by lv2sew 18 Jun 2009

I wished I knew then what I know for some who are new to this craft what would be your suggestion or tip to help them out? Or what one thing or things have you found that you just can't do without when it comes to embroidery?


by lv2sew 18 Jun 2009

These are some of the best tips.....

by jjjj 18 Jun 2009

Take care hooping your work. Pay attention to material quality, stabizer, threads etc, and sit and WATCH your first several designs stitchout. This way you will learn about and have a greater understanding of the way your machine works. It's amazing what I learned watching my machine work!

by nonmusicmom 18 Jun 2009

Don't get caught up in short cuts. I have found most of them only cause you more time and your work will suffer for it.Make sure you ALAYS have a GOOd seam ripper. It's a life saving tool.

by maryclampitt 18 Jun 2009

JOIN THIS GROUP! I have learned so much, everyone so far has been informative not to mention kind and helpful.

by grandmamek 18 Jun 2009

always do a test design first!!

1 comment
lv2sew by lv2sew 18 Jun 2009


by jrob Moderator 18 Jun 2009

Find someone you can call at 2am to ask a question. J/K, but do find someone who will give you an answer you can be confident with and who is pretty readily available.

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lv2sew by lv2sew 18 Jun 2009

LOL! This is so funny but oh so true..I don't know how many times I have needed something in the wee hours of the morn..darn if there was only an all night embroidery/sewing store with an instructor!

by simplyrosie 18 Jun 2009

Buy quality products. You'll find significant differences between low vs. high end brands. Invest in an external drive and back your design up weekly. ;-) Oh, and make sure your needles are sharp. Dull needles can really damage your work.

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lv2sew by lv2sew 18 Jun 2009

Yes! you get what you pay for most of the time!!!!

by ezzemml 18 Jun 2009

Back up your designs often put them to disk even if you are using external savers as they to can go bung it is devestating to loose all your collection as many a cutie can tell you.

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lv2sew by lv2sew 18 Jun 2009

Yes they sure do as some of us have come to find out! I have them on both now! thanks to advice from all the cuties here.

by cracker 18 Jun 2009

READ YOUR MANNUAL FIRST!!You will enjoy your machine more IF you know how to use it.
Join so that when you have a problem, there is always someone there to help.
Take the classes offered by your dealer to better learn what your machine can and can't do.
Have plenty of press and seal on hand for your unruly thread. And set aside a specific time each day so that you have time to play. If not the world takes over and you find you never get to play.
Have diffrent types of stabilizer on hand for diffrent porjects and a wide varity of thread and bobbins. Several types of sissors.. for diffrent uses and a boad load of projects in mind to keep you busy.

maeeast by maeeast 18 Jun 2009

Great tips! And I would add: read your manual again after 6 months. Make an appt with yourself and schedule it on your calendar. Some things that made NO sense at first will become "aha!" moments later.
I totally agree with taking as many classes from your dealer as possible. They know embroidery, and just as important, they know what your machine can and can NOT do.

lv2sew by lv2sew 18 Jun 2009

This is "sew" true...very good tip!!! I went back and reread things and learned more the second time around! Great tip!

by dailylaundry 18 Jun 2009

I was lucky to join this group right from the beginning.....I couldn't take any classes - so I gleamed so much (and still do) from everyone here....I would highly suggest becoming a part of this group and don't be afraid to ask questions! Great question!*

by lindaavolio 18 Jun 2009

Learn,learn,learn very important.
Which stablizer to use where and when.

1 comment
lv2sew by lv2sew 18 Jun 2009

Yes as I have found using the wrong stabilizer will absolutely ruin a beautiful piece!

by jennyt 18 Jun 2009

join a few yahoo sewing/embroidery groups. you will encounter so many helpful people to answer your questions and "tutor" you. search out in yahoo groups what kind of machine you got and join up. they all helped me alot and i made some great new friends.... :-)

by marymoore 18 Jun 2009

when i started i did not know what i was getting into lol but i love it so much the one tip i would suggest is classes tho i never took any i would probably be better if i did and find a group in your area that enjoys what u do

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dailylaundry by dailylaundry 18 Jun 2009

Great advise, Mary!!!*