by manami 03 Jun 2009

It's a cloudy day in Japan, but a nice temperature. I'm now working with the last school papers, I feel relieved everything is almost finished. I'm having more time to enjoy my family and going to places where I can take nice pictures. Last night, I tried to take pictures of fireflies, with no success... I miss you all. Love, Yoriko


by dkjack 03 Jun 2009

Wow! What a find. Oh go ahead and buy some more. You stash isn't over whelming yet. :) Miss ya.

by manami 03 Jun 2009

Dear Cuties, thank you so much for your lovely comments! I apologize I didnt answer each one of them as I wanted to. Love and miss you all. Yoriko

by iris2006 03 Jun 2009

Are you sure that all these fa brics only cost $1 ??? I would buy the whole store empty and send it home. Nice surprise when I come home :). Glad you have some time now to spend with the family. Have a safe trip home again Yoriko.

by modo 03 Jun 2009

lucky you

by nini 03 Jun 2009

São lindos os teus tecidos! Que bela compra fizeste! Espero que aproveites ao máximo os teus entes queridos. Sinto imenso a tua falta. Um abraço

by darenluan 03 Jun 2009

Yoriko, I'm so happy to hear about you again. Enjoy your family and take a lot of pictures of them and from the places you go. May God always bless you. Ahhh! So beautiful fabrics, i like the black one.****

by maryclampitt 03 Jun 2009

Do what we do. Mail it home. I don't know what postage is like there, but when we travel we mail packages home so we don't have to bring it on the flight. Works great.

by emily16838 03 Jun 2009

Oh your pink prints are so great ...I have always wanted to make aquilt with the pink or blue asian prints. We have these Petiuna Pickbottom bags and they are so cute...lucky maybe someday I'l get to go shopping there...Fun to dream!!!

by robnmona 03 Jun 2009


I miss fireflies. I grew up in Indiana where we had them nightly. I live in Western Nebraska...not one firefly...ever. Hope you had a wonderful trip to visit family. Love the fabrics.


by sewmom 03 Jun 2009

What a great buy! The are beautiful.

by grandmamek 03 Jun 2009

Your fabric is beautiful. You will be able to make lovely things with it. We are anxious for you to show in the projects section. We miss you too. Hugs for you

by jrob Moderator 03 Jun 2009

Beautiful fabrics, a "fat" suit and stuff yourself with fabrics and ship for FREE!!!!! hahahaha....I love the beautiful fabrics and my hands are itching to touch them.;)

by celticlady1031 03 Jun 2009

Your fabrics are beautiful. Wish I was with you along with a few empty suitcases. Enjoy your stay and time with your family.

by marlakay 03 Jun 2009

WOW! WHAT A DEAL! Great fabrics. Thanks for sharing them.

by debleerl 03 Jun 2009

I wonder what the shipping cost would be to send some to the 'States:-)

by marjialexa Moderator 03 Jun 2009

Just love the fabrics! I'm so glad you're having time to spend with family, please take care of yourself & those you love. Hugs, Marji

by shirlener88 03 Jun 2009

Beautiful fabrics - enjoy your picture taking time and most of all the family time. We miss you. *4U

by camylow 03 Jun 2009

those will be fun to work with..wish I got a good deal like that one...

by gerryb 03 Jun 2009

So good to hear you! Enjoy the family, they grow too fast! I've never had any luck taking firefly pictures either! Our Smokey Mountains have a 2 week period at a certain part of the park where the fireflies blink off and on together! It's something. Gotta walk a bit up to see if, but worth it. LOVE your fabric! What a deal!!

by grafiau 03 Jun 2009

Yoriko, my hubby and I are going to japan for our 3rd time in August can you give me some tips as to where to go for the cheap fabric. I went to several fabric shops when there last time in various towns like Himeji, Nagoya, Kyoto and osaka but all was very expensive, especially all the kimono fabrics stores, any hints would be great, Cheers Ruth

by maleah 03 Jun 2009

Have you thought of mailing them back to you? I did this when I visited Hawaii.. Much cheaper, too.

by mad14kt 03 Jun 2009

Awww....LOVELY fabric...many BLESSINGS Yoriko with your family ;D *2U

by meganne 03 Jun 2009

Yoriko, did you think to mail some things back to yourself?
My SIL sent four huge (3' x 3') boxes of her possessions back to Australia from China and it only cost her $10 AUD.
If it was me, I'd mail my clothes back and fill my suitcases with material. LOLOLOLOL!!!!! Especially if they're all as gorgeous as the ones in your photo.

Hope you are making the most of your time with your family, Heaven knows how long it will be before you see them all again. Thinking of you dear friend.
Hugs n much love, Meganne

by blhamblen 03 Jun 2009

LQQKs like you got some beautiful silk??!! wrap them in plastic and fill your shoes (in the suitcase) that way you can bring more home:)

by dailylaundry 03 Jun 2009

Thanks Yoriko! We are like little kids in a candy store and we are all officially "drooling" LOL..... good for you - enjoy - enjoy!!! Have a great time with your family and we will look forward to having you home soon!!* Laura

by bikermomfl 03 Jun 2009

the pinks are to die for - I think I'd be like lbrow and ship em home to myself. What fun when you get home and get a pkg full of fabrics! wheeeeee, have lots and lots of fun. My hubbys dream is to one day be able to go to Japan (sigh) me I won't leave the borders of my great u.s.

1 comment
meganne by meganne 03 Jun 2009

Oh Gee Karen, what you could be missing out on.

I'm so grateful I had the chance to leave my beautiful Australia and travel. It made me much more patriotic and grateful to live in our wonderful country.
But it also gave me so much to talk about and compare and dream of, and I met so many wonderful people on my trips and tasted so many different phenomenal foods and saw such awesome sites.
If i ever won the lottery I would travel again but I'd make sure I travelled around my home country too.
Hugs n roses, Meganne

by quiltgrama 03 Jun 2009

very nice indeed. Glad you are well and enjoying family. Take care. Lisa

by giddygoat 03 Jun 2009

What beautiful fabrics. Glad to see you having time with your family. We miss you here & look forward to having you back soon.

Must go. Rugby League "State of Origin" football about to start. Go Queensland!!!!!

by ksgram1 03 Jun 2009

Hello Yoriko. The fabric is gorgeous. You could always buy another suitcase. (Smile) Have a wonderful time with your family. ***

by sherylac 03 Jun 2009

lovely Yoriko, thanks for showing us, such lovely colours, and hope you are having fun with your family, take care

by michelej 03 Jun 2009

Wow Yoriko, what beautiful fabric....the pinks are so nice.....Well pleased to hear that you will now have more time to catch up with your family. Looking forward to you coming home....
hugs Michele

by kezza2sew 03 Jun 2009

Very pretty fabrics.

by jacquipaul 03 Jun 2009

Dear Yoriko,
It.s good that you are able to relax a little now. The fabrics are lovely! As you speak of fireflies, I think of your beautiful dragonfly alphabet. Thank you for your art! You are missed here, also.

by colonies1 03 Jun 2009

nice..............*4u all

by sissibrode 03 Jun 2009

Beautiful fabrics !!! I miss you too Yoriko. Hugs to you *

by lbrow 03 Jun 2009

and u r sorely missed here on cutes Yoriko. Can u not ship the material to yourself here n the states? that's what I did when I was n Central America. everything was so cheap I just mailed myself several large boxes. Glad u r enjoying yourself with fmly. *4U

by eveve 03 Jun 2009

i like the plain colors fabrics! but they are unique because they have some sorts of "prints" or effects on them too. u didnt buy those shrink clothes plastic bag to shrink down yr clothes in luggage?

by castelyn 03 Jun 2009

Yoriko, what a lovely collection of fabric, wish I could get a bargain like that, thanks for sharing with us all. Glad to hear that you are almost done with the paperwork, and can then spend more time with your family. God Bless. Hugs Yvonne

by lflanders 03 Jun 2009

Glad to hear from you! We all miss you! The material is beautiful! I know it is hard but It is good that it is almost finished and you can have some time to spend with your family. You may find out that it is for the best after all. I know it will be alot easier on you living in Australia and trying to keep a business going in another country. In the end we usually find out that things happen for the best. We sure will be glad to have you back home and among us again but hope you enjoy every moment you spend with your family. In the end it is family that really counts! Have a safe trip! Linda in Ga. USA

by pennifold 03 Jun 2009

Thanks for the picture of the fabrics Yoriko. Glad to see you are nearly all finalised with everything. Hope you get to spend more time with the family. Look forward to hearing from you soon.

Love and blessings Chris - you have a PM too!

1 comment
manami by manami 03 Jun 2009

Thank you, Chris! Sent you a PM. Love,Yoriko

by tinfriend 03 Jun 2009

WOW! Wish I could find something like that here where I live Yoriko - but no such luck! Miss you too - have a Great time with your family and friends!
Take care!

1 comment
manami by manami 03 Jun 2009

They are beautiful, arent they? Some are for friends there. Love,Yoriko

by tinfriend 03 Jun 2009

Love the picture Yoriko!

1 comment
manami by manami 03 Jun 2009

Thank you, Sandie!

by manami 03 Jun 2009

here's the picture

caydebug by caydebug 03 Jun 2009

Yoriko, Such beautiful fabric. And all for one dollar. What a bargin. Can I go the next time, LOL. Hope this finds you well and having a good time. Prayers and God's blessings, Libbie

pennifold by pennifold 03 Jun 2009

Yoriko - you're obviously a "Pink" girl. I'm a blue person. Love Chris

Gorgeous fabrics anyway you look at them.

manami by manami 03 Jun 2009

Thank you, Libbie and Chris! It seems we change some 'tastes' time from time. I was a blue girl, but after my granddaughters come along, I became a pink one :) Love,Yoriko

caydebug by caydebug 03 Jun 2009

Girls will do that to you.

shirlener88 by shirlener88 03 Jun 2009

Oh go ahead buy more - you have my address - right????? Hehehe!

clawton by clawton 03 Jun 2009

Lovely fabrics

lorettag28 by lorettag28 06 Jun 2009

You have my addrss, don't you?