Thankyou for your help cuties,i am looking forward to seeing all the other entries their are alot of talented quilters in the area that i live. It will be like walking though a garden with so many flowers.
Hi Heather, I've just found your quilt in Projects and have bought it to the top. I don't know when you will be taking another picture so till then at least the rest of the Cuties can see how fantastic this quilt is. Love and blessings Chris
Thankyou,i am making pillow slips to match,with the left over fabric,i will take a pic as soon as i can.
I see u got your sites for labels so want to wish u good luck *4U
Heather, can you share a picture of your quilt - that you are showing - in projects - we all want to see it - we will be praying for a blue ribbon for you, too. *4U
The lovely Pennifold put it up in projects on Fefruary 22nd,it was not a clear pic,i will take a new picture and will have a go at putting it in projects.thankyou for your support.
You might want to check the Viking site for their free offerings, monthly and the ones list "more". There is a very nice one. It may work better worked into the quilt design,however.
Thanks for asking the question. Looks like you have some good answers. Hope (if it is a contest) you get the blue ribbon!! I would like to see a picture.
Yes it would be nice,my friend put my name down to enter my quilt while i was away camping,i was so gobsmacked i had not intended to show my quilt.
These are free.
Thankyou there are so many,i will never run out of lables now. I will have to busy myself and finish all the UFS in my sewing room now hehehe.
You will love these ones. Good Luck! Mary;nav=9
It is hard to choose between the designs and the recipes. Boy I'm hungry .. looks like this time of day the recipes won out ..
You can make your own labels. It is quite simple. Embroider, if you wish, on a rectangular piece of homespun something you like. Then cut the fabric back to the size you want it to be. Then, with a pigma pen, or permanent marker write on the label your name, the date and maybe a little about the quilt. The latter is optional. Turn under 1/4" all the way around and slip stitch in place on the back of the quilt. It is also a good idea to sign and date your quilt before you put the label on, with a permanent marker or pigma pen. Then stitch it on top of your signature and date. If anyone steals your quilt and tries to remove the label, they will find your signature underneath and it will be impossible to remove.
Oh, super idea about signing under the label!! I'm still so dumb I can't imagine anyone stealing someone's quilt, but I guess it does happen, and things do get lost in the mail. Thanks, Ricky!! Hugs, Marji
Thankyou Ricky for your helpful information,i will sign it underneath,i had not thought of anyone stealing it.