by mops Moderator 08 Jul 2009

Here are some pictures.


by pennifold 09 Jul 2009

Oh! Martine how special to still have your Dad with you at 97 what a great age! Gorgeous pictures of the family too, thanks for sharing them with us.

Love and blessings Chris

by castelyn 09 Jul 2009

Thanks for sharing these lovely photos with us all Martine, Glad you had a wonderful birthday - Hugs Yvonne

by michelej 09 Jul 2009

So happy you had a great birthay with your family. Your photos are lovely. Thanks for sharing...

by jrob Moderator 08 Jul 2009

Oh, you did have a special day, and you were surrounded by beautiful loved ones! How great is it to still have your father at 97. Wow! I'm glad your special day was a success.;)

by crafter2243 Moderator 08 Jul 2009

I am so glad that you had a wonderful birthday. Having your family around is the best way to spend it. Wow I can't believe your dad is 97 years old. Thanks for the pictures. They are wonderful.

by marjialexa Moderator 08 Jul 2009

What lovely pictures, Martine!! Tell your Dad I think he's pretty handsome!! You guys must live right, I would never guess his age in a million years. He looks to be soooo enjoying the baby, I am just so very glad for you to have this family around you. How blessed you are! Love, Marji

by shirlener88 08 Jul 2009

Oh Martine, you must have had such a lovely birthday with so many of the family there to celebrate with you - what a group of lovely pictures you have here to treasure - most never think of how wonderful those pictures are - that we snap off - on occasions such as this - but these will be treasures for years to come - especially with little Ruth is older and she is told so much about her great grand dad. Thank you - *4U

by mops Moderator 08 Jul 2009

First one my dad (almost 97) and my youngest granddaughter Ruth(2 months today). Second one my elder daughter Myriam with Tessa (6) and Joost (4).

1 comment
memasanders by memasanders 08 Jul 2009

Those are great I especially love your aDad and your grand daughter pictures like that are priceless. Thanks for sharing