Yes, Sue Box is an excellent digitizer, and quite famous, like Anita Goodesign, and OESD, and Dakota Collectibles, so she can command (and get!) those prices for her designs. The designs are unique, and flawlessly done, and oh, so beautiful! Get the free samples, anyway, and save up for a set you really really want. By the way, do remember that prices are in AUSTRALIAN DOLLARS, not American Dollars, the USA dollar is worth more, I don't know what the percentage is now since the AUD is up a bit, check Ricky's currency converter. Plus, you get about 30 designs on a CD from Sue Box for her price, I got one Dakota CD of military logos, etc (not well done) of about 15 designs for $55 UDS. Sue Box is worth every penny. Hugs, Marji
Her designs are beautiful. They are so rpmantic and delicate I just love them. She is so talented. There are so many of you who just blow me away with your talent and abilities. God Bless you all Always Ronny
Anyone who has the talent for digitizing, amazes me. I just can't get the hang of it! Her designs are what I would expect to find on items that I couldn't afford either. LOL! They are just so elegant and classy.
What lovely designs! These are so different and beautiful but I see what you mean about being pricey! Thank you for sharing this site!
Here is the link. I hope! If ite link doesn't work, here is the URL