I have a Brother and when I turn the machine on I can go to an information screen that tells me what version of PES I have. It is not necessarily the one you bought the machine with because some machines can get updates.
Apparently there are several (6) versions of pes images. I d/l in version 6 and if the image doesn't show up on my software program that reads the images that are stored on my computer, I change the version until I find one that the program will recognise.
I don't know a lot, but I never had a choice. This is the first I heard. I am using PES as well.
You can save a file with whatever name you'd like. What I would do is create a new folder inside of the directory that houses the original file and label "PES" or something like that... that way you have them all in one area. :-)
Have a great day Gayle.