Thanks for the warning. I also don't think his designs is'nt worth taking the chance.
Thanks for the warning, Barb! That is why I became very choosy about freebies, just getting from few websites I can really trust(Ms Veronikas websites especially). Love,Yoriko
Another reason I no longer chase freebies.
Thanks so much for warning everyone.
Hugs n roses, M
This happens often, he promises to clean up, some weeks later the same problem.....
because virus scanners are learning too?
Hard to say if he is a victim of permament hacker attacs (said so) or a specialist, who offers more than embroidery files.
I agree, be very careful and by the way: do you think, the designs are worth the risk?
Thanks! Isn't he from Russia? The last time I was on a site from Russia( the one we all get so many beautiful designs from) my Norton warned me of a possible problem. I went anyway. The site was slow but Norton ran its scan and nothing was wrong. I was worried until Norton did its security scan and it was clean!
He's from the Czech Republic, I believe. AVG ran it's scan and reported VIRUS.
Thank you SO much for the warning, it's always best to be careful on the internet. Could I make a small suggestion? Your whole message would have fit in the first part of the 'question' section, it would be easier for some to not have to open messages if they don't have to. A lot of people are still on dial-up and sometimes the site is slow with all the activity. Thank you SO much for taking the time to post the warning, it really is very much appreciated!! Hugs, Marji