by manami 26 May 2009

sells a bag of fabrics for 100 yen(about USD 1,00), They give you the bag and you fill it up as much as you can with the fabrics you want. Gorgeous pieces, by the way. I miss you all. Love&blessings, Yoriko


by 2createit 27 May 2009

Dear Yoriko, hope you are well. You will have to tell us the name of the shop so i can get Shanae to keep her eye open for it. It can be my gift from her from
Enjoy as much as you can.
Love from Louise

manami by manami 28 May 2009

Louise, the name is Regent, unny its not Japanese name :) Thank you! Love,Yoriko

manami by manami 28 May 2009

I meant : funny :)

by sandralochran 27 May 2009


1 comment
manami by manami 28 May 2009

Thank you!

by reddish 26 May 2009

Sounds like alot of fun shopping with items being so cheap..Let us know when you get back home,please...Diane

1 comment
manami by manami 28 May 2009

Thank you! I'll let you know :)

by debrar 26 May 2009

Miss hearing from you. The sale sounds wonderful, wish we were all there with you. Have some fun for all of us.

1 comment
manami by manami 28 May 2009

Thank you!

by pennifold 26 May 2009

Hi Yoriko,

Oh! that would be pure heaven! I am like a kid in a candy store when it comes to fabrics. I can spend hours in one. Actually I am going into Newcastle today with Mum and may drop into Spotlight! I have to get some of that WSS that Claire has so kindly informed me about. I can't wait to try some of that FSL.

I am glad you are getting to spend time with Yukio and grandchildren.

Can't wait to hear about your trip when you come back home.

Love and blessings Chris

1 comment
manami by manami 28 May 2009

Thank you, Chris! Cant wait to finish my work here and enjoy my family a little more!

by emily16838 26 May 2009

Oh we all miss you tons. too

1 comment
manami by manami 28 May 2009

Thank you!

by emily16838 26 May 2009

Can I shop with you how fun my dream bargain shopping . wish I could keep you company,

1 comment
manami by manami 28 May 2009

Thank you!

by lbrow 26 May 2009

Great to hear from u Yoriko. Fill lots of bags & mail them to yourself if they won't let u bring it all back on plane. *

1 comment
manami by manami 28 May 2009

Thank you!

by debleerl 26 May 2009

Do they ship to the US LOL. Don't overload the airplane. I'm glad you're having a good time.

1 comment
manami by manami 28 May 2009

Thank you!

by minicow 26 May 2009

oh gosh what a bargain- have you money left to pay excess baggage? gggggg happy material shopping and thanks for keeping us in your thoughs
hugs and sparkles from minicow

1 comment
manami by manami 28 May 2009

Thank you!

by cracker 26 May 2009

Oh heavens, I'd have to have a shipping crate toship mine back! LOL Have fun. don't shop too much.

1 comment
manami by manami 28 May 2009

Thank you!

by mariahail 26 May 2009

A friend that went to visit Japan and also India told me about those big sales, he got me lots of lace for a couple of dollars.Have fun!!!!!

1 comment
manami by manami 28 May 2009

Thank you!

by dlmds 26 May 2009

Hi Yorika, sounds like your having fun, wish I was with you to get some of that fabric (like I don't have enough already). Haha!! I do know the fabric there is much nicer than what one can get in the U.S.A. H&*

1 comment
manami by manami 28 May 2009

Thank you!

by colleta 26 May 2009

Wow! That is really cool. I agree with everyone else, I would love it!

1 comment
manami by manami 28 May 2009

Thank you!

by gg2009 26 May 2009

I bet you're going crazy .. have a good time.

1 comment
manami by manami 28 May 2009

Thank you!

by iris2006 26 May 2009

That is a good buy Yoriko, wish I was there to shop with you. Jope you enjoy your time in Japan and with the family. We do miss you

1 comment
manami by manami 28 May 2009

Thank you!

by waterlily 26 May 2009

What a nice find that must have been! It was great hearing from you!

1 comment
manami by manami 28 May 2009

Thank you!

by dailylaundry 26 May 2009

Oh Yoriko, you know exactly what would get our interest!!! A bag of beautiful fabric for only a dollar....we all are picturing that right now in our is like kids in a candy store!!! A filled bag of candy, for only a penny!!! When you get back home, please spread the candy....I mean, fabric out and take a picture for us to taste and enjoy!!!* You are missed!*

1 comment
manami by manami 28 May 2009

Thank you!

by edithfarminer 26 May 2009

Waaaaaaaaaauw, that seems my piece of heaven
Enjoy !!!

1 comment
manami by manami 28 May 2009

Thank you!

by caydebug 26 May 2009

WoW!!! I would never come home nor would I ever have any money. Great to hear from you and hope this finds you having a blast with the family and loving the girls to pieces. Prayers and God's Blessings, libbie

1 comment
manami by manami 28 May 2009

Thank you!

by gerryb 26 May 2009

Woo woo! As Monica would say Fiesta!! Now just keep us informed as to what you are making with your treasures!! Hurry home. But glad to see you here on line today!

1 comment
manami by manami 28 May 2009

Thank you!

by tolgamum 26 May 2009

It sounds wonderful Yoriko, but don't get carried away by all these treasures in your new Aladdin's Cave or you may strain a muscle or two toting it all home. Enjoy your stay and return safely. Thinking of you and hoping all is well.

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manami by manami 28 May 2009

Thank you!

by jacquipaul 26 May 2009

That sounds wonderful! Hope you return to Austrailia with lots of fabric and ideas to make wonderful things. You have been missed here.

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manami by manami 28 May 2009

Thank you!

by jrob Moderator 26 May 2009

Whoo Hoo! You will have to buy more luggage to return home with all of your goodies! Miss you, too!

1 comment
manami by manami 28 May 2009

Thank you!

by mad14kt 26 May 2009

Enjoy, Enjoy,, Enjoy ;D *2U

1 comment
manami by manami 28 May 2009

Thank you!

by grandmamek 26 May 2009

Wow! you sure found a good buy. Just think of the fun you will have with all that beautiful material. Now I am anxious to see your completed projects.

1 comment
manami by manami 28 May 2009

Thank you!

by lindaavolio 26 May 2009

Miss you,

1 comment
manami by manami 28 May 2009

Thank you, Miss you too!

by sissibrode 26 May 2009

INCREDIBLE !!! I hope you did stocks :o)
I miss you too Yoriko ! See you soon

1 comment
manami by manami 28 May 2009

Thank you!

by ewroland 26 May 2009

great - I hope you stocked up!

1 comment
manami by manami 28 May 2009

Thank you!

by eveve 26 May 2009

Is it easily accessible? Near train station/tokyo etc? That sounds so fun and value for $. Possible to 'stretch' that plastic bag to accomodate more fabrics? hehehe.

Enjoy yrself back in Japan!

1 comment
manami by manami 28 May 2009

Thank you, Eve!

by modo 26 May 2009

it is nice from you to give some news, glad everything is fine, have nice time

1 comment
manami by manami 28 May 2009

Thank you, Michele!

by meganne 26 May 2009

OH, NO, now I'm so sorry I didn't go with you to Japan. LOLOL!!!

Imagine what a beautiful quilt one could make with all those beautiful Japanese fabrics.

I'm green with envy of the fun you must be having shopping. :-)))

Hugs n roses, M

1 comment
manami by manami 28 May 2009

Thank you, Meggane!

by michelej 26 May 2009

Hi Yoriko, happy to see you here again.......
Well hope you filled lots of bags of fabrics as there are alot of cute members here you
The material in Japan is just beautiful....
Miss you too......Hi Yukio!!!!!

1 comment
manami by manami 27 May 2009

Thank you, Michele! Miss you!!!

by asterixsew Moderator 26 May 2009

Ah where please?
On a more serious note happy shopping and thinking about you and hoping all is going well for you.

The shop sounds fun is it the fabric equivelent of a 100 yen shop. I love the 100 yen shops they are fantastic its just sad they are so far away. Hope you are able to relax somewhat too

manami by manami 28 May 2009

Thank you, Caroline! I love 200 yen shop too!

manami by manami 28 May 2009

I mean 100 yen :)

by kathyjt 26 May 2009

You are missed.

1 comment
manami by manami 28 May 2009

Thank you, Kathy!

by shirlener88 26 May 2009

Oh my goodness what a buy - you want to fill me up a bag - Hehehe! We miss you as well - have fun and keep in touch!

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manami by manami 26 May 2009

I was answering in Personals :) I'm trying to enjoy Japan as much as I can!!!Thank you Shirlene!