by manami 09 Jun 2009

the best.

I'm sad some old issues still going on, but I hope everything will sort out and we can feel comfortable posting again and no one will get hurt anymore.

See you from Australia!!! Love you all. Hugs&blessings, Yoriko


by emily16838 10 Jun 2009

I sent a picture of your fabric to a friend who's husband is going to Singapore and asked him to shop for me! I'll probably never get close myself so who knows maybe between business meetings he'll get the erge to fabric shop. I can dream can't I???? Welcome home.

by iris2006 10 Jun 2009

Yoriko, I hope you will have a save journey home and we can all say WELCOME HOME tomorfrow to you, we missed you.

by crafter2243 Moderator 10 Jun 2009

I hope you will have a comfortable and save travel. Nice to have you back. Here is a big imaginary WELCOME sign. Hugs

by shirlener88 10 Jun 2009

Yoriko, it will be nice to have you home again - please travel safe. *4U

by sqdancer 10 Jun 2009

You'll soon be home Yoriko, safe you hugs Glenda x0x0x0x

by gheda65 10 Jun 2009

Go safely my dear friend, Hugs x0x0x0x

by jacquipaul 10 Jun 2009

Dear Yoriko,
Glad that your business is finished (almost?) and that you're on your way back home. You have been missed!

by michelej 10 Jun 2009

Yoriko, thankyou so much for your beautiful card from Japan. Thankyou for thinking about me. I hope you have a safe trip home and can`t wait to catch up again. hugs michele

by 2createit 10 Jun 2009

Dear Yoriko, hope you are well, have a safe trip home, we will have to have a big get together when you get settled again. Take care.

by grafiau 10 Jun 2009

Yoriko I'll swap with you!,
Ive had two trips to japan and i just adore the place, cant wait to go again. Hopefully our next trip is not to far away, then I can go back to those sensational Kimomo fabric shops, Ive been saving my money just for that. Welcome back, RUth

by jrob Moderator 10 Jun 2009

Yoriko, I'm so happy that you will be home soon and we will get you back! Don't be sad, if there were not any difficult times, difficult people, difficult situations, or difficult choices, how would we find the joy in the happy times, the happy people, the happy situations and the happily made choices?
Blessings to you. ;)

by meganne 10 Jun 2009

Looking forward to your safe return dear friend.
Thank you for the beautiful postcard, it has brightened my week and cheered me more than you know.
I hope your flight and homecoming is without turbulence.
We will talk again soon.
Hugs and much love, Meganne

by tinfriend 10 Jun 2009

It will be great to have you back 'Home' again!
Have a safe trip and take care!

by caydebug 10 Jun 2009

I missed you My Friend and can't wait till your back on often. You are such a blessing to the Cute Family. Hope your visit with your loved ones was a blessing to you. Waiting for pics of the girls and the rest of your trip. Prayers and God's Blessings, Libbie

by lindaavolio 10 Jun 2009

Have a safe trip...can't wait til your back.

by blhamblen 10 Jun 2009

It will be sooo good to have you back:)..have a safe trip!

by dkjack 10 Jun 2009

Yoriko, you have been missed. Have a safe trip and we will talk with you soon.

by marymoore 09 Jun 2009

hurry home we miss ya

dkjack by dkjack 10 Jun 2009

Nice to see you around again. :)

gheda65 by gheda65 10 Jun 2009

Hey MM was just thinking about you yesterday and wondering how you were...nice to see you friend hugs X0x0

by nonna57 09 Jun 2009

Dont be sad, just overlook the sad bits. Welcome home tomorrow :)

by daisy530 09 Jun 2009

Don't be sad :). Have a safe, restful trip. I will be glad to know you are home safe.

by mad14kt 09 Jun 2009

Hi Yoriko have traveling mercy back home ;D *2U

by lbrow 09 Jun 2009

Yoriko U r soon going to b home. U have bn missed sorely. I know it was sad to say goodbyes but tomorrow is a new day. Just repeat to yourself. Today is the day the Lord hath made I will rejoice & b glad n it. then do what u have just read. Know u r loved *

1 comment
caydebug by caydebug 10 Jun 2009

That's so true.