It's getting to where you can't go anywhere without getting hit. I am REAL leary of going anywhere anymore after getting hit 4 times!
Thanks for the heads up
how terrible :o(
sometimes I'm lucky to have a Mac and most of this b...shit is just going on windows-plattform.
hope the best for all cuties to bring up their firewalls just in time
One should have a fire wall and a virus program installed and updated everyday to provide protection. If you use the web, it's a necessity. Don't let them in period, which is what a good program should do. If yours doesn't, find one that does.It's well worth the money to protect you and your cyberspace friends.
Have these viruses been taken care of on their sites? I don't do banking on line, but wonder if I should do anything. My McAfee does a scan at LEAST weekly, and Windows downloads updates all the time. I know very little about computers except how to use them, not keep up on maintance!
Thanks for keeping us abreast of things. The world is full of a lot of people who don't have anything to do but commit crime. They need to use their talent for GOOD! Get a JOB the Secret Service can use you!!! ;D *2U
Thank you for the warning.
Sad thing is that just about any web site can be hacked & trojans, etc. be attached and sometimes the web site owner is clueless and sometimes they participate.
Identity theft is the latest and greatest and the web is just one more place of opportunity.
just deleted emb home from my favorites, had added it about a month ago and visited daily, have noticed my p/c (not my laptop)starting to act funny, I ran a deep scan and had 9 trojans, guess we can't bank with same computer we sew with. whar is also scarry, these files can probably damage the computer in our sewing machine
Had not thought of that, I have to sign in again everywhere, wonder now if that is to get passwords. strange, will do a scan too.Thanks