I still can not get the letter "P" to download in PES format. I keep getting the letter "O". Can not use HUS format with my machine. Has anyone been able to download the letter "P" in PES?
Thank you so much! My Penny(Pug) and Romeo(cat) are going to have beautiful blankets!!
Thank You!
Below link to list of links to other letters of this alpha.
I still can not download the letter "P" in PES format. Keep getting letter "O". I can not use the HUS format with my machine. Please help!
Hi, I have downloaded this updated "P", sorry to say it is still downloading as the letter "O".
Hi,I love this alphabet and I have downloaded all the letters for my granddaughter. The letter "P" is an "O" is there an updated "P"?
This is the letter O, can you please tell me where I can find the letter P? Thanks for the alpha.
The paw prints are very nice. My granddaughters go to a school where they use the paw prints with their polar bear for the mascot. I was unable to find the H. Did I just miss it. Thanks Midge
I also just downloaded this #3091295 that is suppose to be a P but it is the O
THis one is downloading an "O" instead of a "P"? Or is my 'puter just playing games with me today?
Thank you for the "P"! This is the one I'll probably get most use of; it's my puppy's initial. "P" is for Pickles!
Thank You for sharing this alphabet with us. You are so talented, I'm not so have to download from all you that are. *4U