by lenamae 05 Jun 2009

any one knowes where it was please let me know.


by marjialexa Moderator 06 Jun 2009

Lenamae, are you talking about real cutting scissors especially for FSL, or a FSL design of scissors (how the movers could lose that, I don't know). What are special scissors for FSL? If I knew what they were, maybe I could help. By the way, file a claim against those movers, nobody should be that sloppy! How can you lose boxes on a truck for pete's sake!! Hugs, Marji

lenamae by lenamae 08 Jun 2009

I found the sissors it is a set of designs they are real cute I think they were from lennia

lenamae by lenamae 08 Jun 2009

they are 3 in the set and they are 7.00

by clawton 05 Jun 2009

Sorry, Don't remember that but I'll keep my eye open for them.

1 comment
lenamae by lenamae 08 Jun 2009

thanks i found them