I have been getting the red x as well - BUT if you left click on the red x the link to the download age is there and yu can see what alpha is available. Hope this helps for future days.
I just added the tag "votingrequest" to your post and please do send Letvia a PM = personel message
"x" means the pic is not being uploaded properly. so ignore that. just proceed usual to choose yr format and click on the "download"
most impt is the FILES. Not that 'X' aka missing pictures. Hope this helps
I think several of us thought that alpha was not up for now; did not know to click on the x; I have missed opqr, also..Thank you for mentioning this...Diane
The picture of the current alphabet along with various avatars have not been showing up on my screen for several days now. But if you click on them the links still work. Sorry you missed some, hopefully they will be voted for again, but in the meantime just click the x and you shouldn't miss any more.
First let me welcome you to Cute if I haven't already. For the missing letters, send a PM to Letvia. She will put you on the list she keeps for all of us and when your turn comes around she will ask all of us to vote for your letter that day. When we all vote together, it works! Most of the time there is a chance after one alphabet finishes and before a new one is available when we all vote for letters that some may have missed. While an alphabet is in progress, the next letter is usually the only one that will win. Good Luck and may you get all the letters you need.
it has been the same on my computer, but I still click on it and it takes me through. The link is there, just not the pic. That may help for tomorrow but I am unable to help with the letters that have already been missed, sorry.
Hope someone else is more help to you
I also missed the D so hopefully they will come through again...