by manami 11 Aug 2009

Finally, last week I was able to send him 350 dollars, from my 3 months sellings, it will help him for a while for food and his Birthday present.

I talked to him, he said he gets so upset when he sees someone smiling and happy, coming from school, and he said, why cant I be that happy? And I cant afford school for him either...there is not a single day I dont cry when I think of him and our misfortune.

I still havent found a job, but lots of replies that my application was unsuccessful. I guess it is hard to compete with young ladies, and Australian citizens. Last week I went to apply for a job at a supermarket and there was a big line, with more than 200 people that time, it took me 3 hours to get to the interview. So I thought, those are the same people I am competing with all this time, so many jobless...Even for a cleaning job, without experience it is impossible to get any. Maybe if I upgrade my diplomas to Australia standarts I could have some hope, so I realize that I have to give up looking for job and getting so
frustrated. My hope now is only my digitizing and sewing...yes, I need a miracle...

Thank you for listening, my friends. I just needed someone to talk today, on my sons birthday.
Please, keep my son in your prayers.

Love and blessings,


by dkjack 15 Aug 2009

Yoriko, you and your family will continue to be in my prayers. I know you know the saying "God doesn't give us more than we can handle". Its times like this when you feel he isn't listenng, but he is. Please continue to be strong and applying for work. I am so happy you did get to talk to your son and I know that made his day too. Hugs

nonmusicmom by nonmusicmom 15 Aug 2009

Some times it tough being a MOM. Will keep praying.

manami by manami 19 Aug 2009

Deborah and Nonmusicmom, thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers...I really need them. Love, Yoriko

by quiltgrama 14 Aug 2009

So sorry you are apart I do feel for you. You are in my thoughts. Please wish your son happy birthday from me. I hope things get better for you soon. Your digitizing is good hope it brings you needed money. Lisa

1 comment
manami by manami 15 Aug 2009

All my hopes are on my digiziting and sewing now, I have to get really busy!
I told my son everyone on Cute said Happy Birthday to him. He was so happy!
Thank you so much, Lisa.

by shirlener88 14 Aug 2009

Yoriko, I am so sorry - I didn't see this before now - I understand your frustrations - my son and I were apart during the same years as you are with Yukio - but as the years went by - things changed - but my son's 40th birthday was on Sunday and we had a great time together - neither of us look at the past as bad times - just times that had to be - I will pray for you and Yukio. *4U

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manami by manami 15 Aug 2009

Thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers, Shirlene!!!

by eveve 14 Aug 2009

......... I hope that yr son will be able to stay strong in Japan and his line get connected soon. Its really tough for him to survive alone in Japan with little money. Japan is well known for high living standards. Especially when the Yen is now getting stronger again. Hope the local community or govt can help him.

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manami by manami 15 Aug 2009

Finally I could talk to him. He was so happy on his Birthday he had all you can eat McDonalds.
Thank you, Eve!!!

by asterixsew Moderator 13 Aug 2009

Hi Yoriko, thinking about you and your problems. Life sometimes is awful and unjust.
We are educating people (who mount up huge debts to get the education) for jobs that do not exist. I dont understand as many others dont either. You have so much to offer, whatever you do get in the work line will have found a treasure in you. I have always tried to think there is something better comming.
I was going to send you an email but it is not working at the moment. Will contact you when I can

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manami by manami 13 Aug 2009

Dear Caroline, I am also trying to think there is something better coming. It just cant be worse than this. Thank you so much for your thoughts. Love, Yoriko

by ruthie 12 Aug 2009

Yoriko you are in my thoughts and prayers, and I so hope that things will work out for you soon. Love and hugs sweetie, and keep looking for that miracle.

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manami by manami 13 Aug 2009

Dear Ruthie, it is so nice to hear from you again...Thank you for your thoughts. As they always say "miracles do exist", I am looking for it. Love, Yoriko

by jrob Moderator 12 Aug 2009

Yoriko, I truly am so very sorry for your troubles. What a heavy burden you carry. I pray that all will change for you very soon and for Yukio to find happiness within. I know you remember his new pinched face as he screamed his way into this world, and it seems like yesterday and not 17 years ago. If you were like me, you didn't know entirely what to do with him then, but you figured it out...just like you will now. Blessings to you dear friend.;)

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manami by manami 13 Aug 2009

Dear Jerrilyn, yes, I remember like was yesterday. He was born 2 months earlier, I had so many complications but yes, he was the most beautiful baby in that hospital, and he is still my baby... Thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers, my friend. Love, Yoriko

by gerryvb 12 Aug 2009

dear Yoriko, I wish you lot's of luck, hope you'll find a job soon and I hope you will have many lucky years with your son. so congratulations with his birthday. Hope better days will come soon! hugs Gerry.if it's wright the image means Luck. it said so, I hope it is the good one.because that's what I would like you to have.

manami by manami 13 Aug 2009

Dear Jerry, thank you so much! This image is such a nice thought. Love, Yoriko

manami by manami 13 Aug 2009

Sorry, I spelled it wrong, Gerry.

by caydebug 12 Aug 2009

I am listening, praying, and aching with your every word. They say here that the economy is getting better, but I would like to know where. I know that once Mom passes that I, too, must go out and look for work. Gosh, I dread it. At 53, I just am not sellable anymore. With only a highschool diploma and work as a corrections officer there is not much to be found. I could probably go back to working at the jail, but the longer I'm away from it, the more I detest going back. The physical labor was not that hard unless you had to break up a fight or something, but the mental stress was endless. Always looking over you sholder, tring to stay one step ahead of them, all sorts of deadlines and the records we had to keep espically if an inmate was on a watch or something. The verbal abuse (from the inmates) was horrible that is if you did the job you were suppose to do. You know, it was always someone else's fault that they were there and we were treating them like criminals!!! Go Figure, I mean, geeze your in jail and what does that make you... A saint.. Even tho the pay would be better than other jobs that I could get, I just don't know if I could hand the mental stress any longer.
I pray for the best for Yukio. God love his heart. Please tell him to keep up his faith for without it we cannot please God. With so many of us praying, God has to be listening. Besides, he will move to get all of us Cuties off his case, lol.....We love you and know that your reward is coming soon. Prayers and many of God's blessings, Libbie

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manami by manami 13 Aug 2009

Dear Libbie, I'm 52 now, no wonder no one wants to hire me :( That job must be terrible, I can just imagine how stressful it was for you. Teaching can be very stressful sometimes too, but you are dealing with kids, its different, you have to conquer their love and confidence. I still have contact with a student that I taught 30 years ago, he was in my 4th grade class, and he was brilliant. He is an arquitect now and works for the government. This is a teachers reward, knowing that you sent someone to a good future. Then, I think about my son, what is in his future if things dont get better?
Thank you so much for your prayers my friend. Love, Yoriko

by maryclampitt 12 Aug 2009

First, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to your son. Yoriko, try applying for the government. I am sure they need translators. My ex daughter in law works for the St. Dept. They send her to school for 8 or 12 wks. to learn whatever language she needs, depends on what country they send her. Yes she travels a lot. Pls. try checking into that it may work out. You just never know. Prayers and many hugs. Mary

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manami by manami 13 Aug 2009

Dear Mary, I found out that the government only accepts applications from permanent residents. I have to wait 2 years to get that. Thank you so much for your prayers and thoughts. Love, Yoriko

by michelej 12 Aug 2009

Yoriko, hang in there!!!! You are in my thoughts everyday. Please wish Yukio a very Happy Birthday from me.

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manami by manami 13 Aug 2009

Dear Michele, I'm trying to hang in there, but now I dont know where is it anymore. I couldnt talk to Yukio, I think the money came too late, they cut his phone. I hope he pays it as soon as possible, I'm so worried about him. Love, Yoriko

by blhamblen 12 Aug 2009

I am so sorry to hear of your heart ache...I do know how hard it is to find work...I've even tried "ReInventing" myself...but with so many trying to get to the same outcome I would have to find the fountain of Youth! Good luck in your searches! B-Day wishes to your son. (P.S. is there a resale shop he could get a used uniform???)

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manami by manami 13 Aug 2009

No, there is no resale shop for clothes there. Usually, they use the uniforms for 3 years and then throw them away, after exchanging the buttoms between the classmates. Also, each school has their own uniform. Thank you so much for your thoughts, Barb.

by camylow 12 Aug 2009

I will also add you to my ever growing list...Have you tried as a translator for some government agencies...the US Embassies are around the world and use translators...Atravel agency might also find you very useful as a translator....GOD is watching over your family...Faith is all HE requires...Perserverence is what we do to grow and walk in this world...Bless you for all you do for us here...deanna MANY HAPPY BIRTHDAYS TO COME FOR YOUR SON....

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manami by manami 13 Aug 2009

Dear Deanna, thank you so much for your thougths and prayers.

by nonna57 12 Aug 2009

Happy Birthday to your son, Yoriko take heart in the end all things will work out for the better.If only i could help...As Marj said dont be disheartened. Something good will turn up & will have been worth the wait. Have you tried the Temping agencies. Take care my friend and remember we will listen anytime you want :)

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manami by manami 12 Aug 2009

Pauline, thank you so much!

by crafter2243 Moderator 12 Aug 2009

Dearest Yoriko.
So often when I read about troubles, heartaches, lost jobs etc. I don't know what to say. I wish I could save the whole world. I am so sad when I read your lines. All I can do is pray that all this will change. I am keeping you in my prayers my friend.

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manami by manami 12 Aug 2009

Dear Angie, thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers...Love, Yoriko

by harmzen 12 Aug 2009

As I am sitting in South Africa your message touched my heart. You will be in my prayers. God bless. Elize

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manami by manami 12 Aug 2009

Dear Elize, thank you so much for your prayers...God bless,Yoriko

by jacquipaul 12 Aug 2009

Dear Yoriko,
My heart goes out to you on your son's birthday and on the days to come. Bless you for your lovely spirit and generous nature.
I, too, would imagine that your understanding of languages and your lovely attitude would make job seeking less of a challenge. Perhaps the hotel business would be a good place to look. My daughter worked as a desk clerk and was rapidly promoted. If she had taken night classes in hotel management she might have been able to write her own 'ticket' in the hotel business, a few years ago.
God's plans are often different from our own, so we must keep our hearts open and wait on His guideance. I know that God has a wonderful plan for your life and for Yukio. You have my prayers and I'm certain that many others are praying for you. Try to be strong and wait on God's guidance.
Love and prayers for you and your family,

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manami by manami 12 Aug 2009

Dear Jacqueline, thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers.
I think I tried everything, cleaning, nanny, child care, aged care, labour job, cooking, teaching, ads in newspaper for private teacher, embroider, sewing, cleaning...
Yes, I'm trying to be strong, and waiting for God's guidance.

by marjialexa Moderator 11 Aug 2009

Oh, Yoriko, how my heart hurts for you! It is so very difficult to be unemployed these days, and to be middle aged or older. Sometimes employers don't understand that older workers are usually better, because they are smarter, have more experience, and are usually on time and don't take so many sick days. It's hard enough to find work when you're older in ordinary times. This bad economy is all over the world, so hard for everyone! It's hard to imagine that 200 people would stand in line for a job at a supermarket. Try to keep up with your digitizing and sewing, and keep putting in applications everywhere you can think of. You may get rejected 100 times, but remember, so is everyone else. I don't understand about the diploma, Japan is a world leader, Japanese students among the smartest (along with Chinese), how can your diploma not be good enough in Australia? You don't come from Mongolia or Afghanistan, for pity sake. Is there not some test you could take to prove your competence, like an equivalent diploma? I would think with your knowledge of Portuguese, Japanese and English you would be very useful as an employee!

I feel so bad that Yukio is away from you at this time! His 17th birthday should be a happy occasion, and you are apart. Do I understand you to say that Yukio is not going to school at all? Are there no what we would call "public" schools, government sponsored or run schools, in Japan? Or is it just that the private schools are so much better? That poor child, I thought it would be better for him when he went back to Japan, even though he had to be away from you. I am so very very sorry that all of this has not turned out the way you thought it would. It's harder, when we have such high hopes, and then everything goes wrong. You were going to start a new, good life. It turned out kind of different. Please keep your faith, and try to see if God is turning your face away from some things, what is God turning your face TOWARD? I know it sounds easy to say, and I find it hard to do myself. But maybe something else is coming than what you planned.

I love you, Yoriko, my sister, and I will keep praying for you over and over again!! Love, Marji

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manami by manami 12 Aug 2009

Dear Marji, thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers.
If he was not in Japan, he probably was not in this world, Marji, after all the bashing he suffered, he was trying to kill himself, so many times I had to take the knife from him.
Yukio can go to the public school but the uniform set is very expensive there. It is suit for winter time, suit for summer time, gym uniform, 3 pairs of shoes( indoors, outdoors and gym), and school bag. It costs aprox. 100,000yen, USD 1.050. I pray everyday I'm able to make that money so he can go to the school...
At least he says he is better there than he was here.
Love you too, Marji...God bless you.

by sherylac 11 Aug 2009

Hi Yoriko, well congratualtions to Yukio, let him know I said Happy Birthday, also my Dad's as well, he would have been 75 today. Something will come along for you and your digitizing is lovely, keep up the good work,

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manami by manami 12 Aug 2009

Sheryl, thank you so much for your thoughts. I'll call Yukio later tonight and let him know. Love, Yoriko