by manami 08 Jun 2009

Hi Cute Family, I remember I read something about Organ needles here, and I got 3 pacs of those for US3,00 each. How good are they? Is it a fair price?


by pennifold 08 Jun 2009

Yoriko, they sound a good buy - I only use Schmetz and have all my sewing life. Can't wait to see you back on here more often. Hope the trip was wonderful and I'm so sorry for you having to say goodbye all over again. It's tough - doesn't get any easier I'm afraid.

Love and blessings Chris

by dlmds 08 Jun 2009

Great buy, hurry back, as you are missed. H&*.

by grandmamek 08 Jun 2009

I buy mine from Allstitch. They are about $10.00 for a pack of 100. So far I have had fairly good luck with them. Once or twice I have broke a needle. I do use them a lot.

by lshattles 08 Jun 2009

at allstitch embroidery supplies they are only .10 each,a dime. But you have to buy 100 at a time. I do this and split the cost with my friend. They are great needles

by lbrow 08 Jun 2009

I like the organ needles & I think u have gotten an excellent price. they run$5.00 a pk or more here n states. *

by iris2006 08 Jun 2009

Yoriko, I hope you have a good and save trip back to Australia and I know it's hard to say goodbeye again. See you soon.

by shirlener88 08 Jun 2009

LQQKs like you will be buying more - while you can - enjoy your flight home - we sure miss you - can't wait to hear of all the quality time you had with the family. *4U

by marjialexa Moderator 08 Jun 2009

I like the Organ needles, I think that was the only kind my Mom ever used even in her sewing machines. I have the titanium and regular, as well as some Schmetz, that's what my dealer sells. I don't think the price is bad at all. Get more, hee hee hee. Love, Marji

by abeille78 08 Jun 2009

Have a good trip to come back Australia!
Monique from France

by blessinge 08 Jun 2009

Yoriko, I use Organ needles, I bought the titanium needles for my machine last November(they were recommended by my dealer)and paid $9.00 for a pack of 10. I use the titanium for designs with dense stiches. For less dense designs I use the regular Organ needles and they work well with my Designer 1. I think you got a good price for the needles.

1 comment
manami by manami 08 Jun 2009

Blessinge, thank you so much for your advice. I guess I will be getting more :) Love, Yoriko

by caydebug 08 Jun 2009

I use Organ and SCHMETZ needles. The Organ are great. I have had no problems out of them at all. As for price, even on ebay they run 4 to 5 dollars a pack with 10 in a pack. So that is not a bad price.

1 comment
manami by manami 08 Jun 2009

Libbie, thank you! I might buy more from 1 dollar store(100 yen shop), they are so expensive in Australia. Love, Yoriko

by asterixsew Moderator 08 Jun 2009

Hi Yoriko, not sure about the price but have used Organ needles for quite a while. Are machine needles sold in 100 yen shops? Good to see you posting and hope all is well. Take care

manami by manami 08 Jun 2009

Hi Caroline, yes machine needles are sold in 100 yen shop, got just 1 pac, as I dont know if they are any good. I'm leaving after tomorrow, my suit case is already on the way to the airport through a deliver service. Everything is fine, just too hard to say goodbye again. Love, Yoriko

asterixsew by asterixsew 08 Jun 2009

I want to visit a 100yen shop again, they are fantastic and fun