by manami 06 Jul 2009

I've been applying for jobs since I came back to Australia. I cant think where else I can drop my resume anymore, and I need to work urgently, to start to pay off my debts and support my son Yukio in Japan. He is in a part time job, only 16yo. cant find a better job than that, living with 15.000 yen(US150)per month. I've been so depressed these days... Today I went to the Centrelink(government agency) to get help finding me some work. I believe in yours prayer's power, please, add me in your prayers list. God bless you all. Love, Yoriko


by gerryvb 02 Aug 2009

dear Yoriko, I hope better days will come for you. Prayers and hugs are coming your way.

by rzoo 02 Aug 2009


by iris2006 26 Jul 2009

Sorru to hear about your situation Yoriko, It is very hard to find jobs here too. You and Yukio are in my thoughts. Hope thing will get better soon for you.

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manami by manami 28 Jul 2009

Carla, thank you so much for your concern and thoughts. I hope things will get better soon too. Love, Yoriko

by nini 24 Jul 2009

Querida Yoriko, a vida está muito complicada por todo o mundo mas, como é costume dizer-se, "a esperança é a última a morrer". Tenho a certeza que depressa encontrarás algo. Não percas o ânimo. Um abraço e que Deus te proteja.

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manami by manami 25 Jul 2009

Querida Nini, muito obrigada pelo seu carinho! As vezes me dá um desanimo imenso, coloquei nas mãos de Deus, sei que Ele irá me ouvir. Abraços, Yoriko.

by meganne 23 Jul 2009

Dear Yoriko, I'm just trying to catch up and saw your post. Don't give up hope dear friend, when you least expect it something great will drop right into your lap. Until it does my thoughts and prayers will be with you in your quest. hugs n roses, Meganne

manami by manami 23 Jul 2009

Dear Meg, thank you so much. Tough times with the economy in Australia too, I think. I did go to an interview and test(first and last from all my sent resumes), for only 2 days a week job as a sewing machinist. Lots of ladies were there applying for the job too. I didnt know about the test, and didnt bring my glasses. It took me forever to change a single ziper! I dont need to tell that the lady never called me back. Well, that wasnt meant to be, I guess. Thank you for your prayers and thoughts. Love,Yoriko

manami by manami 24 Jul 2009

Thinking back it was a funny interview, so many young ladies there, I didnt want they think I'm too old for the job, so I didnt say anything about the glasses :D

by nonmusicmom 22 Jul 2009

Times are hard out there but God will always see us thru. Have a smile on me!

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manami by manami 23 Jul 2009

Things cant be worse than they are right now, I'm hoping for a miracle I think. Thank you so much for your caring. Love,Yoriko

by simplyrosie 22 Jul 2009

Yoriko, any promising leads yet? Been thinking of you often!

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manami by manami 23 Jul 2009

Teri, thank you for your caring...Still dropping resumes...Love, Yoriko

by eveve 21 Jul 2009

I hope that u can find a job soon. I know Japan living standard is very high. Feel that its higher than in US, Australia. Hope he will get on fine.

Otherwise, try to find companies that need to liase with customers in Japan etc. My friend worked in local Microsoft HQ in my country and she deals with orders from Japan. Otherwise, I am not sure if Australia school etc need Japanese teachers as a foreign language teacher. Or those language school. Take care of yrself. Dont be too stressed up

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manami by manami 21 Jul 2009

Eve, thank you so much for your caring! Love, Yoriko

by babsie 13 Jul 2009

Here in South Africa the courts and some attorney's offices use translaters, try the legal departments. I will pray for you, trust in the Lord and He will provide. Love Babsie

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manami by manami 14 Jul 2009

Babsie, thank you so much. I will try that. Love, Yoriko

by bokkieborduur 13 Jul 2009

Hi Yoriko, what about the courts, as a translater they can use you a lot. Love Marie.

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manami by manami 14 Jul 2009

I'll try that, thank you Marie!

by debrar 13 Jul 2009

You have them.
May the God, our father, give you the wisdom to seek out the job he has already created for you and wants you to have.

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manami by manami 14 Jul 2009

Deb, thank you!

by jacquipaul 13 Jul 2009

Of course I will pray for you Yoriko and for your son and family, also. I'll also pray that you will be blessed many times over. It must be difficult for you to be so far from your son and home land also, so I will pray that you have God's protection and peace of spirit in all things. Love,

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manami by manami 14 Jul 2009

Dear Jacqueline, thank you! Yours prayers will help me a lot! Love, Yoriko!

by maryclampitt 11 Jul 2009

Yoriko, have you tried the state dept. I'm sure you are bilingual. You may have to travel. I'm not sure what you did in the past but give it a shot. What kind of work did you do before? I just know that here in CA. it seems that the only place that is hiring are the military bases. Hugs and prayers to you - Mary

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manami by manami 12 Jul 2009

I was a teacher, and I worked for 10 years as an interpreter&translator(Japanese-Portuguese-English) for a Japanese company. I want to believe that is the economy crisis...not me, my age. Mary, thank you so much for your prayers and thoughts. Love, Yoriko

by sqdancer 10 Jul 2009

Oh Yoriko my friend, I am so sad to hear of your not being able to find work, will certainly pray that something comes along for you soon...hang in there, love & hugs Glenda x0x0x0x

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manami by manami 11 Jul 2009

Glenda, thank you so much!

by camylow 09 Jul 2009

I too will be praying for you...My family has also been hit, but the LORD has provided for us...we don't lack food shelter or friends and family...When GOD closes one door, HE opens another to a better place if you believe and trust in him....Its his timing we must wait upon...So many prayers are being lifted up for you that you will receive his blessings...GOD says "Where there are 2 or more gathered so will I be also"...There are alot of us gathered in prayer....One thing alot of people are doind around here is going to a temp service...Since employers are starting to use those instead of hiring regular employees....I am not sure if you have that in your neck of the woods, but if you do, it is a good thing.....deanna

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manami by manami 11 Jul 2009

Dear Deanna, I don't lack food or shelter. My DH is supporting me, but I feel so awful I have food on the table and my son doesnt have any. Things will get better I know. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers. God bless you. Yoriko

by read180 08 Jul 2009

You have my prayers.

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manami by manami 11 Jul 2009

Dear Read, thank you so much!

by jrob Moderator 08 Jul 2009

Yoriko, God wants us to be happy and fulfilled and to have busy hands. I am praying for you and Yukio, too. Be sure that all of your friends, neighbors, church family, anyone that you come in contact with knows that you are searching. If you don't find something, try volunteering somewhere....someone might see what a good job you do and hire you from that. Blessings to you.

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manami by manami 11 Jul 2009

Dear Jerrilyn, I live in an industrial area (in old times was allowed to build a house on top of the business), so I dont have neighbors, and no friends nearby. I would love to start going to the church, but my DH doesnt believe in God, or any other religion, so I pray really hard at home, call on God everytime something good or bad happens. He doesnt agree me doing volunteering as well. 10 years ago, I worked as a librarian volunteer at an Elementary School in MN and the principal was going to hire me, but I was there only temporarily, so I couldnt accept the offer, but it made me feel very happy. Anyway, something good happened. A lady with a loving soul, who works next store to him, is bringing lunch for him too. I praise God there are good people in this world, and He always listens to our prayers. I was also able to send him some money, enough to buy food for a while. As for me, to have more chances, I'll have to get some Australian Certificates, so I have been looking for free courses as well. I know everything will be fine eventually. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers. Love,Yoriko

by katydid 08 Jul 2009

We know your talents. Perhaps do monograms for stores selling towels or custom sewing or even alterations. Everyone is in hard times now. I certainly will pray for your job situation. Love, Kay

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manami by manami 11 Jul 2009

Yes, it has been hard on everyone. Thank you, Kay, for your thoughts and prayers.

by uscmom 08 Jul 2009

Yoriko, you and your son will both be in my prayers!

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manami by manami 11 Jul 2009

Uscmom, thank you so much!

by sherylac 08 Jul 2009

Good luck Yoriko, I know that work is hard to find, you will get help and eventually something will happen for you ***

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manami by manami 08 Jul 2009

Sheryl, thank you so much!

by mops Moderator 08 Jul 2009

Yoriko, I'm so sorry for you! You'll have my prayers. God bless you!

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manami by manami 08 Jul 2009

Martine, thank you so much!

by michelej 08 Jul 2009

Oh Yoriko, so sorry to hear this. Don`t take it personally as it is hard for everyone to get a job. May I make a suggestion? Have you thought of house cleaning or ironing for someone? You can advitise in the local paper. I know they are not the best of jobs but it is a job until you can get something better.. It would be a start.

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manami by manami 08 Jul 2009

Thank you so much for your suggestion. Love,Yoriko

by simplyrosie 07 Jul 2009

Yoriko, one thing I'm learning again (another trip around the mountain) is to wait on the LORD... seek His understanding through all this and pray that you receive what it is He is teaching you. I'm such a stubborn believer in Messiah, but I do know that ALL things work for good... even when we think that they're not.

Trust in, cling to and rely upon Him. Be still, listen, wait, and know that He is GOD. He will give you the EXACT job you're supposed to have at the EXACT time. Not a minute sooner.


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manami by manami 08 Jul 2009

Teri, thank you so much! I'm sure something good is going to happen...Love,Yoriko

by pennifold 07 Jul 2009

Hi Yoriko,
My thoughts and prayers are being sent your way. I do hope you can find something soon. It is a depressed economy at the moment, but things are picking up. Keep looking on the bright side too. You have so much to offer - you just keep on doing the best you can and it will eventually pay off.

My friend in America just recently got a job as a nurse in a detention facility. I know you will get one soon.

What sort of job are YOU looking for? Make sure you talk to all your friends too - a lot of jobs are on "Who you know" and not "What you know"

God bless love Chris

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manami by manami 07 Jul 2009

Dear Chris, I'm looking for all sort of jobs, I can't be choosy now. Thank you so much. Love, Yoriko

by momabear 06 Jul 2009

You are in my prayers

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manami by manami 07 Jul 2009

Momabear, thank you so much!

by lbrow 06 Jul 2009

U have them Yoriko daily. I pray something good will come your way. Lillian *

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manami by manami 07 Jul 2009

Lillian, thank you so much!

by quiltgrama 06 Jul 2009

Will be thinking of you, best of luck.

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manami by manami 07 Jul 2009

Lisa, thank you so much!

by gerryb 06 Jul 2009

This is effecting a LOT of families now! Will be remembering you as well as others that are without jobs right now. So many in our church are also losing jobs. Surely the end will come soon and the economy start back up?

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manami by manami 07 Jul 2009

Gerry, thank you so much! It doesnt look like the economy is getting any better, but we hope it does. Love, Yoriko

by blhamblen 06 Jul 2009

Dear Yo, I have been out of work for 2 yrs...still haven't found anything..not even McDonald's is hiring around here. I just got the letter last week that there are no more extensions for unemployment! I don't know where to turn either, my son lives with me and because he is working I don't qualify for state aide! I will keep you in my prayers...I say them often these days!

manami by manami 07 Jul 2009

Oh Barb, I'm sorry you are having bad days too. I hope we can find something soon. My prayers for you too. Love, Yoriko

castelyn by castelyn 09 Jul 2009

Oh Barb, sorry to hear that you have been out of work for so long, you will also be in my Paryers - Hugs Yvonne

sqdancer by sqdancer 11 Jul 2009

Hang in there Barb and keep talking to that guy upstairs,with all us Cutes backing you up hopefully something good will come for both Yoriko and you...hugs and much love Glenda x0x0x0x

manami by manami 11 Jul 2009

Glenda, my friend, thank you so much!

by castelyn 06 Jul 2009

Yoriko, you and your son, will be in my prayers, "I believe in prayer to"
God Bless you both

Hugs - Yvonne

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manami by manami 07 Jul 2009

Yvonne, thank you so much!

by crafter2243 Moderator 06 Jul 2009

I will definitely pray for you. Pray that you will find a job soon. In the meantime except a hug. Angie

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manami by manami 07 Jul 2009

Dear Angie, thank you so much! I really appreciate your support. Love,Yoriko

by asterixsew Moderator 06 Jul 2009

Yoriko san have been thinking about you. Sorry to hear about your life at the moment. Life sometimes is most unjust. Am frantically cleaning the house for a Japanese guest. Sayonara for now and take care C

manami by manami 07 Jul 2009

Caroline, it's great to have a guest! I'm sure she will feel very comfortable with you. Thank you for your thoughts...Love,Yoriko

asterixsew by asterixsew 07 Jul 2009

Poor girl I have walked her off her feet today. Now she is asleep and I am enjoying Cute BUT I have work to sort before tomorrow :(

manami by manami 08 Jul 2009

It sounds you all are having fun together, that is wonderful Caroline-san!

by shirlener88 06 Jul 2009

Yoriko - you are in my prayers dear one.

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manami by manami 07 Jul 2009

Shirlene, thank you so much!

by marjialexa Moderator 06 Jul 2009

Oh, Yoriko, this bad economy is worldwide! It's so hard for anyone to find jobs these days, so don't feel that it's just "you" they don't want to hire. You will certainly be in my prayers for a way to make money and be happy doing it. Big, big hugs, Marji

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manami by manami 07 Jul 2009

Yes, it has been very bad to everyone. Thank you, my friend. Love, Yoriko

by grandmamek 06 Jul 2009

I will pray that you get a good job and one that you will enjoy going to work to every day. Let us know as soon as you find something. Hugs for you

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manami by manami 07 Jul 2009

Mary, thank you so much!