by grafiau 25 Jul 2009

how to start. Does any cutie have a suggestion about how to patch work with a central panel or where to find a pattern that may fit, plus how do you estimate how much fabric to buy. I dont want to buy too much as it is fairly expensive per meter. Any help gratefully recieved, cheers Ruth


by meganne 25 Jul 2009

Hi Ruth as a fellow beginner in quilting I thought you might like to visit the following pages to learn about quilting.
hugs n roses, M

1 comment
grafiau by grafiau 26 Jul 2009

Thankyou for the sites, i will check them out *4u cheers Ruth

by bikermomfl 25 Jul 2009

What I've done in the past is to stitch a 2" border around the main center square - press and measure allowing 1/4 for the seam then divide you length by the number of square you think you want and you'll have the size of each square. If you border each square then you can use less fabric (of course) Your border fabrics can be a less expensive but coordinating color and you can save money that way. Another Option is just to cut and sew strips around the center much like a log cabin block until you have the size you want, back it quilt it and poof! Just a couple of thoughts I had......

by camylow 25 Jul 2009

If you would like really good ideas, you might like to post a picture of your centerpiece material...That way when someone gives you a suggestion, then they will be better able to go by with what you are working deanna

grafiau by grafiau 25 Jul 2009

Thanks Deanna, i will. I am in Melbourne at the moment and not sure if my hubby bought the cable with hime to DL phots to the laptop, if he has I will do it shortly, if not it will have to wait till we get home monday. Cheers Ruth

camylow by camylow 25 Jul 2009

your very welcome...