*4U , a Smaller version of a box I made for my niece. Yours is so dainty and pretty Well done Sandra in "Cape Town"
Awesome If you need another patchpal I would join, But Alas I do not live in Cape Town
I wish I was in your patchwork group and that I was your patchpal!!! Beautiful, Sandra.
Oh, my word!!! This is a professional job, so incredibly beautiful! What a very lot of work went into this, and so precise! Impressed almost into speechlessness (but not quite). Stunning! Hugs, Marji
Sandra, your work is magnificent!...Full of beauty and careful details! Your patchpal is a lucky girl!****
Sandra, this is beautiful, I'm sure your patchpal loved it. (Fiona told me about your gift and said that you were going to load it onto projects)It is realy stunning well done and *4u -Hugs Yvonne
I'll bet there is bickering over who gets to be YOUR patchpal next year!.;)
Wow! This is amazing and soooo well done. I'm sure the luck recipient does or will love it. Cheers Claire
This is such a wonderful gift, must have taken a lot of time, patience and accuracy. This will be treasured by the lucky recipient!
Sandrs this is the most beautiful gift a woman could get .it is just lovely. great work lots. of love in this gift. the lady that gets or got this muct be really thrilled with it.