuff - what a shame. *4U

1 comment
manami by manami 22 May 2009

Dear Shirlene, yes, it is so sad to see it closing...

by manami 21 May 2009

Some pictures of the school.
1 My office...its a real mess now!!!
2 Front door
3 one of the classroom
4 another classroom
5 some students on a visit to the Planetarium 2 years ago.

marjialexa by marjialexa 24 May 2009

What a beautiful school!! I'm so terribly sorry you must close it! Love, Marji

manami by manami 25 May 2009

Thank you, dear Marji. I'm terribly sad about the school, but I feel that a better new life is about to start. Love,Yoriko