by manami 10 Jun 2009

very tired...maybe we will have another plane coming to pick us up at 14:00 to Brisbane and then to Gold Coast. Hopefully I will be back tonight. I thought I was going to die today :)) Love you all. Blessings, Yoriko


by pennifold 12 Jun 2009

Dear Yoriko, I've just seen this posting. I didn't know that you were on that plane that had the fire in the cockpit. I am so glad that you landed safely and that all is well. Thank God for the quick thinking of the pilot.

Can't wait to hear from you when you are well rested. God was certainly watching over you. Angels must have been keeping you upheld in prayer - I know a lot of us Cuties were praying for your safe return.

Love and blessings Chris

by wvlou 12 Jun 2009

glad you are safe and back with us.
What an awful experience.

by dlonnahawkins 11 Jun 2009

We are so thankful that you are safe. This had to be very frightening for you.

by marlakay 11 Jun 2009

I'm glad that you are o.k. along with the other passengers! But, a scary experience--I'm sure!

by shirleysisson 11 Jun 2009

Glad to hear that you and all the other passengers and crew are safe - what a frightening experience!!

by eveve 11 Jun 2009

Thank goodness u and all other passengers on board are fine. A scare is nothing if u compared to something worse. Have a safe flight home.

by bdrouin 11 Jun 2009

Thank goodness your plane landed safely and everyone's okay. Very scary thing to have happen.

by bokkieborduur 11 Jun 2009

Safe trip home tomorrow, hope you will be OK. Love Marie

by camylow 11 Jun 2009


by read180 11 Jun 2009

Praise the Lord you are all ok!

by nonmusicmom 11 Jun 2009

I'm glad all are okay and I will pray for you to have a safe return home. I can't imagine how scared you must have been Glad your okay.

by iris2006 11 Jun 2009

Sorry for this answer showing up several times, have problems with my computer.

by iris2006 11 Jun 2009

I heard on the news a bout a plane and have thought all day about you Yoriko, won dering if you was on that plane. So sorry te hear but glad that you are okay. Hope that you will have a save journey toe Australia tomorrow. Let us please know when you have landed. Hugs Carla

by tolgamum 11 Jun 2009

I wondered if that could be your flight when I first heard about the fire on the news. "Someone up there" was really looking after you and all your fellow travellers! I hope you continue to have a safe journey home and have recovered from the traumatic experience, but you will have the prayers of all your Cute family to help deliver you safely. Stay calm - and well my friend.

by mad14kt 11 Jun 2009

Thank God you are well...He'll give His angels charge over you. Be BLESSED ;D *2U

by waterlily 11 Jun 2009

That must have been a very scary experience! I'm glad that no-one was hurt!

by kathyjt 11 Jun 2009

Good to hear you are safe pray you make it the rest of the way home safe.

by modo 11 Jun 2009

glad everything is allright

by claudenicolas 11 Jun 2009

It has been terrific fir you, fortunately youare safe. I hpoe that your 2nd fly for australia will be OK Hugs and flowers

by newtoit21 11 Jun 2009

Oh how scary for you! Happy to hear that you are ok!! Have a safe trip home..

by michelej 11 Jun 2009

Oh Yoriko, I heard this news this morning and KNEW you were on that flight. What a must of been so scary for you. Thank god you are ok and the rest of the passengers.....Just heard on the news before that you will arrive home at 1.00am Australia time. I am thinking about you my friend...

by gerryvb 11 Jun 2009

oh dear what a scary experience, thank the Lord everyone is ok!hope the flight home will be a very relaxed one and you arrive soon and safe home.thinking of you, hugs and prayers for a safe return, gerry

by shirlener88 11 Jun 2009

Yoriko, so sorry for the fire - but grateful for all the prayers having been said for a safe flight - continue on your way home and breathe deep and thank God. *4U

by mops Moderator 11 Jun 2009

That must have been the most cary thing! Praise God you're safe and sound. Hope you can be relaxed on the flight home, I bet you'd rather be sailing! Get home safe!

by meganne 11 Jun 2009

I was shellshocked when I read your post Yoriko that I couldn't find words to write.
Praise the Good Lord watching over you, that you and your fellow travellers are safe.

I will continue to pray for your safe flight home to Aus. Please make sure you let us know when you arrive. hugs n much love, meg

by nonna57 11 Jun 2009

Safe trip home tomorrow . Thinking of you

by lindaavolio 11 Jun 2009

Oh Yoriko...hopefully you are OK...what a terible ordeal. Prayers are coming your way for a safe return home.

by 2createit 11 Jun 2009

Dear Yoriko, I heard the news at 6.00am while taking Murray to his truck. I thought it would have been your flight!! I'm so glad you are all safe on the ground. Too bad the weather looks so bad in Guam or it could be another holiday :) always look on the bright side of life. You will be home soon and all will be well again.
Love Louise.

by lenamae 10 Jun 2009


by gg2009 10 Jun 2009

We are all so glad you are safe, along with your fellow passengers and crew. None of us know what a day will bring, so take it one day at a time. Glad you let us know you are ok.

by mandor64 10 Jun 2009

Before you left we did wish you an enjoyable and SAFE trip. We pray that God keeps on protecting you all the way home and for always! Hugs, Mary

by tippi 10 Jun 2009

Yoriko everyone is so happy you all are safe. Just makes me lesss in a hurry to fly anywhere. My prayers are with you the rest of your trip.

by lbrow 10 Jun 2009

Yoriko u r out of one adventure & into another. glad u r ok, God is looking after u & I shall say a prayer of thanks. *4U No more of this now. come home!

by mysew1325 10 Jun 2009

Oh my god.. that must have been so scary for you.. so glad that the lord was watching over all of you.. try to sleep tonight and be safe.. god bless

by dlmds 10 Jun 2009

Yoriko, I am so happy that God is watching over you for us that are here waiting for your return. I would have been so scared, probably I would have been a screaming ninny. H&*.

by ewroland 10 Jun 2009

Oh my goodness, Yoriko. I'm sure you must have been terrified. So glad everyone is ok.
Did they take care of your luggage or did you have to pick it up and take it to the hotel with you?
Save journey home!

by caydebug 10 Jun 2009

Many prayers were said for your safe return and our God heard our prayers and he answered in a most awesome way. He has more in store for you than to let you. Oh, what a Mighty God we serve. All the praise and Glory to him. Prayers and More of God's Blessings, Libbie.

by ksgram1 10 Jun 2009

I'm so glad that you are safe Yoriko. May you find peace and rest now and a very safe flight home. Hugs. ****

by jrob Moderator 10 Jun 2009

Oh, dear! What an awful thing to have happened! I am sooooo glad you are alright. Have a safe trip on the last leg!

by emily16838 10 Jun 2009


by lflanders 10 Jun 2009

Yoriko, I am so glad that everything turned out alright and you are okay! I know it had to be very scary. I pray thay the rest of your trip will be uneventful and you will arrive safe and sound back home when expected! Try to get you some rest until you have to get back on the plane back home. It was not your time to leave this world today/tonight. Your angel was flying with you! Be sure and let us know when you touch down in Australia! Linda

by jacquipaul 10 Jun 2009

So glad that you were not harmed. My prayers will be with you for a safe flight for the remainder of your trip.

by dkjack 10 Jun 2009

Glad you are OK.

by blhamblen 10 Jun 2009

I'm so glad you are safe now...prayers for a uneventful flight home:)

by debrar 10 Jun 2009

May God give you peace for the rest of your trip. I am so glad everything ended up okay for you. Blessings for you and your family.

by sqdancer 10 Jun 2009

Oh my goodness Yoriko how scary that must have been for you all...hope the rest of your trip home is safe...hugs G x0x0x0x

by sewmom 10 Jun 2009

So glad you are safe! Flying is scary.

by gerryb 10 Jun 2009

Oh, my! Glad you are ok! Here's praying your flight will have NO MORE excitment!!

by daisy530 10 Jun 2009

Thank God everyone is OK--There have been so many scarry things involving planes lately. Have a SAFE final leg of your flight!

by raels011 10 Jun 2009

Glad to know you are OK

by marymoore 10 Jun 2009

oh my glad u are ok YO that would of been it for me for sure please be safe in your trip home

by colleta 10 Jun 2009

Glad that you are OK!

by asterixsew Moderator 10 Jun 2009

Oh Yoriko you poor soul. I just hope that the rest of the journey goes smoothly and you get back home safely. Just agreed to have a Japanese student to stay in early July, ah not a student but the teacher. Take care my friend, safe journey

by manami 10 Jun 2009

the news

1 comment
asterixsew by asterixsew 10 Jun 2009

Just read this, seriously scary

by damaris 10 Jun 2009

Glad you are ok. Hope the rest of your trip home is uneventful. God bless and keep you safe