by memasanders 02 Aug 2009

dieing. I couldn't take it. No seriously what happened any suggestions.


by jacquipaul 03 Aug 2009

Bless your heart. I have little success with metallic thread. If I'd bought the million dollar machine, I guess it would work without a hitch!

1 comment
memasanders by memasanders 10 Aug 2009

Thanks I'll not try that again.!!!!

by simplyrosie 03 Aug 2009

Oh no! I have an Ellisimo and I can't even get into the inside of my machine (and then I found out that if I unscrew everything, voids my warranty anyway!) I wish you the best of luck. May want to take it in for servicing. Mine was in last month because of jammed thread.

memasanders by memasanders 10 Aug 2009

Thanks Hon Love the graphics!

memasanders by memasanders 10 Aug 2009

Thanks Hon Love the graphics!

by linpat 03 Aug 2009

try getting a chux and running it up beside the tension dial then check for thread and get out with tweezers. if nothing shows up you may need to take it to your dealer as the thread may be stuck behind the tension , and only a dealer can get to it. had the same problem once. hope this helps. good luck

1 comment
memasanders by memasanders 03 Aug 2009

Thank you gonna try that as so as possible.

by shirlener88 02 Aug 2009

Ronny, wishing you luck and wisdom to what you need to do. *4U

memasanders by memasanders 02 Aug 2009

Thanks I will need both

memasanders by memasanders 02 Aug 2009

Thanks I will need both

by colonies1 02 Aug 2009

you got good advice below so here is a * for all

1 comment
memasanders by memasanders 02 Aug 2009

Thank you dear

by lbrow 02 Aug 2009

I'll bet there is still a piece of broken thread somewhere in your machine. Can u open it so u can see the mechanical workings, turn off the bright lights & get a powerful small flashlight & look at all the insides. If u see any fuzz or thread pull out with tweezers . *

1 comment
memasanders by memasanders 02 Aug 2009

Well I did find some thread and dust bunnies and it is a bit quieter, but I really can't get inside very well.

by camylow 02 Aug 2009

I am just checking in on you and yours...still saying those heavenly prayers for you....Sorry the machine issue is not in my ability and wisdom...You know the routine, someone will be along.....

1 comment
memasanders by memasanders 02 Aug 2009

Thank you love I'm still trucking along. Getting very tired of the pain but I'm still moving and the best part still loosing weight without trying !!!!!!

by bevintex 02 Aug 2009

What brand machine do you own.

memasanders by memasanders 02 Aug 2009

Brother disney

lflanders by lflanders 02 Aug 2009

I think it is a sick one! Just funning. Someone has to. I sure do hope it is just something very minor. I took my Ellageo apart and cleaned it yesterday and then I went all to pieces and could not sew on it. I hope things with me will get better soon. I hate feeling like I need to be in the funny farm or as Lillian will understand.. need to be in Milledgeville! My nerves are shot right now! I have been out of my regular meds for several days now and my arthritis is really acting up the last few weeks due to antibiotics I have been taking(side effect).I refilled my scrips. last night so I am praying that in a few days that my nerves will settle down so I can tolerate the arthritis. If not, I may be in a straight jacket unless I am left completely alone. My little Bebe is not doing well and I am sure that I will have to have her put down in just a short time. She is the love of my life. I have had her since she was born ( almost 14 yrs). She has the kindest soul in the world. She is a very gentle, loving little girl. I will miss her forever! I love my little Patty but she is still a baby and she is all for herself. I am sure that in time she will calm and learn to to be a devoted little girl also. She is sweet but a riot going somewhere to happen. She is a mommie's girl but not like Bebe. I cry just watching Bebe. These are my babies even if they are Pekingese and not people! My son is moving to an apt. and can not carry their Cocker Spaniel. Abby is old and they keep her in a crate all the time. They want me to take her and I DO NOT want another old dog to watch get sick and die. I really have no use for Abby. As old as she is, no one has ever tried to housebreak her. I found one that I do want and Brian will not go with me to get her. She is a long way from a Pekingese and he is raising sand because I will not take Abby. The one I want is a Great White Pyrenees. She is young, and already stands almost as high as my boobs. A beautiful girl that has already been fixed. She is in North Ga. I may just take off and go by myself! I would never have to be afraid that anyone would try to come in my house with her inside!

bevintex by bevintex 02 Aug 2009

A great pyrenees sounds like a wonderful dog but have you thought about all the work that would go into a large dog. And are you sure it would get along with your Patty. If you are not feeling well this may be something to reconsider. Sorry if I have overstepped here but it is something to think about. They need alot of exercise and room to run. Take care of yourself