Yea STEELERS!!!!! You go girl. I'm a former PA girl and I still go for the Steelers and Penn State. Love your pic!
I cann't imagine someone will be affended by your avater, but I hope you don't change to often.I'm used to the familiar avaters.but i suppose we will get used to this new one too,hehe.
No offence!!!! We can change anytime we like.....It will just take awhile to get used to you
OH NO!!! We won't be able to tell you from Letvia, (also a Steelers fan).
Guess we'll just have to look really close to make sure of who we are talking to. LOL!!!
Mt last hubby was a Steelers fan, he was from Meadville Pa.
Actually I thought your avatar should be one of a bear wearing a Granny shawl and an old fashioned mop cap. LOL!!! :-)
Hugs n Love, M
I love the bear idea, but haven't found a pic like that yet! Letvia's avitar is the dark insignia, that is why I picked the light one, Hahaha! Didn't want confusion! Yes, I know where Meadville is, lived there for a coupla years. Nice and homey place. *4U
I really don't see why any one would be offended by your avatar at all - you can change it to whatever YOU like, whenever you want to! Only person that can tell you to change is Ms Veronika!
I LOVE seeing all the different avatars that people use! They are lovely!
That is why I haven't been on here. I was told to change it. But if that one don't like this one, OH WELL! I haven't seen any comments from her in a while. Thanks, and a *4U
Hi gramsbear.........
Also LOVE the Pens!!
I'm from Pittsburgh also...north of Pittsburgh in Franklin Park (if you know the area) I know exactly where Kittanning is (what a small world) hahah
jdhbraz- where did you live in Pittsburgh?????
Thanks Linda, yes I know where Franklin Park is, and it is a small world! I haven't heard wether the Pens won the Stanley Cup or not, last I heard it was 2-2. *4U
No offence here, it is fun to change pictures sometimes. H&*
Offended? Heck no! Confused? Oh, yeah. Can't keep up with avatar-changers, hee hee hee. I'm going to think you're Letvia, she used to have a Steelers avatar quite a while ago, they're big Steelers fans, too. I live in Erie, PA, about 130 miles from Pittsburgh, guess who the whole town roots for? Hee hee hee, there's the occasional Brown's fan, but hey... go for it! Hugs, Marji
Thanks Marji, I was born and raised in the area just north of Pittsburgh. A little town called Kittanning, you may know it. **
Oh, sure, I know Kittanning well! When I was a kid we were always 'gypsies', going for Sunday drives, I know several states like my own backyard!
And it is a nice one at that! I don't know the football teams you have quoted as we don't have grid-iron here in Australia. I hope you haven't offended anyone by using it either. Good luck and love and blessings Chris
I am originally from the Pittsburgh area- so I love that you are using the Steelers logo. :)
Thanks Chris for the beautiful flowers & the Hello! ... And Thanks jdhbraz, I also am originally from north of Pittsburgh. ** to both of you.