They speak Portuguese in Brazil, she's saying Thank you for the cute alphabet, and it's going to go with something she's making for a baby. Usually if you ask here, someone at least knows which language it is, if they don't speak it themselves. Maybe Yoriko will see this, there was a great Portuguese influence in Japan, Macau, etc., I'm not sure if she speaks it, but she does have Portuguese on her website. Hugs, Marji
For the next time go to babel translation. You can cut and paste your words or paragraph into the box.
This was a comment for one of my Pet Alphabet letters:
Obrigado pelo seu carinho… faço enxoval paratrooper bebê e vai ficar lindo com essas letras. São encantadoras! beijos. Dilceia- BRASIL
This is close:
In English
Debtor for its affection… I make enxoval to paratrooper baby and goes to be pretty with these letters. They are charming! kisses. Dilceia- BRAZIL