by manami 21 Jun 2009

I went to Guam for vacation about 13 years ago. It was unexpected but very nice being there again.


by sqdancer 25 Jun 2009

Thank you for showing us the photos Yoriko, loved seeing your happy you had the chance to go and visit and also get to see that Yukio is doing fine and seems to be happy...take care hugs G x0x0x0x

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manami by manami 26 Jun 2009

Dear Glenda, thank you so much! Love,Yoriko

by gerryvb 23 Jun 2009

thanks for sharing these pictures, and I'm very happy you're safe home again!

1 comment
manami by manami 26 Jun 2009

Gerry, thank you so much!

by caydebug 23 Jun 2009

Yoriko, What beautiful and breathtaking pics. Your son is a hansome one. Bet the girls love him. And of course, the Granddaughters are as lovely as GrandMa. I know it was a wonderful trip to see them. They are so precious. Glad the trip went well and that your are safe and sound back home. Prayers and Many of God's Blessings, Libbie

1 comment
manami by manami 26 Jun 2009

Dear Libbie, thank you so much! Yes they are so precious! I miss them already! Love, Yoriko

by daisy530 22 Jun 2009

Beautiful pictures Yoriko! Thank you so much for sharing.

1 comment
manami by manami 26 Jun 2009

Daisy, thank you!

by reddish 22 Jun 2009

Thank you for sharing pictures; enjoy where people travel. And grandchildren are great to have around; they are a blessing. Glad to see you back; enjoy your beautiful work...Diane

1 comment
manami by manami 26 Jun 2009

Dear Diane, thank you!

by jrob Moderator 22 Jun 2009

Yoriko.....what beautiful GDs you have and a very handsome son. You were BIG news all over the world. I'm happy you are safe and thank you for sharing the pictures with us. Would love to see more. It is good that you found a traveling companion. I know it made the trip easier and you really had a near death experience to bond over.;)

1 comment
manami by manami 26 Jun 2009

Dear Jerrilyn, I had weird days after the trip. I feel emotionally back to the normal life finally :) Love, Yoriko.

by sherylac 22 Jun 2009

Hi Yoriko, lovely to see you photos, and Yukio looks very happy and must be pleased that he has some work, and those cute little grand daughters, and great that you are now back home.. ***

1 comment
manami by manami 26 Jun 2009

Dear Sheryl, thank you! I was so relieved to see Yukio happy! Hope to see you soon. Love,Yoriko

by mops Moderator 22 Jun 2009

Thanks for sharing some of your pictures with us. Your GDs are beautiful! I am so glad you came home safe and sound after your eventful trip.

1 comment
manami by manami 26 Jun 2009

Dear Martine, thank you!

by 2createit 22 Jun 2009

Hi Yoriko, it was good to see you on sunday, we will catch up again soon. Your grand-daughters are so beautiful and Yukio look like he is enjoying working :) Thank you for sharing some of your photos.
Love Louise *

1 comment
manami by manami 26 Jun 2009

Dear Louise, thank you! It was really nice seeing you last Sunday! Hope to see you again soon. Love,Yoriko

by pennifold 22 Jun 2009

Hello Yoriko,

Just come on (it's nearly 9.00pm) and read your post. I'm sorry I didn't see it yesterday. Welcome back and thanks for showing us some of the beauty of Japan (especially your grand-daughters and son). I hope you are settled back into your home and that things are returning to normal, whatever normal is!

I notice your camera is a video. Did you take much footage? Hope to see some more pictures etc.

Love and blessings Chris

1 comment
manami by manami 22 Jun 2009

Thank you so much, Chris! I have some videos too, love listening to my son playing his guitar :) Did you get the card? Love, Yoriko

by raels011 21 Jun 2009

thank you for sharing

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manami by manami 22 Jun 2009

Raelene, thank you so much!

by kezza2sew 21 Jun 2009

thanks for your photos you have really sweet GD's

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manami by manami 22 Jun 2009

Kezza, thank you so much!

by lbrow 21 Jun 2009

Oh Yoriko. Your pictures are wonderful. I have so enjoyed seeing them all. the grand daughters r beautiful, your son is handsome, & the vistas r fab ulous. thanks for sharing *

1 comment
manami by manami 22 Jun 2009

Lillian, thank you so much!

by michelej 21 Jun 2009

Thanks for sharing your photos. Yukio looks pretty cool in his Macdonald outfit....and the grand daughters are so cute....I went on the bullet train when I was over there.. They are soooooooo fast!!!!!

1 comment
manami by manami 22 Jun 2009

Michele, thank you so much!
I thought Yukio looked cool in his outfit too!

by nini 21 Jun 2009

Querida Yoriko, obrigada por teres partilhado connosco as fotos da tua viagem. Adorei as tuas netas, são tão bonitas!....Um abraço. Nini

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manami by manami 22 Jun 2009

Nini, muito obrigada!!! outro abraco!

by castelyn 21 Jun 2009

Thanks for sharing with us Yoriko, lovely pictures, your Grand children are so cute. *4u

1 comment
manami by manami 22 Jun 2009

Yvonne, thank you so much!

by marjialexa Moderator 21 Jun 2009

I love your pictures!! So glad you're home safely. I could adopt one of those little grands of yours for a day or so, hee hee hee. Precious. And Yukio looks to be quite the man there at McDonalds!! Glad you could 'vacation' in Guam again, hee hee hee. What a trip you had!! Hugs, Marji

1 comment
manami by manami 22 Jun 2009

Dear Marji, thank you so much! I can finally say I had a good trip :) (yes, just forget about the smoke and that terrible smell) Hugs, Yoriko

by gerryb 21 Jun 2009

Those little girls are adorable!! I know you loved being with them! Tks for sharing!

1 comment
manami by manami 22 Jun 2009

Gerry, thank you so much!

by tinfriend 21 Jun 2009

Thanks for sharing your lovely photo's Yoriko! Your GD's are gorgeous and you have a handsome son!

I LOVE looking at other people's photo's and can do that all day long, especially Wedding pics! :-)

Pleased you did get home safe and sound!

1 comment
manami by manami 22 Jun 2009

Sandie, thank you so much! I also love looking at pictures, always bring me a smile. :)

by iris2006 21 Jun 2009

Thanks Yoriko for posting this lovely pictures. I'm so glad that you finally came home safe. You have a great son and very beautiful granddaughters. I think you will miss them so far away. Thanks again for posting and sharing

1 comment
manami by manami 22 Jun 2009

Carla, thank you so much! Yes, I miss them already!

by jacquipaul 21 Jun 2009

Dear Yoriko,
Your grandchildren are lovely, as are you. The pictures are wonderful and allowed us to 'share' your trip. Thank you for posting.

1 comment
manami by manami 22 Jun 2009

Jacqueline, thank you so much!

by momabear 21 Jun 2009

Your Grand babies are so cute. Nice pictures

1 comment
manami by manami 22 Jun 2009

Momabear, thank you so much!

by blhamblen 21 Jun 2009

THANX for sharing a small part of your life travels...It is fun to see pics of the extended cute family... that I have acquired!!

1 comment
manami by manami 22 Jun 2009

Barb, thank you so much!

by dlonnahawkins 21 Jun 2009

Thanks for sharing - and what beautiful children. We are just glad that you got back safely. Hugs

1 comment
manami by manami 22 Jun 2009

Dlonna, thank you so much!

by dkjack 21 Jun 2009

Thank you for the lovely pictures. So glad you are back safe and sound!

1 comment
manami by manami 22 Jun 2009

Deborah, thank you so much!

by toet 21 Jun 2009

Thankyou for sharing,i am so happy that you are safe,it must have been a happpy time for you with your family. I look forward to reading your posts*

1 comment
manami by manami 22 Jun 2009

Toet, thank you so much!

by asterixsew Moderator 21 Jun 2009

Thanks for these Yoriko, you had a very busy time in Japan and the journey back sounded heart stopping. BUT you are back with the memories of your visit to Japan, your grand daughters look adorable. Take care x C

1 comment
manami by manami 22 Jun 2009

Caroline-san, thank you so much!

by manami 21 Jun 2009

1)My granddaughter leaving for school. She is in 1st grade already!!!
2)My another granddaughter having fun at the park.
3)Yukio in McDonald! He is handsome anyway!
4)Stopped at the traffic light
5)My way back, taken from my bullet train
6)In Guam, from the hotel
7)Hotel lobby, reporter everywhere we went!
8)Guam Airport, waiting for the airplane *more reporter
9)Our rescue coming!!!
10,11)In Australia, with a friend I made in the airplane.

memasanders by memasanders 21 Jun 2009

Your granddaughters are beautiful!!!!

manami by manami 22 Jun 2009

Memasanders, thank you so much!