Beth, I'm glad you found your answer! I sure hope this helps others who use PEDesign and may need this information. I use Janome's Digitizer Pro, and have lots of help with it from my dealer. Hugs, Marji
I am going to write again. I have to say Sue Lough has taught via her tutorials what a catalog of tutorials frm others and a large workbook I spent lots of money on. There are severalon her site. She also gives great support on line. I recommend all her stuff.
I am going to answer my own question via Sue Lough.
YES! You can split with PE design v6 !! Please go to her web site and check out her tutorials ! They are so great. And she is so helpful.
Thanks to all who gave their imput .
ttt so someone else will see it. Wish I could help but have no idea *4 you
Beth, I am not familair with your program and just to be sure that I understand your question - you want to split a design that you have? If your tutorials don't mention anything about it - it may not be possible. I know that my program doesn't do that and I feel that is a very difficult process to do - I know this didn't answer your question - but I don't have an answer for you, either - so I will leave you with a flower, instead. *4U
The design split thing is in L%E. It is in the column on the right.Next to last tool,Click on then lasso part to split.
Sue Lough is great. I learned tond from her tutorials !