by manami 08 Jun 2009

I collected some pitures from the internet, and I wanted to share with you all, so you will get an idea what they look like. Their kimonos are just gorgeous!!! Love, Yoriko


by lbrow 09 Jun 2009

Safe trip Yoriko *

by blhamblen 08 Jun 2009

THANX so much for sharing this information...when my dad was stationed in Japan b-4 I was born he sent home 2 kimonos. My Mom let us wear them to play dress up...AND they were the GREATEST halloween costumes ever!!! I wonder what ever happened to them...I would LOVE to see that fabric again...I remember what wonderful embroidery work was on them!

by damaris 08 Jun 2009

thanks the pictures are beautiful.

by asterixsew Moderator 08 Jun 2009

Thanks for the lovely pictures. Kyoto is a beautiful city. Are you on the shinkansen?
Kimono fabric is very beautiful. Have a safe journey

1 comment
manami by manami 08 Jun 2009

Yes, I will take the shinkansen(bullet train) until Kyoto and then transfer to 'haruka' a special train to Osaka airport. Thank you, Caroline-san! Love, Yoriko

by gerryvb 08 Jun 2009

wow, they are gorgeous. I don't think it's comfortable to wear these but it looks beautiful.hope you have a safe trip back.hugs gerry

1 comment
manami by manami 08 Jun 2009

Gerry, thank you so much! I wore getas when I was child. The place I lived was in the country side, always so many puddles everywhere :) Love, Yoriko

by marjialexa Moderator 08 Jun 2009

Oh, my, these are glorious!! I'd hate to know how much time a geisha takes to get dressed & put on makeup in the morning, hee hee hee. I was looking at the killer shoes, I'll bet at the time they were designed, they were really practical. If the streets were wet, with puddles, etc., the geisha wouldn't get her feet wet, or the hems of her gown all muddy. Same for snow. She'd stay impeccably dressed. I wonder, though, wouldn't it make her very 'tall', and would the men like that? Eastern & Western tastes in 'beauty' can sometimes be different, most Western men don't like a gal to be taller than they are. So neat to learn all this new stuff from you all!! Hugs, Marji

manami by manami 08 Jun 2009

They fascinate me too. You are right, getas(shoes) were designed because of the rain, to dont get the white sock wet. The 'getting dressed and makeup' is like a ceremony, takes ages to finish. The kimonos are heavy too, many layers under that beautiful kimono. There is some info in the link I posted here. Love, Yoriko

marjialexa by marjialexa 08 Jun 2009

Ok, when the google ads popped up beside this post, I went looking at kimonos. This is a really neat site, with fairly inexpensive cotton kimonos for summer, which are called 'yukata'. Also, just for giggles, the site owner is really really cute, wish I were 30 years younger! http://www.kimono-yukata-market.c...

asterixsew by asterixsew 08 Jun 2009

Hey this is a great site so thanks

by emily16838 08 Jun 2009

Your photos are great. They are so beautiful they hardly look real. Glad you will be home soon ...everyone has missed you.

1 comment
manami by manami 08 Jun 2009

Emily, thank you! They are really beautiful. I miss you all too! Love, Yoriko

by meganne 08 Jun 2009

Oh My! Thank you so much for finding these Yoriko. The materials are just exquisite, I would love to be able to dress in such beautiful fabrics.
Without the shoes of course!!! LOL!! I do enough damage to myself wearing western shoes. LOL!!!
Hugs n roses, M

manami by manami 08 Jun 2009

Thank you, Meg! Have you read the link I posted here? Yes, the material are silk, mostly embroidered by hand. I agree about the shoes :) Love, Yoriko

meganne by meganne 08 Jun 2009

Haven't had a chance to read it yet, must get some sleep as I have chemo at 8 am tomorrow & it's 1 AM now.
I did watch the movie "Confessions of a Geisha" and found the story fascinating. I have read many stories about Geishas & seen many documentaries as I have always been interested in them and Japan. It's a lifetime love affair. I love Japanese artwork, especially the mother of pearl, shell art.
talk again soon. hugs n love, Meg

by darenluan 08 Jun 2009

Hi, Yoriko! I'm so happy everything is OK. The colors of the kimonos are so brilliant. But, why they're using white socks with wide sole sandals? Are them confortable?

1 comment
manami by manami 08 Jun 2009

oh, they are traditional and special 'socks' and sandals(geta), to wear with kimonos. Once you get used with them, they are comfortable :)

by caydebug 08 Jun 2009

Simply Stunning!! I really love these. Our Walmart is closing their crafts section and all their material is half price. I picked up some oriental silky fabric and plan on making the girls and their momma oriental style pj's to match. Gosh, their so excited. May be a month or so before finished, but will post a pic when finished.

1 comment
manami by manami 08 Jun 2009

Wow, I love oriental pj's. I wore them till my 13 y.o., they are so comfortable! I'll be looking forward to seeing your projects. Love,Yoriko

by blessinge 08 Jun 2009

WOW, the kimonos are beautiful! Sure am glad I don't have to walk in those shoes, I can see a sprained ankle, or worse.

1 comment
manami by manami 08 Jun 2009

it takes a while to get used with those getas(shoes) :) The kimonos are breathtaking!!!!

by manami 08 Jun 2009

here are the pictures

cricket17 by cricket17 08 Jun 2009

What a gorgeous geisha and the kimono is lovely is that the Imari pattern... the obi is a stunning combination of green and gold I loved Japan when I was there and hope to return. Thank you for sharing these pictures were they in Kyoto or in Tokyo or in your home?
I look forward to hearing from you.

manami by manami 08 Jun 2009

Hi, Angela, these pictures I collected from the internet, as I wont have a chance to stay in Kyoto. Gueishas and Maikos are seeing only there. Love, Yoriko

marjialexa by marjialexa 08 Jun 2009

The Wikipedia article is superb, thanks!!