by manami 12 Jun 2009

connection to their destiny, some stayed in Brisbane and I got the bus to Gold Coast Airport. Arrived 5:30 this morning, and my husband was there, he cried and gave me a big hug. I'm glad it is all over, and everyone was safe. Made many friends, probably long lasting friends. Tomorrow I'll meet and spend the day with one of them. I read your comments in the previous post, thank you so much for your prayers and wishes. Missed you all. Well...I'm back!!! Love&blessings, Yoriko.


by tinfriend 15 Jun 2009

Welcome Home Yoriko - Apologies for this late message! I am so happy to hear that you are home safe and sound! May you always be Blessed!

1 comment
manami by manami 25 Jun 2009

Sandie, thank you!!!

by jrob Moderator 14 Jun 2009

Good....just gonna say, GOOD!

1 comment
manami by manami 25 Jun 2009

Jerrilyn, thank you!!!

by tippi 14 Jun 2009

We are all sooo glad to hear from you and know you are well. Your husband must have been worried out of his mind. I know mine would have been.

1 comment
manami by manami 25 Jun 2009

Tippi, thank you!!!

by ksgram1 14 Jun 2009

Welcome home Yoriko! I'm so happy that you are home and safe. While you were away, I was playing with the dolphins. Thank you so much.*****

1 comment
manami by manami 25 Jun 2009

Ksgram, thank you!!!

by marjialexa Moderator 14 Jun 2009

I'm so glad you're home safe!!! Take time now to be with your husband, settle down, and then show us some pictures. Hugs, Marji

1 comment
manami by manami 25 Jun 2009

Marji, thank you!

by nini 14 Jun 2009

Que bom que tudo correu bem, minha querida amiga. Tive muitas saudades tuas. Espero que aproveites bem o tempo para matares as saudades dos teus amigos. Um grande abraço. Nini

1 comment
manami by manami 25 Jun 2009

Nini, muito obrigada!

by pennifold 14 Jun 2009

Dear Yoriko,

I just had to put these piccies in - thought they might look a bit like you ha ha ha he he he! Only joking.

Love and blessings Chris

manami by manami 14 Jun 2009

:) Lovely images, Chris!!! Thank you!

manami by manami 14 Jun 2009

Oh, I have some pictures to share with you all, but I still have to upload them to the computer. Love, Yoriko

by manami 14 Jun 2009

Dear Cuties, thank you so much for your prayers, wishes and welcomes, I feel trully blessed!!! God is good, I finally could rest and think about all the blessings I've been receiving from God! I apologize for not answering each one of the comments, I really appreciate your thoughts! Love you all!!! Yoriko

pennifold by pennifold 14 Jun 2009

Hi there Yoriko, glad you are finally home and rested. We know you are busy - we'll here from you as soon as you are ready. Love and blessings Chris

(P.S. Welcome back)

shirlener88 by shirlener88 14 Jun 2009

Welcome home Yoriko!

manami by manami 25 Jun 2009

Shirlene, thank you!!!

by sherylac 13 Jun 2009

Hi Yoriko, welcome home safe and sound and to the cold

1 comment
manami by manami 25 Jun 2009

Sheryl, thank you!!!

by eveve 13 Jun 2009

Luckily everyone are fine :) Must have been terrible for the partners of those on plane.

1 comment
manami by manami 25 Jun 2009

Eve, thank you!!!

by waterlily 13 Jun 2009

Welcome Back, It sounds like you had a very eventful and busy trip.

1 comment
manami by manami 25 Jun 2009

Waterlily, thank you!!!

by gerryb 13 Jun 2009

Yahoo!! Welcome home safe and sound!!! Answered prayers!

1 comment
manami by manami 25 Jun 2009

Gerry, thank you!!!

by gramsbear 12 Jun 2009

Very Thankful you are back safely, my prayers have been headed your way!. **

1 comment
manami by manami 25 Jun 2009

Judy, thank you!!!

by caydebug 12 Jun 2009

Only the word below can describe this day.

1 comment
manami by manami 25 Jun 2009

Libbie, thank you!!!

by lbrow 12 Jun 2009


1 comment
manami by manami 25 Jun 2009

Lillian, thank you!!!

by abeille78 12 Jun 2009

Welcome back home Yoriko.
We missed you.

1 comment
manami by manami 25 Jun 2009

Monique, thank you!!!

by asterixsew Moderator 12 Jun 2009

Hi friend glad to hear you are back in one piece.

1 comment
manami by manami 25 Jun 2009

Caroline, thank you!!!

by shuede 12 Jun 2009

Welcome home, Yoriko!

1 comment
manami by manami 25 Jun 2009

Shuede, thank you!!!

by aviesel 12 Jun 2009

Glad to see you made it home after such an experience!

1 comment
manami by manami 25 Jun 2009

Aviesel, thank you!!!

by iris2006 12 Jun 2009

Yoriko, as your husband I'm so glad that you are save home again, I'm just thinking what must have gone through your hubby's mind hearing the news about the plane. Take your rest and enjoy the weekend with hubby and the new friends. Love and hugs, Carla

1 comment
manami by manami 25 Jun 2009

Carla, thank you!!!

by celticlady1031 12 Jun 2009

Glad your home safe and sound. You've been greatly missed.

1 comment
manami by manami 25 Jun 2009

Connie, thank you!!!

by mysew1325 12 Jun 2009

Welcome home.. hope you had a wonderful time..

1 comment
manami by manami 25 Jun 2009

Mysew, thank you!!!

by lindaavolio 12 Jun 2009

WELCOME BACK glad you made it back safe and sound!

1 comment
manami by manami 25 Jun 2009

Linda, thank you!!!

by ewroland 12 Jun 2009

Welcome Home! We missed you so much!
Glad you arrived safely.

1 comment
manami by manami 25 Jun 2009

Eugenia, thank you!!!

by maryclampitt 12 Jun 2009

welcome back. glad you are safe-god bless

1 comment
manami by manami 25 Jun 2009

Mary, thank you!!!

by damaris 12 Jun 2009

Glad you are back safe. Have a great day.

1 comment
manami by manami 25 Jun 2009

Damaris, thank you!!!

by dailylaundry 12 Jun 2009

Happy to have you back, safe and sound!!!! What a scary time you must have had!!!!* Laura

1 comment
manami by manami 25 Jun 2009

Laura, thank you!!!

by marymoore 12 Jun 2009

welcome back just glad u are back safe

1 comment
manami by manami 25 Jun 2009

Mary, thank you!!!

by 2createit 12 Jun 2009

Dear Yoriko, what an emoitional roller coaster you have been on. Time to sit back and reflect on all that has happened, and know you have many people thinking about you and are glad you are home safe.
Hope to see you soon.

1 comment
manami by manami 25 Jun 2009

Louise, thank you!!! It was an adventure!!! :)

by designgirl 12 Jun 2009

Glad to here you arrived home safe and sound.

1 comment
manami by manami 25 Jun 2009

Designgirl, thank you!!!

by sqdancer 12 Jun 2009

Hi Yoriko so very happy to hear that you are back home safe and sound...I can well imagine how very relieved your dear husband was when he could give you that big hug knowing you had been returned to him without well now my dear friend and much love to you Glenda x0x0x0x

1 comment
manami by manami 25 Jun 2009

Glenda, thank you!!! I think both were relieved to see each other, in these moments we can see how much a person cares about you. Love, Yoriko.

by darenluan 12 Jun 2009

Thanks God you are OK, safe at home again. Just relax all the time you need to be with us "asayc"(as soon as you can. Nice to hear that you made new friends. I'm very happy you're back. ***

1 comment
manami by manami 25 Jun 2009

Daren, thank you!!!

by dkjack 12 Jun 2009

So happy you are home safe and sound

1 comment
manami by manami 25 Jun 2009

Deborah, thank you!!!

by mad14kt 12 Jun 2009

FIESTA Yoriko and many, many, many BLESSINGS to you ;D *2U

1 comment
manami by manami 25 Jun 2009

Monica, thank you!!! Yes, Fiesta!!!banzai!!!

by kathyjt 12 Jun 2009

So glad you made it home safe.

1 comment
manami by manami 25 Jun 2009

Kathy, thank you!!!

by bokkieborduur 12 Jun 2009


1 comment
manami by manami 25 Jun 2009

Marie, thank you!!!

by read180 12 Jun 2009

Praise the Lord you are home safely.

1 comment
manami by manami 25 Jun 2009

Read(Diane?), thank you!!!

by blhamblen 12 Jun 2009

Thank GOD! I am glad that your trip has ended safely! Rest up and enjoy your company:)

1 comment
manami by manami 25 Jun 2009

Barb, thank you!!!

by giddygoat 12 Jun 2009

So glad you're back safe & sound.

1 comment
manami by manami 25 Jun 2009

Giddygoat, thank you!!!

by lflanders 12 Jun 2009

Yoriko, It sure is nice to have you safe back home again! I do hope you had a great visit with family and friends. Am sorry about your dramatic trip back home. I know it feels great to be back with hubby and in your own home. Rest and enjoy for awhile. It is nice to know that you did gain some new friends on your trip back. We can thanks the Lord for your safe journey! Linda

1 comment
manami by manami 25 Jun 2009

Linda, thank you!!! It was really nice have made friends...

by gerryvb 12 Jun 2009

thank the Lord you are back safe!! So good to have friends who suffered the same scary moments, I suppose it's nice to talk with them,because they totally understand.meanwhile I'm very happy to know you're okay now!hugs, gerry

1 comment
manami by manami 25 Jun 2009

Gerry, thank you!!!

by edithfarminer 12 Jun 2009

What a scare you had Yoriko, must have taken courage to go in a plane again.
Thank goodness you are all safe.
Take care.E

1 comment
manami by manami 25 Jun 2009

Edith, thank you!!!

by sandralochran 12 Jun 2009

Glad you back home safe

1 comment
manami by manami 25 Jun 2009

Sandra, thank you!!!

by shirlener88 12 Jun 2009

Yoriko, so glad to know you have both feet on the ground again and home - nothing like a wonderful trip and an exciting journey to make it something that you will never forget. Rest and get over your jet lag and visit when you can. *4U

1 comment
manami by manami 25 Jun 2009

Shirlene, thank you!!!

by pennifold 12 Jun 2009

Hi there Yoriko, welcome home. Glad to hear you arrived safely although a bit weary. Rest up and we look forward to hearing all about your journey.

Some lovely sea and sky sent to remind you of beautiful Queensland. Beautiful one day, perfect the next!

Love and blessings Chris

1 comment
manami by manami 25 Jun 2009

Chris, thank you!!!

by michelej 12 Jun 2009

Oh Yoriko, so pleased you got home safely. Rest up and we will see you soon....

1 comment
manami by manami 25 Jun 2009

Michele, thank you!!!

by oldandgrey 12 Jun 2009

Welcome home, you got more than you bargained for, but at least you are safe & well even if tired. Take your time with the family & enjoy a relxing weekend with them. You have been missed by all. Margaret

1 comment
manami by manami 25 Jun 2009

Margaret, thank you!!!

by jacquipaul 12 Jun 2009

Welcome home! You were certainly missed here! Our prayers are still with you for your continued safety.

manami by manami 25 Jun 2009

Jacqueline, thank you!!!

manami by manami 25 Jun 2009

Jacqueline, thank you!!!

by mops Moderator 12 Jun 2009

So glad you're home again! And your husband wasn't the only one who missed you, we did too! Hugs and love, Martine.

1 comment
manami by manami 25 Jun 2009

Martine, thank you!!!

by sissibrode 12 Jun 2009

Welcome home Yoriko :o) *

1 comment
manami by manami 25 Jun 2009

Sissi, thank you!!!

by sherylac 12 Jun 2009

Welcome back Yoriko, back to the cold,,, take care Sheryl

1 comment
manami by manami 25 Jun 2009

Sheryl, thank you!!! Yes, it was 2 degrees when I landed in Australia :)

by raels011 12 Jun 2009

Great to have you back home safe and sound Yoriko

1 comment
manami by manami 25 Jun 2009

Raelene, thank you!!!

by crafter2243 Moderator 12 Jun 2009

I am glad you are back savely. Yes airplanes are still the safest way of travel, but sooo uncomfortable. It is nice to come home again after being away. Yoriko rest if you can. I still haven't caught up with all the posts after beaving been gone for 2 month.

1 comment
manami by manami 25 Jun 2009

Dear Crafter, thank you!!!

by ingrid68 12 Jun 2009

Welcome home. I bet you must be so relieved to be back home. I am going to Phuket later in the year for my honeymoon and this will be the first time since I was 4 years old that I have been on a plane and I am getting very nervous already. LOL. Well anyway welcome back.

1 comment
manami by manami 12 Jun 2009

Dear Ingrid, yes, I'm relieved I'm back! Don't be nervous, it happens once a lifetime(I hope :)), airplane is still the safest way to travel. I see you are new here too, it's nice to meet you!!! Love, Yoriko

by meganne 12 Jun 2009

I can finally breathe easy again. I am so glad you are back safely, now rest for a while and come back to us when you are over your jet lag.
Hugs n blessings, M

1 comment
manami by manami 12 Jun 2009

Oh, Meg, thank you so much!!! I'm happy I'm home! God is so good!!! I did sleep few hours after arriving, my body is sore, I guess it will take a while to get in shape again :) Hope you are okay, my friend. Love, Yoriko

by titamomo 12 Jun 2009

Welcome Yoriko, nice to have you back with us.**

manami by manami 12 Jun 2009

Titamono, thank you so much! I see you are new here, so I welcome you, this is a wonderful place to be. Love, Yoriko

titamomo by titamomo 12 Jun 2009

Thank you Yoriko, I love it here! :)

by nonna57 12 Jun 2009


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manami by manami 12 Jun 2009

Pauline, thank you so much!!!