I can't help, but want to give you a flower and welcome you to cute.
Oh, my, you were so upset you told us twice, hee hee hee. I answered under the other posting, hugs, Marji
Margi--she told us twice, and broke it three times--there's a name for this--compulsive--I hope she gets better soon. It's good that she can talk about it. I'm sure she's on the road to recovery. :)
I stick a reminder on a piece of paper on top of the machine saying "Move machine away from the wall before embroidery", as it is easy to forget that the arm needs room. I have an 11000 and it needs about 8" clearance from the wall. I don't think you will be able to fix this yourself. There is a good repair man in North Herts - Sewing Machine Box in Baldock, Herts, Tel: 01462-620008. www.sewingmachinebox.co.uk
WELCOME ABOARD...sorry to hear about your mishaps. I too have to remember to pull my machine from the wall *2U
good luck hope things will turn out for you and your machine
Sorry to hear about your machine, not having a Janome I dont know. My only helpful tip is that I dont move my machine (I am able to keep it on the table all the time covered up when not in use) Hopefully your friendly dealer wont find you too crazy. I need to get my machine off for a check up soon. Unfortunatly I live a 2 hour journey from my dealer each way.
I know nothing of Janomes but I can sympathize with you. A little advice. When u get it fixed put something like a book or magazine, something soft right there on the wall if u cannot move the machine so when it does hit it no harm will b done. *