by manami 30 May 2009

Today, Sunday, I'm going to visit my son Yukio. I'm adding some pictures. I miss you all. Love, Yoriko


by sqdancer 04 Jun 2009

A little behind on my checking out Cute these days, you were on my mind this morning and thought to check personals...looks like you are thoroughly enjoying your time with family and friends...I am so happy for you Yoriko...big hugs and much love G x0x0x0x

1 comment
manami by manami 05 Jun 2009

Dear Glenda, thank you!!!

by 2createit 04 Jun 2009

Hi Yoriko, i hope all has gone as well as it can. Your pictures are great, Yukio looks happy. Sorry i haven't caught up before this more problems with my computer....Enjoy your time with your family and have a safe trip home.
Love Louise

1 comment
manami by manami 05 Jun 2009

Thank you, Louise! Miss you!

by lv2sew 04 Jun 2009

((((((big huge bear hug 4 u)))))) thanks for sharing a part of you! wonderful photos.. Be safe my friend!

1 comment
manami by manami 05 Jun 2009

Thank you, Lv2sew!

by nini 03 Jun 2009

Minha querida, apesar das tuas perdas, vejo que o sorriso continua presente na tua vida!...Adorei as fotos. O teu filho está um belo rapaz! Que Deus te proteja!... Um grande abraço.

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manami by manami 05 Jun 2009

Muito obrigada, Nini!!!

by castelyn 03 Jun 2009

Yoriko,it is hard to do some things, you did what was best for you. Keep smiling and enjoy the rest of your stay with your family. Thanks for sharing these lovely photos with us all - Hugs Yvonne

1 comment
manami by manami 05 Jun 2009

Thank you, Yvonne!

by iris2006 03 Jun 2009

What nice to see these photo's Yoriko, I can imagine that it will be difficult to say farewell again to your son and family. I hope you have a great time and that you will have a savetrip back to Australia. Looking forward to see you back.

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manami by manami 05 Jun 2009

Thank you, Carla!

by lbrow 03 Jun 2009

Yoriko the pics r wonderful. I know this has been hard on u but many payers r going up for u. God Bless *

1 comment
manami by manami 05 Jun 2009

Thank you so much, Lillian!

by blessinge 01 Jun 2009

Thank you for the photos. Happy to see you smiling and enjoying time with your family.

1 comment
manami by manami 03 Jun 2009

Blessinge, thank you!!!

by michelej 01 Jun 2009

Hi Yoriko, I sometimes forget to check out personals but remembered tonight. The pics look great. Yukio is looking really well and happy. Tell him, I still haven`t picked up my guitar for months now(one day) You also look well....Have a safe trip back to Oz......

1 comment
manami by manami 03 Jun 2009

Michele, thank you!

by jacquipaul 31 May 2009

Yoriko we love and miss you. Have a safe trip back to Austrailia, and give your family hugs for us. I cannot imagine how difficult it must be for you to be closing your school. I will keep you in my prayers.

1 comment
manami by manami 03 Jun 2009

Jacqueline, thank you! Miss you too!

by jrob Moderator 31 May 2009

This must be so hard for you.....Our thoughts and prayers go with you.

1 comment
manami by manami 03 Jun 2009

Jerrilyn, thank you so much!!!

by grandmamek 31 May 2009

thank you for sharing your photos.

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manami by manami 03 Jun 2009

Thank you, Grandmamek!

by meganne 31 May 2009

I sent you a PM dear friend. hugs n love, Meg

1 comment
manami by manami 03 Jun 2009

Dear Meg, I will read your PM. Love,Yoriko

by asterixsew Moderator 31 May 2009

Yoriko thanks for the lovely pictures - arigato
Keep enjoying your family

1 comment
manami by manami 03 Jun 2009

Arigato, Caroline-san!

by shirlener88 31 May 2009

Oh Yoriko, what lovely pictures - we miss you as well - travel well. *4U

1 comment
manami by manami 03 Jun 2009

Thank you Shirlene! Miss you too!

by kezza2sew 31 May 2009

thanks for the update, the photos are lovely. A nice young son you have there....

1 comment
manami by manami 03 Jun 2009

Thank you Kezza!

by pennifold 31 May 2009

Hi Yoriko,

What a beautiful picture of you - so glad you sent it. Wonderful of Yukio too.

I am so sorry that closure of the school has come to an end, but life goes on - and you get up and start all over again. I hope you got to spend some quality time with your students and their families.

Hope you are having a lovely time with Yukio. I'm thinking of you.

Love and blessings Chris

1 comment
manami by manami 03 Jun 2009

Dear Chris, thank you so much! I miss you!

by marjialexa Moderator 30 May 2009

Beautiful pictures, Yoriko!! I'm so sorry for this big loss in your life, but it looks like there are some smiles in there too, and that the students & families appreciated you. And Yukio's having a good time with his guitar, good for him!! Love you, Marji

1 comment
manami by manami 03 Jun 2009

Marji, thank you!!! Love you too!

by manami 30 May 2009

1. some students
2. a student family
3. last week with Yukio

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bokkieborduur by bokkieborduur 06 Jun 2009

Yoriko, lovely children and friends. Love Marie.