by lv2sew 30 May 2009

There is a free 5 day trial available for download...It will clean your files of duplicates and also allow you to either send them to the recycle bin or a save them to a separate folder if you wish..I just downloaded the trial to see how it works..Works on external mediums as well...It is in its trial and has not been officially announced yet.. here is the link..I hope this link works..


by lv2sew 06 Jun 2009

I have to tell you that I purchased the "sew clean" software and that I just freed up so much space not to mention my time that it took to find a design that has been duplicated a gazillion times...I am almost embarressed at the enormous collection I have...I will be able to sort them now that I have started Spring Cleaning on my computer! It is worth every bit of the 20.00.. I was bad about my stash of fabric that took up a two story garage until moving day last year when I decided enough was enough...shoot I wished there had been a sewclean version for that endeavor!!LOL

by waterlily 30 May 2009

Thanks so much! I use several of their softwares. I'm going to take advantage of teh trial!

by aviesel 30 May 2009

thanks for the heads up. I like their products. Looks like it might be worth trying out. * 4 u :)

by lv2sew 30 May 2009

I forgot to add that you must click on the sewclean tab at the top of the page to be directed to the correct page...sorry.