by lv2sew 04 Jun 2009

My daughter bought the wacom pen and tablet for me for mothers day (bought it early in January) and was waiting for digitizing software (which I received for mother's day in May). Well to make a long story short, when I got the stuff out to start to use I was upset that the pen did not work..the eraser end was the only thing that worked..after hours and days of trying to get it to work, I just gave up and decided to email them in regards of where to purchase only a new pen...Much to my surprise I received an email within an hour and am getting a new pen free! this Company has wonderful support and would like to reccomend them to anyone who uses products for not only embroidery but photos and other stuff on the computer..I couldn't believe the wonderful tech support that came along with this product...I still have tons to learn..hehehe..I thought it was kinda funny that the eraser end was the only usable aspect of the pen..kinda made me wonder on all the mistakes I was going to make!


by marjialexa Moderator 05 Jun 2009

Oh, thank you!!! Praise for a good company, rare indeed. Wacom is excellent. I have an 'old' pen & tablet from them (5 years, wow!), it doesn't have any bells and only one whistle, but it's great. And it doesn't have an eraser, either. What they don't come up with!! I'm so glad you had a good experience with this good company. Hugs, Marji

by 10tje 05 Jun 2009

I use the bamboo too, I love it.
Have fun!!*

by tinfriend 05 Jun 2009

'One Day' when I learn to digitize I hope to purchase one! Not sure when that will be! LOL
Pleased it all worked out for you though!

by colonies1 05 Jun 2009

that is good they took care of you. West Bend did that for me once and I think they are a good company too.

by mops Moderator 05 Jun 2009

Glad to hear you got excellent service. I, too, have a Waom pen and tablet and love it. Hope you'llenjoy using yours.

1 comment
lv2sew by lv2sew 05 Jun 2009

I have a whole new world opening up to me now and so much technology to learn!

by read180 04 Jun 2009

Glad to hear that they stand behind their product. I just got one for mothers day. I do lots of photo shop and other graphic design things for my job. So far mine works just fine.
Thanks for the info.

by lbrow 04 Jun 2009

It's good to hear we still have people who stand behind the products they produce. there r so many out there these days who do not. *4U

1 comment
lv2sew by lv2sew 05 Jun 2009

yes it sure is..I was thrilled with the service and the speed of it as well.

by clawton 04 Jun 2009

Glad you had a good experience for your situation. Good luck with the new stuff. It's good to see something positive.

by raels011 04 Jun 2009

It is good to see a positive comment as we are quick to give negative

1 comment
lv2sew by lv2sew 05 Jun 2009

Yes you are so right...I like to focus on positive and leave the negative without thought..Life is too grand to spend it dwelling on silly things which most of the time are commonly negative!

by jrob Moderator 04 Jun 2009

That was good of you to give credit where credit was due....Good luck with your endeavor.;)

1 comment
lv2sew by lv2sew 05 Jun 2009


by mad14kt 04 Jun 2009


by reggirl 04 Jun 2009

Well I got one too... near the end of last year. It sounds very much like the one I got. It takes a bit of getting used to, but once you get the hang of it you will have lots of fun. I am left handed so use the tablet on the left of my laptop & the right has the mouse... I found i was getting confused sometimes as both can work at the same time.. most lefty's can operate things right handed due to it being the dominant hand in society. My hubby looks at me rather strange like when I am using both the mouse & the pen at the same time...hehehehe. I hope you get heaps of use from it... It certainly helped me with graphics etc.

by dailylaundry 04 Jun 2009

I have a Wacom pen and tablet - haven't learned all I need to yet - but, I found their customer support and website to be wonderful!!!* I believe, one day my tablet and pen will take the place of my mouse. Learn lots and share with me!!!*

by asterixsew Moderator 04 Jun 2009

What a great message. Hope the replacement works well. I look forward to hearing how you get on with this for digitising to see if it is worth buying. Have fun with your new pen and tablet

by sissibrode 04 Jun 2009

Good new !!! i'm happy for you ! *