i work at a tax collectors office and we store files on cd's. I have been there 7 years and i still have to look up information stored on those cd's, how long do they last, i also copy my embroidery files to save space on my computer
CDs don't have a long shelf life, so I'd buy an external drive and store your files on there. That form of media retrieves info a lot quicker too. :-)
I would make another copy of the CD or copy the CD onto a compact flash.
yes, CD especially exposed to sun etc will be damaged faster. i will copy the data of this CD into another CD and also buy a portable hard disk to paste the data in.
Make another CD (actually CD's can be damaged, accidentally broken, scratched, lost) - or invest in an external disc drive - or a removable USB disc. Wal-Mart carries the latter for a very reasonable cost.